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File metadata and controls

95 lines (61 loc) · 4.57 KB

Use cases

  • A user can register as a normal user
  • A user can browse products on this website
  • A user can choose to purchase premium membership(can skip payment)
  • A premium member can see products with discount prices
  • A user can be set as admin
  • An admin can create/edit products on this website
  • A product would have product price/name/image(s)

A user can register as a normal user

Every user register successfully is a normal user. A normal user can choose to upgrade to premium user, or be promoted to admin user by owner user (owner of the website/system).

A user can browse products on this website

A normal user can see product name, price and images.

A user can choose to purchase premium membership(can skip payment)

The use case is not clear. Does the purchase flow contain credit card input? Is it one time purchase or a subscription? Maybe it needs to store some information of the transaction. Before knowing more information, I choose just update user membership (from normal to premium) and leave the decision to make later.

A premium member can see products with discount prices

Premium users can not only see product name, price, images, but also discount for them.

A user can be set as admin

A user can be promoted by owner user. There is a admin page let owner user to do this. Path: /admin/users.

An admin can create/edit products on this website

Admin users and owner user can create/edit product information, such as name, price, images. They can do it at /admin/products.

A product would have product price/name/image(s)

In summary, there are four page for current use cases:

  • /sign_in: user sign up, sign in
  • /products: user browse products
  • /admin/users: owner user manage users in website
  • /admin/products: owner/admin user can create/edit products

Database Schema

User roles and permissions

There are four roles of user: normal, premium, admin, owner.

Role normal premium admin owner
view Product V V V V
Product discount X V V V
enter admin pages X X V V
create/edit Product X X V V
promote admin X X X V


  1. 分析 use cases ,先確認需求是否明確清楚,如有模糊的地方則提出來確認
  2. 解決方案分析或調查。確認需求後,有很多方法可以完成,分析其中的利弊,選擇適合的解決方法。如有不熟悉的技術也需先行調查,看看是否可以滿足需求。
  3. 分工,依據手上的資源(如前端後端人力,技術成熟度)來細分工作,開成 issues 方便管理及追蹤。Issue 上有 use case (需求), 建議解決方法,system spec (比如說前後端溝通的 API,routes)。
  4. 開發及測試,領取 issue 並著手進行。程式碼需有 test case,風格也須符合工具的規範。完成後開 PR 過 CI 及 review。
  5. 部署到 staging 伺服器,進行最後測試準備上線。

本專案有採用 Rails 全端(Rails controller/Rails page)及前後端分離(Grape API/React page)的開發方式,旨在呈現靈活應用各種開發方式來完成專案需求。

原本有想要將 product image direct upload 的部分也做成前後端分離,但目前仍有一個未解的 issue on ActiveStorage ,會有 CSRF 問題,暫時保留原本的做法。

Codebase style guide


We separate business logic to many abstraction layers: authentication, validation, authorization, operation, and presentation. Each layer has it responsibility:

  • Authentication: Authenticate user.
  • Validation: Validation request parameters whether fulfill the requirement.
  • Authorization: Validate user authorization to do the operation (read/create/update/delete resource). They are defined in app/policies directory.
  • Operation: Prepare the data (CRUD to resources).
  • Presentation: Transform data format. They are defined in app/apis/entity directory.

For detailed explanation, please see the article API style.


Use react as UI framework. Components are defined in app/assets/javascripts/components. There are two types of components: container and presenter.

  • Container: Hold all the data and API request (like controller in Rails). Naming convention: XXX_container.jsx. They are react components.
  • Presenter: Present data from the container. Usually, they are stateless functional components.