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0. What is this?

This is the instruction to make your Windows Terminal look cool.

There are lots of articles on this topic already. However, I couldn't find anything that covers how to set up:

  1. Windows PowerShell
  2. Git Bash
  3. CMD Command Line
  4. WSL Ubuntu
  5. VS Code Terminal

All in one place. So, I have decided to put all my findings together and make it convenient those who need it.

Screenshot to show that it works with PowerShell, git bash, cmd, WSL: demo Screenshot to show that it works on VS Code as well: demo

So are you ready?

1. Windows Terminal

Download and install Windows Terminal if you don't have it.

Create a Terminal shortcut with escalated Administrator rights.

Firstly, on your desktop, right click to bring up the menu and choose create shortcut

Properties->Shortcut tab->Target as:


Properties->Shortcut tab->Start in:


Properties->Shortcut tab->Change Icon:

find .ico in \images assets and copy it to your folder below:

%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\terminal.ico (WindowsTerminal_{appid} may vary according to your computer)

Properties->Shortcut tab->Advanced:

check 'Run as Administrator'

Right-click the shortcut on your desktop and choose 'Pin it to taskbar'

Now, run the Windows Terminal shortcut and see it work.

Open Windows Terminal settings by clicking the gear button from the drop-down menu, then click the left bottom gear button to open your settings.json file.

Copy & paste this code into it:

(Replace my defaultProfile and guids with yours in your settings file)

        "$help": "",
        "$schema": "",
                    "action": "copy",
                    "singleLine": false
                "keys": "ctrl+c"
                "command": "paste",
                "keys": "ctrl+v"
                "command": "find",
                "keys": "ctrl+shift+f"
                    "action": "splitPane",
                    "split": "auto",
                    "splitMode": "duplicate"
                "keys": "alt+shift+d"
        "copyFormatting": "none",
        "copyOnSelect": true,
        "defaultProfile": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
        "focusFollowMouse": true,
        "initialRows": 30,
                "background": "#15212c",
                "backgroundImage": "ms-appdata:///local/lime-os-M.png",
                "backgroundImageAlignment": "topRight",
                "backgroundImageStretchMode": "none",
                "colorScheme": "Lime",
                "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
                "cursorShape": "bar",
                    "face": "3270Medium Nerd Font",
                    "size": 12
                "hidden": false,
                "historySize": 9001,
                "opacity": 72,
                "padding": "0, 0, 0, 0",
                "snapOnInput": true,
                "startingDirectory": "%USERPROFILE%",
                "useAcrylic": false
                    "closeOnExit": "graceful",
                    "commandline": "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\cmd.exe",
                    "guid": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
                    "name": "Command Prompt"
                    "closeOnExit": "graceful",
                    "guid": "{2ece5bfe-50ed-5f3a-ab87-5cd4baafed2b}",
                    "hidden": false,
                    "name": "Git Bash",
                    "source": "Git"
                    "closeOnExit": "graceful",
                    "guid": "{2c4de342-38b7-51cf-b940-2309a097f518}",
                    "hidden": false,
                    "name": "Ubuntu",
                    "source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl"
                    "closeOnExit": "graceful",
                    "guid": "{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}",
                    "hidden": false,
                    "name": "PowerShell",
                    "source": "Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore"
                    "closeOnExit": "never",
                    "guid": "{b453ae62-4e3d-5e58-b989-0a998ec441b8}",
                    "hidden": false,
                    "name": "Azure Cloud Shell",
                    "source": "Windows.Terminal.Azure"
                    "guid": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
                    "hidden": true,
                    "name": "Windows PowerShell"
                "background": "#1A1A1A",
                "black": "#000000",
                "blue": "#579BD5",
                "brightBlack": "#797979",
                "brightBlue": "#9CDCFE",
                "brightCyan": "#2BC4E2",
                "brightGreen": "#1AD69C",
                "brightPurple": "#975EAB",
                "brightRed": "#f7cbd6",
                "brightWhite": "#EAEAEA",
                "brightYellow": "#e9e0b0",
                "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
                "cyan": "#00B6D6",
                "foreground": "#E8F4FF",
                "green": "#4EC9B0",
                "name": "Lime",
                "purple": "#b99dd1",
                "red": "#ee959d",
                "selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
                "white": "#EAEAEA",
                "yellow": "#eee094"
        "trimBlockSelection": true,
        "useAcrylicInTabRow": false,
        "windowingBehavior": "useAnyExisting"

2. Fonts

I have chosen these 2 fonts to work with, let's install them:

Download and install 3270 Nerd Font (for Windows Terminal)

Download and install MesloLGM Nerd Font (for Visual Studio Terminal)

3. Background image

Put the png and ico files into the same folder as the setttings.json in:


You can get my half transparent logo or use your own picture. Note that you may want to adjust the picture positioning in:

settings.json -> backgroundImageAlignment.

4. oh-my-posh

Take a loot at oh-my-posh from and see what it is.

open PowerShell to install it by typing:

winget install oh-my-posh

Make sure your Windows environment variable is pointing to:

Path -> %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Programs\oh-my-posh\bin

Restart PowerShell and check that it is working by typing:


(You may need to restart the terminal, or restart the pc for it to take effect)

You can pick your own default theme from

Or in this case I have created a custom theme file in %userprofile%/.oh-my-posh-theme.omp.json

    "$schema": "",

    "blocks": [{
            "alignment": "left",
            "segments": [{
                    "type": "text",
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "background": "#cc3802",
                    "template": "{{ if .Env.PNPPSHOST }} \uf8c5 {{ .Env.PNPPSHOST }} {{ end }}"
                    "type": "text",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "background": "#047e84",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "template": "{{ if .Env.PNPPSSITE }} \uf672 {{ .Env.PNPPSSITE }}{{ end }}"
                    "type": "text",
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "background": "#047e84",
                    "template": "{{ if .Env.PNPPSSITE }}\u00A0{{ end }}"
            "type": "rprompt"
            "alignment": "left",
            "segments": [{
                    "background": "#9A348E",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "template": "{{ .UserName }} ",
                    "type": "session"
                    "background": "#DA627D",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "properties": {
                        "style": "folder"
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "template": " {{ .Path }} ",
                    "type": "path"
                    "background": "#FCA17D",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "properties": {
                        "branch_icon": "",
                        "fetch_stash_count": true,
                        "fetch_status": false,
                        "fetch_upstream_icon": true
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "template": " \u279c ({{ .UpstreamIcon }}{{ .HEAD }}{{ if gt .StashCount 0 }} \uf692 {{ .StashCount }}{{ end }}) ",
                    "type": "git"
                    "background": "#86BBD8",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "powerline_symbol": "\ue0b0",
                    "style": "powerline",
                    "template": " \ue718 {{ if .PackageManagerIcon }}{{ .PackageManagerIcon }} {{ end }}{{ .Full }} ",
                    "type": "node"
                    "background": "#33658A",
                    "foreground": "#ffffff",
                    "properties": {
                        "time_format": "15:04"
                    "style": "diamond",
                    "template": " \u2665 {{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }} ",
                    "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b0",
                    "type": "time"
            "type": "prompt"
    "final_space": true,
    "version": 2

Restart Windows Terminal to see it take effect.

5. PowerShell

Download the latest powerShell and install it from

Install the following plugins:

#Terminal-Icons: displays colour folder & file icons.

#PSReadLine: gives you intellisense when you type. They are available in PowerShell only, not cmd or git bash.

to install in powerShell type:

Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons Press A or Y

Install-Module -Name PSReadLine (use -Force if needed) Press A or Y

Now in PowerShell test the profile .sp1 file location by typing:


Create the file if does not exist /Documents/PowerShell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 and write this into the file:

    oh-my-posh init pwsh --config .oh-my-posh-theme.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
    Import-Module -Name Terminal-Icons 
    Import-Module -Name PSReadLine 
    Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource History
    Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView
    Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Windows

Restart Windows Terminal to see it take effect.

6. Configure Git Bash & VS Code

First, you can update git in cmd:

git update-git-for-windows

turn on git bash and check:

oh-my-posh (to see it actually working)

echo $HOME (it should be the same as your cmd & powershell home directory)

Go to the home directory %userprofile% then edit or create the .bashrc file:

    eval "$(oh-my-posh --init --shell bash --config .oh-my-posh-theme.omp.json)"

Restart Windows Terminal to see it take effect.

Now, once the git bash works, your VS Code integrated terminal should also be working. You can open VS code terminal to test it.

As mentioned above, a Nerd Font is needed for VS Code if you have not already done it.

Go to VS Code, settings search for terminal.integrated.fontFamily and set the font and size there. I have chosen:

MesloLGM Nerd Font and font size 10.

(If you have newly installed the font make sure you restart VS to take effect)

7. Configure cmd

Get Lua from

Download the bin package with the exe & dll files. No need to install it, just extra all files to the following folder and add Windows system variables:

path -> add c:/Program Files/lua

(Make sure system variables works by typing lua54.exe in a terminal, you may need to restart the cmd, or restart the pc)

Also get Clink from

Once you have installed it, you will go to the following folder:


Create cmd-oh-my-posh.lua file in the folder:

    local custom_prompt = clink.promptfilter(50)
    function custom_prompt:filter(prompt)
        load(io.popen('oh-my-posh init cmd --config .oh-my-posh-theme.omp.json'):read("*a"))()

Restart Windows Terminal to see it take effect.

8. For WSL

If you have not Install WSL follow this instructionin

run this in PowerShell:

wsl --install

(If it doesn't start check to make sure you don't have any other Windows update pending)

Restart the computer, and Ubuntu installation continues.

You can run an update for WSL:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Then install homebrew with this instruction

The installation is going to take some time, wait patiently. When it is done we move on.

Install oh-my-posh with HomeBrew:

brew install jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh/oh-my-posh

Once that is done, open a WSL terminal and find out where your WSL folder is by typing:

cd $HOME

explorer.exe . (don't miss the dot .)

Now you would get your WSL folder under something like \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\{yourname}

Open the .bashrc file under the folder, append this to the end of the file:

    eval "$(oh-my-posh --init --shell bash --config .oh-my-posh-theme.omp.json)"

Open the .profile file under the folder, insert this to the beginning of the file:

(If you have .bash_profile, do the same as .profile file.)

    eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Restart Windows Terminal to see it take effect.

9. Related Software & Versions

Software Version
Windows Terminal [ v1.12.10983.0 ]
PowerShell [ v7.2.4 win x64 ]
WSL Ubuntu [ v2 ]
git [ ]
clink [ v1.3.17.0a95d0 ]
lua [ v5.4.2 ]


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