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Version: 3.1.0

Submits messages to AMQP.

    Submits messages to AMQP.

    Submits messages to an AMQP message broker.

    If <exchange> is not provided, no exchange will be created during initialisation.
    If <queue> is not provided, queue will be created during initialisation

    If <exchange> and <queue> are provided, they will both be created and
    bound during initialisation.


        - delivery_mode(int)(1)
           |  Sets the delivery mode of the messages.

        - exchange(str)("")
           |  The exchange to declare.

        - exchange_type(str)("direct")
           |  The exchange type to create. (direct, topic, fanout)

        - exchange_durable(bool)(false)
           |  Declare a durable exchange.

        - exchange_auto_delete(bool)(true)
           |  If set, the exchange is deleted when all queues have finished using it.

        - exchange_passive(bool)(false)
           |  If set, the server will not create the exchange. The client can use
           |  this to check whether an exchange exists without modifying the server state.

        - exchange_arguments(dict)({})
           |  Additional arguments for exchange declaration.

        - heartbeat(int)(0)
            | Enable AMQP heartbeat. The value is the interval in seconds.
            | 0 disables heartbeat support.

        - host(str)("localhost:5672")
           |  The host broker to connect to.

        - native_events(bool)(False)
           |  Outgoing events should be native Wishbone events

        - parallel_streams(int)(1)
           |  The number of outgoing parallel data streams.

        - password(str)("guest")
           |  The password to authenticate.

        - payload(str)(None)
           |  The string to submit.
           |  If defined takes precedence over `selection`.

        - queue(str)("wishbone")
           |  The queue to declare and bind to <exchange>. This will also the
           |  the destination queue of the submitted messages unless
           |  <routing_key> is set to another value and <exchange_type> is
           |  "topic".

        - queue_arguments(dict)({})
           |  Additional arguments for queue declaration.

        - queue_auto_delete(bool)(true)
           |  Whether to autodelete the queue.

        - queue_declare(bool)(true)
           |  Whether to actually declare the queue.

        - queue_durable(bool)(false)
           |  Declare a durable queue.

        - queue_exclusive(bool)(false)
           |  Declare an exclusive queue.

        - routing_key(str)("")
           |  The routing key to use when submitting messages.

        - selection(str)("data")
           |  The part of the event to submit externally.

        - ssl(bool)(False)
           |  If True expects SSL

        - user(str)("guest")
           |  The username to authenticate.

        - vhost(str)("/")
           |  The virtual host to connect to.


        - inbox
           | Messages going to the defined broker.