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A port of the Google Action SDK to golang to make webapps that work with the google home easier for Go users.


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Go Action SDK (port of the google action java sdk)

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This is currently an extremely alpha SDK, maybe even pre-alpha, it is not ready for prime time and comes with no guarantees that it will actually work for you, or that the interfaces won't change (in fact at this moment there are changes planned). It has worked for my limited test cases, if you do use it and run into issues feel free to open an issue however it's possible I will not maintain this in the long term depending on life and other factors.


This is a port of a port. Put simply my javascript experience and knowledge is minimal at best, however frogermcs ported the action sdk google released from javascript to java. I know java and since I wanted to work in go to make containerization easier and smaller I have ported his work to Go which is my goto language currently.

This is currently under active development and is not ready. I will merge it into the master branch when it is ready to be used/tested/broken. That being said I do not guarantee any functionality or that it will be kept up to date if google changes their API.


  • Add various other handlers to abstract interacting with the API based on documentation here.
  • Add examples/sample code of how to use it.
  • More to come


A port of the Google Action SDK to golang to make webapps that work with the google home easier for Go users.








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