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Zend Server Deployment Helper

Zend Server Deployment Helper (DepH) is a Zend Framework 2 based set of classes which supports in creating reliable hook scripts of Zend Server Deployment feature.

More information about Zend Server Deployment can be found on or on YouTube.

Full documentation is avaliable here.

Deployment allows to customize the process by hook script which are implemented in PHP. The following is a list of examples for operations that may be defined in each hook script:

  • Pre-stage - Validate and applying user customized parameter values, verify the existence of generic prerequisites, etc.
  • Post-stage - Create a new database schema, modify a file or directory permissions on staged source files, etc.
  • Pre-activate - Upgrade an existing database schema, etc.
  • Post-activate - Remove a temporary banner ("Down for Maintenance"), reset a cache, etc.
  • Pre-rollback - Return configuration files or the database to their previous version, etc.
  • Post-rollback - Take the site out of maintenance mode, return the load balancer settings, etc.
  • Pre-deactivate - Put up a banner ("Down for Maintenance") for the previous version, etc.
  • Post-deactivate - Modify external configuration files, etc.
  • Pre-unstage - Back up specific applications files such as audit logs and other data files, etc.
  • Post-unstage - Clean up external files referencing the application (which are no longer needed), etc.

When implementing deployment packages one quickly notice that some basic functionality like logging or DB import would be helpful.

The ZPK package of the Zend Server Deployment Helper can be found in the release section. The ZPK file can be deployed as a library prior to the app deployment on a Zend Server system.



Enabled logging automatically creates an app-name based log file in /usr/local/zend/var/log . It extends basic ZF2 Logging, so methods are the same as described in ZF2 documentation. For convenience log messages can be outputted additionally to the Zend Server UI in case of a deployment error. Full Verbose can be enabled - every steps which is executed is written to log file. Useful in case no debugger is available.


Some basic functionality which is mainly used internally. Retrieves the action step and script name. Deployment can also be terminated manually.


Zend Server Deployment sets some deployment hook script constant which can be accesed as environment variables. Besides user constants can be defined. Deph throws an exception if any constant is accessed if empty, not available or invaild (e.g. not all constants are available in each step of deployment)


Retrieves general paths which can be useful during deployment, like tmp dir, vhost dir, and application installation dir. Also returns whether app is installed as default app.


So far, only shell commands are executed. Executed command and result are logged.


So far only a template mechanism is impolemented. Takes a template file, optionally substitues values and write the file to a given path. DryRun is also available.


Allows to start a debug session if Zend Debugger is enabled (default in Zend Server)


MySQL dumps can be imported easily. At the moment a MySQL client has to be installed on the server in order to use this feature. DB credentials can be taken automatically from Zend Server user constants if set in the following format: DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE, DB_HOSTNAME


Directory Zx and deph.php have to placed in the same directory as the hook script, so of course they have to be included in the deployment package.



require_once 'deph.php';
$deph = new DepH();

In case of verbose logging initialization should look like this

require_once 'deph.php';
$deph = new DepH();


// init ...
$log = $deph->get('log');
$log->info('My message');

Syntax Highlighting available

// init ...
$log = $deph->startLog();


// init ...
$log = $deph->startGuiLog();

Full verbose:

// init ...


// init ...


// init ...
$deployment = $deph->get('Deployment');
// or for Sytax Highlighting
$deployment = $deph->getDeployment();
echo $deployment->getCurrentAction();
echo $deployment->getCurrentActionScript();
if ($deployment->isPreStageAction()) {};
// ...
if ($deployment->isUpdate()) {};
$deployment->terminate('Because we have a good reason...');


// init ...
$params = $deph->get('ZSParams');
// or for Sytax Highlighting
$params = $deph->getParams();
echo $params->getApplicationBaseDir();
echo $params->getCurrentAppVersion();
echo $params->getPhpVersion();
echo $params->getPreviousAppVersion();
echo $params->getPreviousApplicationBaseDir();
echo $params->getRunOnceNode();
echo $params->getWebserverGid();
echo $params->getWebserverType();
echo $params->getWebserverUid();
echo $params->getWebserverVersion();
echo $params->getBaseUrl();
// User Params
echo $params->get('MyParam');
// or 
echo $params->get('ZS_MyParam'); // All env vars are prefixed with 'ZS_'


// init ...
$path = $deph->get('Path');
// or for Sytax Highlighting
$path = $deph->getPath();
echo $path->getVirtualHostFile();
if ($path->isDefaultSite()) {};
echo $path->getDeployTempFolder();
echo $path->getUrlPath();


// init ...
$shell = $deph->get('Shell');
// or for Sytax Highlighting
$shell = $deph->getShell();
echo $shell->exec('ls -la /tmp');


// init ...
$template = $deph->get('Template');
// or for Sytax Highlighting
$template = $deph->getTemplate();
$template->write('tpl/test.txt', '/tmp/test.txt', array('abc', 'xyz'), array(123, 456));
$content = $template->dryRun('tpl/test.txt', '/tmp/test2.txt', array('abc', 'xyz'), array(123, 456));


// init ...
$debugger = $deph->get('ZendDebugger');
// or for Sytax Highlighting
$debugger = $deph->getDebugger();

After a debug session has been started, the script terminates and is restarted in debug mode.


// init ...
$db = $deph->get('DB');
// or for Sytax Highlighting
$db = $deph->getDb();
// no credntials are necessary, taken from User Constants 
$db->importCl('tpl/mydatabase.sql', array('#value1#', '#value2#'), array('abc', 'xyz'));

Please note that MySQL client has to be installed.