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How to Update for Rda API Changes

meliGuzman edited this page May 21, 2024 · 3 revisions

How to Update for RDA API Changes

  1. Reach out to FHIR SME and RDA to research new fields and sample production RDA data in order to identify appropriate FHIR mappings
    1. Create / update Claim / ClaimResponse model structure in confluence
      • New mapping entries in tables
      • Update Claim / ClaimResponse sample JSON responses for FISS / MCS claim types.
  2. Synch RDA API changes
    1. Clone/pull latest changes from RDA API repo
    2. Alternatively, you can download a specific release from the RDA API release page
    3. Copy changes from RDA API proto files to BFD proto files
    4. Update VERSION.txt in BFD repo
  3. Update RDA schema/entity mappings
    1. Diff changes between RDA and BFD proto files
    2. Make changes to appropriate YAML mapping files
      • ALL properties/classes should be captured, even if ultimately not served to end users.
      • New properties get added to existing YAML mapping files
      • New proto files get added as new YAML mapping files
      • Column names in tables generally match corresponding field names in proto file
      • Field names in entities generally match corresponding field names in generated gRPC stub objects
      • Mapping ids in yaml file generally match message name in proto file
      • Entity class names generally match message name with Rda prefix
      • RDA generally encodes dates as strings in YYYY-MM-DD format but we transform to LocalDate
      • Fields marked as optional in proto file are mapped to nullable columns and are stored as null in database when not present in a given API message
      • RDA generally does not send optional fields that would otherwise have empty string values. We store those as null in database
      • RDA generally wraps enum fields in oneof (basically a union) along with a field to contain text value if it did not match an enum value. All oneof fields can actually have no value (i.e. all components are basically optional and protobuf does not require at least one to have a value)
      • Look for similar fields in existing mappings to see how to handle enums and other non-string types
    3. Create migration file for synchronizing schema with mapping changes
    4. Run bfd-db-migrator tests to ensure validity of migration
  4. Update bfd-pipeline-rda-grpc module source code
    1. Update with with new RDA_PROTO_VERSION
    2. Update the Random*ClaimGenerators for local testing with new columns/entities
    3. Update tests with new data fields, for example:
  5. Deploy ETL changes to ALL environments
  6. Update bfd-pipeline-rda-bridge module source code
    1. Identify feasible synthetic CCW data values for corresponding new RDA fields
    2. Update transformer with new field mappings
    3. Update tests with new expectations
      • May need to update the test RIF (csv) files with more/better data for new data fields
  7. Update SBX Synthetic Data
    1. Create new synthetic RDA data using the synthetic CCW data from synthea
      • Synthea release sets are in s3://bfd-public-test-data/data-synthetic/Synthea-Data/ (organized by release date)
      • Directions to run the bridge are in the module
      • Run bridge using next latest sequence number for FISS & MCS
    2. Push new synthetic RDA data to SBX S3 bucket
      • Synthetic RDA messages for PROD-SBX get gzipped and copied to s3://bfd-prod-sbx-etl-577373831711/rda_api_messages/
  8. Update BlueButton Static Site
    • This step can be done in parallel with FHIR update in step 9, as long as this step goes live first
    • Clone the BB static site repo
    • Open the RDA API Data dictionary and export/download tab B) Data Dictionary to a CSV file
    • Replace the file _data/rda_api_data_dictionary.csv in BB static site repo with the exported CSV file. (Be sure to keep the name rda_api_data_dictionary.csv as the plugin requires it)
    • Test the static site locally to verify new variables can be loaded in browser
    • If variables don't load or site won't start a change might be needed to _plugins/rda_api_variables.rb
    • Check in change and push
    • Create PR in BB static site repo and request approval
    • Coordinate deployment with BB2
  9. Update FHIR API with new FHIR mappings
    1. Add any new coding required coding systems
      • Try to use existing systems where possible and where it enforces consistency
      • PAC specific systems for FISS/MCS go in BBCodingSystems
    2. Update IT endpoint responses to reflect new expectations
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