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security.agutil secure

Aaron Graubert edited this page Sep 18, 2018 · 6 revisions


The module provides a command line interface for encrypting and decrypting files.

  • agutil-secure [-h] [-p PASSWORD] [-o OUTPUT] [--py33] [-f] [-v] {encrypt,decrypt} input [input...]

    positional arguments:

    • {encrypt,decrypt}: Sets the mode to either encryption or decryption
    • input: Input file(s) to encrypt or decrypt

    optional arguments:

    • -h, --help: show this help message and exit
    • --version: Display the current version and exit
    • -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD: The password to encrypt or decrypt with. Note: passwords containing (spaces) must be encapsulated with quotations ("")
    • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT: Where to save the encrypted or decrypted file(s). If omitted, agutil-secure will replace the input file(s). If any output files are provided, you must provide the same number of outputs as inputs, by providing the -o argument multiple times
    • --py33: Forces encryption or decryption to use the simplified, 3.3 compatable pbkdf2_hmac
    • -f, --force: Attempts to decrypt the file without verifying the password. Files encrypted with agutil version 1.1.3 and earlier MUST be decrypted with this option
    • -v, --verbose: Display the progress of the operation