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docs: Prepare CHANGELOG for 0.9.0-beta.1 (#434)
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karfau committed Oct 9, 2022
1 parent 0f41739 commit b1bb24e
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 0 deletions.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,49 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [0.9.0-beta.1](

### Fixed

**Only use HTML rules if mimeType matches** [`#338`](, fixes [`#203`](

In the living specs for parsing XML and HTML, that this library is trying to implement,
there is a distinction between the different types of documents being parsed:
There are quite some rules that are different for parsing, constructing and serializing XML vs HTML documents.

So far xmldom was always "detecting" whether "the HTML rules should be applied" by looking at the current namespace. So from the first time an the HTML default namespace (``) was found, every node was treated as being part of an HTML document. This misconception is the root cause for quite some reported bugs.

BREAKING CHANGE: HTML rules are no longer applied just because of the namespace, but require the `mimeType` argument passed to `DOMParser.parseFromString(source, mimeType)` to match `'text/html'`. Doing so implies all rules for handling casing for tag and attribute names when parsing, creation of nodes and searching nodes.

BREAKING CHANGE: Correct the return type of `DOMParser.parseFromString` to `Document | undefined`. In case of parsing errors it was always possible that "the returned `Document`" has not been created. In case you are using Typescript you now need to handle those cases.

BREAKING CHANGE: The instance property `DOMParser.options` is no longer available, instead use the individual `readonly` property per option (`assign`, `domHandler`, `errorHandler`, `normalizeLineEndings`, `locator`, `xmlns`). Those also provides the default value if the option was not passed. The 'locator' option is now just a boolean (default remains `true`).

BREAKING CHANGE: The following methods no longer allow a (non spec compliant) boolean argument to toggle "HTML rules":
- `XMLSerializer.serializeToString`
- `Node.toString`
- `Document.toString`

The following interfaces have been implemented:
`DOMImplementation` now implements all methods defined in the DOM spec, but not all of the behavior is implemented (see docstring):
- `createDocument` creates an "XML Document" (prototype: `Document`, property `type` is `'xml'`)
- `createHTMLDocument` creates an "HTML Document" (type/prototype: `Document`, property `type` is `'html'`).
- when no argument is passed or the first argument is a string, the basic nodes for an HTML structure are created, as specified
- when the first argument is `false` no child nodes are created

`Document` now has two new readonly properties as specified in the DOM spec:
- `contentType` which is the mime-type that was used to create the document
- `type` which is either the string literal `'xml'` or `'html'`

`MIME_TYPE` (`/lib/conventions.js`):
- `hasDefaultHTMLNamespace` test if the provided string is one of the miem types that implies the default HTML namespace: `text/html` or `application/xhtml+xml`

Thank you [@weiwu-zhang]( for your contributions

### Chore

- update multiple devDependencies

## [0.8.2](

### Fixed
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