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Fast auto completion server.


This auto-complete service suggests relevant sentences completions based on a few characters or words entered by a user. The service is fast and can be queried every time the user enters a new keystroke. The auto-completion model is trained on a corpus of conversations.

Data & Notebook

The corpus of conversation contains 16,508 sentences written by customer service representatives. This notebook quickly explores the dataset and attempts to build a small language model prototype.


auto-complete-server is made of 3 main components:

  • A language model. Based on a corpus of sentences, the language model will assign probabilities to sequences of words. This component will ensure that the completions returned by the server are meaningful and relevant for the end-user. In the current version, a very dummy language model is implemented. It is character based and will return the most likely full sentence completion based on sentences frequencies in the corpus. It doesn't use smoothing, backoff or interpolation, or a word based n-gram model. It relies on nltk tokenizer to split sentences, and uses pandas to manipulate corpus data.

  • The AutoCompleteModel object, which is currently implemented under the MostPopularCompletionModel class. This object will use the probabilities (or counts) generated by the language model and store them in an efficient data structure that will enable fast completion queries through the generate_completions method. It relies on a trie data structure implemented by datrie library, which is fast and memory efficient. Currently, MostPopularCompletionModel couples both the language model and the completion component.

  • The Tornado web server. Tornado web framework is fast and non-blocking on network I/O. It is lightweight and therefore adapted to to our needs for the auto-complete micro service. It exposes the generate_completions function of the AutoCompleteModel object through a REST API. The completions are returned on an HTTP GET request on the the autocomplete resource. The completions are returned in JSON.

Getting started


  • Python 3.6
  • Pip
  • Git


git clone
cd auto-complete-server
python -m setup install

Process the sample corpus

$ ./ data/sample_conversations.json models/sample_conversations.trie
09-24 19:41:04  INFO     Start reading corpus from data/sample_conversations.json
09-24 19:41:04  INFO     Finished reading corpus.
09-24 19:41:04  INFO     Start split messages into sentences...
09-24 19:42:06  INFO     Finished split messages into sentences.
09-24 19:42:06  INFO     Start inserting into trie...
09-24 19:42:07  INFO     Finished inserting into trie.
09-24 19:42:07  INFO     Saving trie to models/sample_conversations.trie

Run the web server

$ python -m --trie-file=models/sample_conversations.trie --port=13000
[I 180924 19:45:24 mpc:28] Loading trie from models/sample_conversations.trie
[I 180924 19:45:24 app:55] Web server listening on 13000

Request completions

The auto-complete service can be queried either directly on its REST API, available at /autocomplete?q=prefix:

$ curl
{"completions": ["How does that sound?", "How may I help you today?", "How may I help you?"]}

Or a simplified client page can also be used by accessing the root of the host:port used (e.g. The client will take as an input the REST API address, and will suggest completions for any text entered in a text box. Request timings are also displayed for information.

Docker container

Build image

The Docker image can be built with the following command.

docker build -t auto-complete-server .

Auto build

Docker images are automatically built and stored on every push on Docker Hub.

Pull and run

The Docker image corresponding to latest commit on master can be pulled and run easily. The following will download the image and start the web server on port 80.

docker pull nouri/auto-complete-server:latest
docker run -p 80:13000 nouri/auto-complete-server:latest

Web server performance

Deployment steps

  1. Deploy an AWS EC2 instance:
  • t2.medium
  • Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 AMI
  • Open port 13000 in security group
  1. Install Docker
  2. Pull most recent auto-complete-server image: docker pull nouri/auto-complete-server:latest
  3. Run Docker container: docker run -p 13000:13000 nouri/auto-complete-server:latest

Load test

The following load test is run a local New York based laptop and sends requests to the auto-complete server hosted on a us-east AWS instance. Docker image ID used is e89150f7061b. Node based loadtest utility is used to send a high number of requests with different concurrency settings.


The average response time is a decent 50ms, without any errors.

$ loadtest -n 1000 -c 1

Completed requests:  1000
Total errors:        0
Total time:          53.15666733 s
Requests per second: 19
Mean latency:        53.1 ms


A single Tornado process can handle a charge 100x bigger without any errors. The mean latency more than doubles to 120ms.

$ loadtest -n 100000 -c 100

Completed requests:  100000
Total errors:        0
Total time:          119.900251101 s
Requests per second: 834
Mean latency:        119.7 ms


With a concurrency of 500, the error rate surges to almost 10% of requests. The mean latency increases to an un-acceptable 600ms. The number of successful requests per second still hovers around 800. This seems to be the maximum that our current implementation can handle. To increase performance further, a load balancer could be introduced to distribute requests to several Tornado processes (potentially hosted on different VMs).

$ loadtest -n 50000 -c 500

Completed requests:  50000
Total errors:        4760
Total time:          60.870930902 s
Requests per second: 821
Mean latency:        584.3 ms


The following points could be considered for next steps / improvements.

Language model

  • Add an Interpolated Kneser-Ney language model as an alternative backend to the auto-complete. KenLM, SRILM, or very recent NLTK.LM module could be considered for this. Implement serialization/deserialization
  • Add a neural language model
  • Compare quality of different models
  • Split real corpus in a training and test set. Measure perplexity / cross-entropy scores of our language model on the test set.
  • Implement pruning of low-probability scores to keep the dimensionality low.
  • Decouple language model & completion function
  • Language model results could be stored using an intermediary ARPA format (e.g. using Python arpa package) The trie data structure would then be built from this language model arpa file.


  • Set up a Sphinx / readthedoc documentation.

Web service scaling

  • Test scaling of the auto-complete server. What load / requests per second / concurrency requires introducing load balancing?
  • Add nginx as a reverse proxy and load balancer for several auto-complete services, that could use different CPU cores of the same VM and also different VMs.
  • Look into scaling solutions using Kubernetes for easy cloud deployment.

Test automation

  • Automate performance tests. Perf tests could for example be compared by using a dedicated server (therefore physical hardware at constant load).
  • Add a heavier test that builds an auto-complete model based on the full sample corpus (and not just on the “unit test” corpus). Exclude this test from pytest defaults, include it only in the CI



Fast auto completion server






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