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wireghoul edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the graudit wiki!

Graudit is a simple script and signature sets that allows you to find potential
security flaws in source code using the GNU utility grep. It’s comparable to
other static analysis applications like RATS, SWAAT and flaw-finder while
keeping the technical requirements to a minimum and being very flexible.

Graudit supports several options and tries to follow good shell practices. For
a list of the options you can run graudit -h or see below. The simplest way to
use graudit is;
graudit <options> /path/to/scan

The following options are available:
-c <num> number of lines of context to display, default is 2
-d <db> database to use
-h prints a short help text
-i case in-sensitive search
-l lists databases available
-v prints version number
-x exclude these files
-z supress colors
-Z high contrast colors


If you would like to contribute to graudit, please fork the repository at github
( and use that. If you wish to get in contact
with me, shoot me a line on github or twitter (@wireghoul).

Things I don’t always remember:
Reference material

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