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component: build system
component: build system
Bazel, CMake, dependencies, memory checkers, linters
component: continuous integration
component: continuous integration
Jenkins, CDash, mirroring of externals, website infrastructure
component: distribution
component: distribution
Nightly binaries, monthly releases, docker, installation
component: geometry general
component: geometry general
Geometry infrastructure or topics that defy categorization into other geometry components
component: geometry illustration
component: geometry illustration
What and how geometry gets communicated to external visualizers
component: geometry perception
component: geometry perception
How geometry appears in color, depth, and label images (via the RenderEngine API)
component: geometry proximity
component: geometry proximity
Contact, distance, signed distance queries and related properties
component: jupyter
component: jupyter
Topics relevant only when running inside a Python notebook
component: mathematical program
component: mathematical program
Formulating and solving mathematical programs; our autodiff and symbolic libraries
component: messaging
component: messaging
Message-passing infrastructure, i.e., LCM
component: multibody parsing
component: multibody parsing
Loading models into MultibodyPlant
component: multibody plant
component: multibody plant
MultibodyPlant and supporting code
component: planning and control
component: planning and control
Optimization-based planning and control, and search- and sampling-based planning
component: pydrake
component: pydrake
Python API and its supporting Starlark macros
component: simulator
component: simulator
Simulator, integrators, and supporting code
component: softsim fem
component: softsim fem
Deformable body simulation using Finite Element Method (FEM)
component: system framework
component: system framework
System, Context, and supporting code
component: tutorials
component: tutorials
Drake's tutorials, examples, and website content
configuration: bazel
configuration: bazel
configuration: cmake
configuration: cmake
configuration: docker
configuration: docker
configuration: linux
configuration: linux
configuration: mac
configuration: mac
configuration: python
configuration: python
configuration: ros
configuration: ros
good first issue
good first issue
Thinking of contributing? These issues might be a good place to start.
priority: backlog
priority: backlog
priority: emergency
priority: emergency
priority: high
priority: high