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How to Load Cloudwatch Historical Data

Brandon Cruz edited this page Oct 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

How to Load Cloudwatch Historical Data

Follow this runbook to load historical production access log data into BFD insights.

There are three Glue tables that are referenced in this runbook:

  • export table - a table that is built on top of the raw export data from Cloudwatch
  • staging table - a non-partitioned table that has the desired column structure and can be loaded from the export table efficiently
  • target table - the partitioned table that is the final destination for the data (should already exist via terraform)

This runbook should be executed after the Kinesis Firehose has started to populate data into the target table.

Export the data from Cloudwatch

  1. Review the exports that are available already in the export location: s3://bfd-insights-bfd-app-logs/export/prod/ to see if the needed data has been exported previously. New exports should be contiguous and non-overlapping with existing exports. Start and end timestamps should be selected to run from the first day of a month at 00:00:00 UTC until the first day of a subsequent month at 00:00:00 UTC (exporting more than one month at a time is advisable). Removing an existing export in favor of exporting that data again with a later end date is an acceptable way to keep the number of exports manageable. The last export chronologically should have a small overlap of 12 hours with the data that is populated with Firehose. This overlap will be accounted for when populating the staging table.
  2. Navigate to Cloudwatch in the AWS console.
  3. Select Log Groups
  4. Select /bfd/prod/bfd-server/access.json
  5. Select Actions -> Export Data to Amazon S3
  6. Choose the time period
  7. Select Account: This Account
  8. S3 Bucket Name: bfd-insights-bfd-app-logs
  9. S3 Bucket Prefix: export/prod/YYYY_(MM-MM) (For example, export/prod/2022_(01-06) for the data that spans from 2022-01-01 00:00:00 through 2022-07-01 00:00:00)
  10. Run the job. Production exports can take up to an hour per month depending on the activity level that month.
  11. When the job completes, remove the aws-logs-write-test subfolder that AWS creates for internal testing.

Create/Update the Glue export table

  1. From the AWS Glue console, select Crawlers
  2. Select the bfd_cw_export crawler (this crawler is in terraform and should already exist)
  3. Select Run
  4. Verify that the table has the expected data by inspecting the results of this query that retrieves the number of records per month and ensuring that the newly exported data is represented:
select date_format(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp"), '%Y-%m'), count(*)
group by 1
order by 1

Determine the column list for the staging table

  1. The column list for the staging table should be identical in names, data types, and ordering to the target table after removing the year and month partition columns. The column definition for the target table can be retrieved by navigating to the table in the AWS Glue console, selecting Actions and then View properties which makes a JSON schema for the table available which includes the ordered list of columns. The column names can be extracted from this file and should resemble the list below. Only include the column names from the Columns array -- do not include PartitionKeys.

    Sample output:

    ... <over 200 additional mdc columns>
  2. The column list for the staging table is constructed from the output from step 2 adding the column type (all columns are of string type).

   cw_timestamp string,
   cw_id string,
   timestamp string,
   level string,
   thread string,
   logger string,
   message string,
   context string,
   mdc_bene_id string,
   mdc_database_query_bene_by_coverage_batch string,
   ... <all other mdc columns in order>

Create a non-partitioned Parquet Glue table to serve as the staging table

   cw_timestamp string, -- Cloudwatch timestamp
   cw_id string,        -- Cloudwatch ID, set to null for historical loads
   timestamp string,    -- BFD timestamp
   level string,        -- Fields from BFD JSON from here on down
   thread string,
   logger string,
   message string,
   context string,
   mdc_bene_id string,
   mdc_database_query_bene_by_coverage_batch string,
   ... <all other mdc columns in order>
) STORED AS parquet
LOCATION 's3://bfd-insights-bfd-<account-id>/databases/bfd_cw_export/prod_staging/'

Load the staging table from the export table

The staging table must be loaded in batches of no more than ~300 million records to avoid hitting the 30 minute Athena timeout. This is accomplished by running the following statement with different where clauses in the with clause that load a portion of the data each time. Note that in order to avoid duplication with the running firehose, the most recent export should have a small overlap with the firehose data and include a where clause that performs de-duplication against the target table. The where clauses for the initial load are included below, commented out, with the elapsed time to load as a comment.

insert into prod_staging
with dataset as (
   timestamp as "cw_timestamp",
   null as "cw_id",
   json_extract_scalar(message,'$.timestamp') as "timestamp",
   json_extract_scalar(message,'$.level') as "level",
   json_extract_scalar(message,'$.thread') as "thread",
   json_extract_scalar(message,'$.logger') as "logger",
   json_extract_scalar(message,'$.message') as "message",
   json_extract_scalar(message,'$.context') as "context",
   transform_keys(cast(json_extract(message, '$.mdc') as MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR)), (k, v) -> replace(lower(k), '.', '_')) as stuff
from prod
   --where partition_0 = '2019_(01-12)'                      --  3m30s, 5.84GB
   --where partition_0 = '2020_(01-12)'                      --  9m13s, 32.58GB
   --where partition_0 = '2021_(01-06)'                      -- 14m14s, 54.34GB
   --where partition_0 = '2021_(07-12)'                      --  7m40s, 28.03GB
   --where partition_0 = '2022_(01-05)'                      -- 13m21s, 52.49GB
   --where partition_0 = '2022_(06-0903)'
   --and month(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) <= 6   --  9m20s, 92.13GB
   --where partition_0 = '2022_(06-0903)'
   --and month(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) in (7,8) -- 16m05s, 92.13GB
   where partition_0 = '2022_(06-0903)'                      --  4m08s, 92.46GB
   and month(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) >= 9
   and json_extract_scalar(message,'$.mdc["http_access_response_header_X-Request-ID"]') not in (
         select "mdc_http_access_response_header_x-request-id"
         from "bfd-insights-bfd-prod".bfd_insights_bfd_prod_api_requests
) select
   stuff['bene_id'] as "bene_id",
   stuff['database_query_bene_by_coverage_batch'] as "database_query_bene_by_coverage_batch",
   ... <repeat for all mdc columns in order since this is positional>
   from dataset

Load the target table from the staging table

  1. The target table definition resides in terraform and should match the staging table columns and ordering with the one difference being that the staging table does not include the year and month partition columns. Verify that the table structure is the same if not done already.

  2. Similar to the loading of the staging table, this must be done in batches to avoid the Athena 30 minute timeout. The batches here can be larger than for the staging table but ~500 million is the limit.

    insert into "bfd_insights_bfd_prod_api_requests" 
       ... <all mdc columns here>
       date_format(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp"), '%Y') as "year",
       date_format(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp"), '%m') as "month"
    from bfd_cw_export.api_requests_no_partitions
    --where year(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) = 2019
    --where year(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) = 2020
    --where year(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) = 2021
    --where year(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) = 2022
       --and month(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) < 8
    where year(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) = 2022
       and month(from_iso8601_timestamp("timestamp")) = 8

Verify the load

  1. Select a sample of the data and inspect the most important columns: timestamp, mdc_bene_id, mdc_http* to ensure that the columns are populated sensibly. Note that many of the other columns are only sparsely populated.

    select *
    from bfd_insights_bfd_prod_api_requests
    limit 100;
  2. Compare the count of records by month between the export table and the target table. The counts for each month should match (accounting for any data in the target table that was loaded independently by firehose).

    -- Retrieve count of records by month for the target table
    select date_format(from_iso8601_timestamp(timestamp), '%Y-%m'), count(*)
    from bfd_insights_bfd_prod_api_requests
    group by 1
    order by 1
    -- Retrieve count of records by month for the export table
    select date_format(from_iso8601_timestamp(timestamp), '%Y-%m'), count(*)
    group by 1
    order by 1


The following query was used to extract the canonical ordered list of JSON MDC keys from the Cloudwatch exports to define the initial table schema for the export table.

with dataset AS (
   select map_keys(cast(json_extract(message, '$.mdc') as MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR))) as things
select distinct concat('mdc_', replace(lower(name), '.', '_')) as column_name from dataset
cross join unnest(things) as t(name)
order by column_name;
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