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How to create a typical usage guide

Lloyd Brookes edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 2 revisions

A fairly typical usage guide with three sections - description, option list and footer.


const commandLineUsage = require('command-line-usage')

const usage = commandLineUsage([
    header: 'A typical app',
    content: 'Generates something {italic very} important. This is a rather long, but ultimately inconsequential description intended solely to demonstrate description appearance. '
    header: 'Options',
    optionList: [
        name: 'help',
        description: 'Display this usage guide.',
        alias: 'h',
        type: Boolean
        name: 'src',
        description: 'The input files to process. This is some additional text existing solely to demonstrate word-wrapping, nothing more, nothing less. And nothing in between.',
        type: String,
        multiple: true,
        defaultOption: true,
        typeLabel: '{underline file} ...'
        name: 'timeout',
        description: 'Timeout value in ms.',
        alias: 't',
        type: Number,
        typeLabel: '{underline ms}'
    content: 'Project home: {underline}'


