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This project is a result of the University Academic Plan Goal: "To adopt user experience and design thinking approaches to reinvent library programs and services that ensure flexible and responsive ways of meeting our diverse community’s needs and demonstrate commitment to evidence-based assessment."

Purpose: Ability to manage and streamline the process of teaching requests from Faculty to library, coordination with SLAS department and gather metrics on library teaching services and resources.

Start developing

git clone
cd classrequests
docker compose up --build

There are 3 containers created: web, db and mailcatcher

Access the front end web app

By default, the application will listen on port 3009 and runs with RAILS_ENV=development.

To access the application in Chrome browser, you will need to add the ModHeader extension to your Chrome browser.

Header: PYORK_USER Value: admin (or manager or whatever user you want to mimic)

For convenience, you can import the ModHeader profile from the included ModHeader_admin.json.

Now you can login as if you have been authenticated by PY.


Access mailcatcher web app


What if I want to use a different port?

If you wish to use a different port, you can set the PORT environment or change PORT in .env file.

PORT=4005 docker compose up --build

Run tests

Start the containers if you haven't started them yet.

docker compose up --build

Run all the tests

docker compose exec web rt 

Run system tests

docker compose exec web rts

Run a specific test

docker compose exec web rt TEST=test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb

Access chrome-server

You can access the chrome-server to see the system tests while they are running. The password is: secret


Access the containers

DB container

docker compose exec db bash

Webapp container

docker compose exec web bash

Load the courses

docker compose exec web bash
rails courses:init