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Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.9.0 #3179

Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.9.0

Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7.9.0 #3179

Triggered via pull request May 13, 2024 20:36
Status Success
Total duration 5m 12s


on: pull_request
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11 warnings
build (22)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: GuillaumeFalourd/setup-windows10-sdk-action@v1.12. For more information see:
build (22): src/fileUtils.ts#L3
'os' is defined but never used
build (22): src/notifier.ts#L10
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
build (22): src/notifier.ts#L11
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
build (22): src/notifier.ts#L49
Use "@ts-expect-error" instead of "@ts-ignore", as "@ts-ignore" will do nothing if the following line is error-free
build (22): src/parsers/ktuvit/ktuvitParser.ts#L32
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
build (22): src/parsers/ktuvit/ktuvitParser.ts#L33
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
build (22): src/parsers/ktuvit/ktuvitParser.ts#L35
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
build (22): src/parsers/ktuvit/ktuvitParser.ts#L38
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
build (22): src/parsers/ktuvit/ktuvitParser.ts#L39
Unexpected any. Specify a different type
build (22): src/parsers/ktuvit/ktuvitParser.ts#L216
Unexpected any. Specify a different type