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🧠 Common, generic logic I use in many projects


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@xplato/logic is a collection of random utilities and React components/hooks that I use in my projects. I know the library by memory, so bear with me if the documentation is lacking; I will update it as often as I remember to.

For brevity, I may refer to this project as simply "Logic"


yarn add @xplato/logic


npm install @xplato/logic


(There are no default exports)

import { useDynamicPanel, generateMods } from "@xplato/logic"

// ...


Logic is primarily split into two parts: Core and React. The Core section contains all of the non-React, general utilities like generateMods, kebabize, and so on. The Core package does not access any browser-level APIs, so its utilities are safe to use in any environment.



interweave<T>([key, ...extras]: T[], values: T[] = []): T[]

Interweave two arrays together.

import { interweave } from "@xplato/logic"

const arr1 = [1, 2, 3]
const arr2 = [4, 5, 6]

console.log(interweave(arr1, arr2))
// [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6]
range(start: number, end: number, step: number = 1): number[]

Generates an array of numbers from start to end with a step of step (default 1).

import { range } from "@xplato/logic"

console.log(range(0, 10))
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

console.log(range(0, 10, 2))
// [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]


generateMods(mods: Mods): string[]

generateMods is a function used to generate an array of CSS classnames from variables. It takes an object. It is expected to be placed in a call to classNames.

import { generateMods } from "@xplato/logic"

const mods = generateMods({
  isOpen: true,
  isClosed: false,
  size: "sm",
  color: "red",
  light: true,
  dark: false,

// mods = ["is-open", "size-sm", "color-red", "light"]
smoothScrollTo(elementID: string): void

smoothScrollTo is a function used to smoothly scroll to an element on the page. It takes an element ID.

import { smoothScrollTo } from "@xplato/logic"



deepClone<T>(object: T): T

Deep copies an object. A safe alternative to the spread operator (which only goes one layer deep!!!).

This does not use the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)) method.

import { deepClone } from "@xplato/logic"

const deepObject = {
  a: 1,
  b: {
    c: 2,
    d: {
      e: 3,

const result = deepClone(deepObject)
// result = {
// 	a: 1,
// 	b: {
// 		c: 2,
// 		d: {
// 			e: 3,
// 		},
// 	},
// }
omitFields<T, Fields extends keyof T>(object: T, fields: Fields[]): Omit<T, Fields>

Marks fields on an object as undefined.

import { omitFields } from "@xplato/logic"

const object = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3,

const result = omitFields(object, ["a", "c"])
// result = { a: undefined, b: 2, c: undefined }
pickFields<T, Fields extends keyof T>(object: T, fields: Fields[]): Pick<T, Fields>

Picks fields from an object.

import { pickFields } from "@xplato/logic"

const object = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3,

const result = pickFields(object, ["a", "c"])
// result = { a: 1, c: 3 }
removeFields<T, Fields extends keyof T>(object: T, fields: Fields[]): Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Fields>>

Removes fields from an object.

import { removeFields } from "@xplato/logic"

const object = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3,

const result = removeFields(object, ["a", "c"])
// result = { b: 2 }


kebabize(str: string): string

Converts a string to kebab-case.

import { kebabize } from "@xplato/logic"

const result = kebabize("Hello There")
// result = "hello-there"

const result2 = kebabize("helloThere")
// result2 = "hello-there"
capitalize(str: string): string

Capitalizes the first letter of a string.

import { capitalize } from "@xplato/logic"

const result = capitalize("hello there")
// result = "Hello there"



useDynamicPanel<ElementType extends Element>(): DynamicPanel<ElementType>()

useDynamicPanel is a hook used to control the visibility of a dynamic panel. A dynamic panel is a piece of UI that is hidden by default and shown on request. It is often used for dropdowns, modals, and other similar UI elements.

import { useDynamicPanel } from "@xplato/logic"

const dynamicPanel = useDynamicPanel()

// dynamicPanel = {
// 	ref: RefObject<ElementType>,
// 	isOpen: boolean,
// 	open: () => void,
// 	close: () => void,
// 	toggle: () => void,
// }
usePrevious<T>(value: T): T

A simple hook that tracks the previous value of a state variable.

import { usePrevious } from "@xplato/logic"

const [state, setState] = useState(0)
const previousState = usePrevious(state)

// previousState = 0

// previousState = 1

I use this often in comparison with the current state to determine if a state variable has changed.


🧠 Common, generic logic I use in many projects





