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Aaron Graubert edited this page Mar 24, 2017 · 3 revisions


The module includes the SecureServer class, which is similar to the class, but it returns SecureConnection instances instead of Socket instances.

  • SecureServer(port, address='', queue=3, password=None, rsabits=4096, childtimeout=3, childlogger=DummyLog) (constructor) Binds to port and accepts new connections. port, address, and queue work identically to (as the SecureServer uses a SocketServer internally). password, rsabits, childtimeout, and childlogger set the password, rsabits, timeout, and logmethod arguments (respectively) to the SecureConnection constructor for each accepted connection. childlogger defaults to agutil.DummyLog (which does not log anything). childlogger may either be an agutil.Logger class, or a bound method returned by agutil.Logger.bindToSender().

  • SecureServer.accept() Waits for a connection and returns a new SecureConnection

  • SecureServer.close() Closes the underlying SocketServer