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Membership System

Build Status Maintainability Coverage Status

Use cases and system design information is at system spec

API document


bundle                # install gems
rails db:setup        # create db and seed
rails s               # start server in http://localhost:300

# postgres db
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql

Use Docker to build environment

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

docker-compose run web rake db:setup

docker-compose down

# after change Gemfile or Compose file, rebuild it
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose run web bundle install # sync changes to Gemfile.lock

# shell of containers
docker-compose run web sh



Install git hook

To ensure code style and quality, we use rubocop to check style and rspec to test. Install overcommit to install git hook for you.

overcommit --install  # add git hook tool
overcommit --sign     # apply git hook. execute it after changing .overcommit.yml

Before committing, git hook run rubocop. Before pushing, git hook run rspec. Setting file is at .overcommit.yml

Ignore git hook: SKIP=RuboCop git commit

Development flow

Basically follow git flow.

  1. Create a new branch to solve an issue in issues page.
  2. Open a Pull Request. Make sure CI test pass.
  3. After reviewing and approving, merge the Pull Request.


bundle exec rake


heroku login

git remote add heroku
git push heroku master

heroku open
