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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

assessment 🧐
assessment 🧐
Needs preliminary evaluation/study/assessment work
breaking change ⚠️
breaking change ⚠️
Introduces breaking changes
bridge 🌉
bridge 🌉
Related to a bridge component
bug 🐜
bug 🐜
Something isn't working
chore 🏗
chore 🏗
Touches codebase but doesn't affect business logic
Pull requests that update a dependency file
discussion 💬
discussion 💬
Does not need implementing, only discussing
docs 📄
docs 📄
duplicate 👬
duplicate 👬
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement 📈
enhancement 📈
New feature or request
good first issue 👋
good first issue 👋
Good for newcomers
help wanted 🙏
help wanted 🙏
Extra attention is needed
Improvement 🔨
Improvement 🔨
This could be done in a better way
invalid ❌
invalid ❌
This doesn't seem right
liveness ⚡️
liveness ⚡️
Affects the availability or throughput of the network
mentor assigned 👩‍🏫
mentor assigned 👩‍🏫
operations 🏭
operations 🏭
Actions related to software but not development
phase 2 allocation
phase 2 allocation
Issues to be taken by the community on Trello
question ❓
question ❓
Further information is requested
refactor 🏗️
refactor 🏗️
Fixes things that are not broken
security 🛡️
security 🛡️
Changes that affect software security for the good or the bad
tests 🔬
tests 🔬
Improves test coverage
timeboxed ⏰
timeboxed ⏰
Should not be worked on for more than a certain amount of time
underdocumented 😕
underdocumented 😕
Needs work on describing or documenting the issue
UX / DX 🙋
UX / DX 🙋
Improvement to user experience / developer experience
wallet 👛
wallet 👛
Issues related to witnet_wallet crate.
wontfix 💃
wontfix 💃
This will not be worked on