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Security: wintercms/snowboard.js

Security Policy

Please do not disclose security vulnerabilities publicly without consulting the Winter maintainer team first. See below for more information.

Supported Versions

Winter is evergreen, no one version is singled out for security fixes because there is no way to update just one version. Builds are continually released and security fixes will always be available in the latest build.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability within Winter CMS, the Snowboard.js framework, or for any of the first-party Winter plugins and themes (under the Winter namespace), please send an email to the Frostbyte Foundation at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. We will review the security vulnerability and will publish an advisory if we determine that the vulnerability exists and can be exploited, and have made available the steps to mitigate the vulnerability.

Disclosing Vulnerabilities

The Winter maintainer team is committed to ethical and responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities if they are discovered. We will publish all advisories of all severity levels on our Security Advisories list as well as on the package repositories of the project in question (ie. Composer, NPM, etc.). Depending on the severity of the vulnerability, we may also publish the vulnerability on our website and social media accounts. Once this has occurred, the discoverer of the vulnerability may publish it on their own platform. Please discuss this with maintainer team first.

There aren’t any published security advisories