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Zumasys Documentation

Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD

This is a VuePress documentation application that leverages GitHub as the repository of documentation. The repository is currently hosted in the Zumasys GitHub and the app is available at Zumasys Docs. The documentation was created by way of HelpJuice-to-Markdown. Search functionality is provided by Algolia DocSearch which crawls the documentation every 24 hours for updating and indexing. The application itself is built and deployed as a static site hosted on Azure Storage via a GitHub action.

Directory structure

├── site
│   ├── .vuepress
│   │   ├── components
│   │   ├── dist
│   │   ├── public
│   │   ├── styles
│   │   │   ├── index.styl
│   │   │   └── palette.styl
│   │   ├── theme
│   │   │   ├── components
│   │   │   ├── layouts
│   │   │   └── index.js
│   │   ├── config.js
│   │   ├── enchaneApp.js
│   ├── accuterm (AccuTerm documentation lives here)
│   ├── customer-portal (Customer Portal documentation lives here)
│   ├── jbase (jBASE documentation lives here)
│   ├── mv-connect (MV Connect documentation lives here)
│   ├── mv-dashboard (MV Dashboard documentation lives here)
│   ├── (The home page of the docs)
│   └── package.json
└── (You are here!)

Development Steps

To run the application locally:

You will need to have Node.js & npm installed. You'll also need Git.

  1. git clone

  2. cd docs (or whatever name you used for your git clone)

  3. cd site

  4. npm install (Not necessary on subsequent builds)

  5. To enable all features you'll need to set up environment variables. Create .env (for production) and .env.development (for development) files in the site folder. Use the .env.skel file as your baseline (for both production and development).

    • In order to configure Search with the Algolia DocSearch you'll need to add the appropriate credentials.

    cd site && code .env

    # Environment Variables
    • Optionally, if you want the Vssue plugin to work you'll have to populate the following .env variables in the file from step 5.

    cd site && code .env

    # Environment Variables
  6. npm run dev

  7. When compilation completes you should see the following message

    success [12:25:41] Build 59cc58 finished in 75022 ms!
    VuePress dev server listening at http://localhost:8080/

  8. Open localhost:8080 in your browser.

TODO - Contributor Guidelines

TODO - Community Guidelines

TODO - Contributors

. The entire Zumasys Team . Andy Takacs (@andytakacs) . Mike Wright (@itsxallwater) . Ryan Medina (@ryannmedina) . Peter Falson (@pfalson) . Mike Street (@mikes-zum) . Pete Schellenbach (@pschellenbach) . Daniel Klein (@danielkleinad) . Patrick Payne (@patrickp)

Todo List

  • Add check-md plugin (to check for dead links in Markdown)
  • Add flowchart plugin (to define flowcharts in docs)
  • Add export plugin (to allow for export of all docs to PDF)
  • May also need autometa plugin
  • Add img lazy plugin (to add lazy loading for images)
  • Add back to top plugin (for automatic back-to-top links)
  • Add PWA
  • Check out more on awesome-vuepress
  • Convert TODOs to GitHub Issues
  • Add jBASE Basic, Jabba to Prism
  • Clean up brand consistency (e.g. 'AccuTerm' vs 'Accuterm')
  • Clean up marketing website links to docs
  • Update 404 page to have featured content
  • More config
  • More theme config
  • More customization
  • Add sitemap plugin (to allow for auto creation of sitemap.xml file)
  • Add sidebar links matching docs directory structure
  • Clean up directory structure under the Zumasys folder (i.e. AccuTerm folder -> Mobile and Web)
  • Clean up root directory (move docs project into sub-dir)
  • Pull images from HelpJuice into static assets of this project and update links
  • Add Vssue plugin for comments
  • Add breadcrumbs/navigation trail to docs layout (not seeing a plugin or config for this so we'll do it in Vue)
  • Add Google Analytics plugin or the minimal version
  • Add Git Log plugin (to add Git data to $page object)
  • Add Algolia Search plugin (more docs)
  • Add nprogress plugin (to show global page loading bar)
  • Add reading progress plugin (to show reading progress of a document)
  • Add TypeScript plugin (to allow use of TypeScript in VuePress .vue files)
  • Add SEO plugin (for automatic SEO meta tag generation)
  • Add reading time plugin (to show etsimated reading time for an article)
  • Add social share plugin (to activate social network share icons)
  • Add code copy plugin (to allow for click-to-copy of source code)
  • Add redirects from old HelpJuice docs to point to new docs (to preserve SEO and avoid link rot)
  • Add Table of Contents
  • Add Clean URLs plugin (may not be necessary with current directory/ structure)