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Long-term retention for secure MySQL backups

This Docker image will backup your MySQL/MariaDB databases following the Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) retention scheme.


  • GFS backups retention scheme
  • AES256 encryption/decryption
  • Single or multiple databases backups
  • Grouped or individual archives
  • Parallelized compression

GFS retention scheme

This means that you'll always have:

  • A backup for every day of the last week (6)
  • A backup for every week of the last month (4)
  • A backup for every month of the last year (12)
  • A backup for every previous year (unlimited)

For a 100MB backup, it will cost you around 2GB for the current year + 100MB for each previous year.

In SuperSafe mode, you'll have:

  • A backup for every day of the last month (28~31)
  • A backup for every week of the last year (48)
  • A backup for every previous year (unlimited)

For a 100MB backup, backups will cost you around 8GB for the current year + 100MB for each previous year.

Backups are run by default every day at 00:00 UTC.


docker run -d \
    --network mysql \
    -e MYSQL_USER=root \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password \
    -e CHOWN_FILES='1000:1000' \
    -e MAX_CPU=4 \
    -v /path/to/backups:/backup \


All variables can be appended with _FILE in case you want to populate them from secrets.

As an example, you can use: MYSQL_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secret/mysql-root-password

Variable Description Default
SUPERSAFE_MODE Run backups in SuperSafe mode. This means many more backups (see details). false
MYSQL_HOST The host of your MySQL/MariaDB database. mysql
MYSQL_PORT The port number of your MySQL/MariaDB database. 3306
MYSQL_USER The username of your MySQL/MariaDB database. root
MYSQL_PASSWORD The username of your MySQL/MariaDB database. empty
MYSQL_DATABASE The database name to dump, or a space separated list of databases to dump. all user databases
CRON_MINUTE The minute interval of cron job to dump database. Don't use CRON_TIME if you use this. 0
CRON_HOUR The hour interval of cron job to dump database. Don't use CRON_TIME if you use this. 0
CRON_TIME The interval of cron job to dump database. Use it to override the cron job. Warning: overriding this variable my lead to inconsistent GFS backups. 0 0 * * *
BACKUP_NAME The name of the backup. It will produce files like main-backup.day1-Monday.tgz main-backup
INDIVIDUAL_BACKUPS Set to true if you want to create one archive per database, instead of a global archive for all databases. It will produce files like main-backup.my_db.day1-Monday.tgz false
MAX_CPU Maximum CPU count to use while compressing the archive. all CPUs
CHOWN_FILES Set permissions to the created archives and files within them. root:root
AES_PASSPHRASE If set, all archives will be encrypted with AES-256-CBC algorithm. empty

Manually run a backup

If you want to bypass the cron and run a manual backup, run this command:

docker run --rm \
    --network mysql \
    -e MYSQL_USER=root \
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password \
    -e CHOWN_FILES='1000:1000' \
    -e MAX_CPU=4 \
    -v /path/to/backups:/backup \
    williarin/secure-mysql-backups:1 \

This will create a new file named main-backup.day3-Wednesday.tgz which you can untar normally.

Decrypting encrypted backup

Currently there's not yet an automatic backup restoration command.

In the meantime, use this script to decrypt an archive:

docker run --rm \
    -e AES_PASSPHRASE=my_passphrase \
    -e CHOWN_FILES='1000:1000' \
    -v /path/to/backups:/backup \
    williarin/secure-mysql-backups:1 \
    decrypt main-backup.day3-Wednesday.tgz.aes

This will create a new file named main-backup.day3-Wednesday.tgz which you can untar normally.

Usage with Docker Compose

version: '3.8'

        image: mysql:8
        restart: 'no'
            - MYSQL_DATABASE=my_db
            - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root

        image: williarin/secure-mysql-backups:1
        restart: 'no'
            - ./backup:/backup
            MYSQL_HOST: database
            MYSQL_USER: root
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: root
            CHOWN_FILES: '1000:1000'
            MAX_CPU: 4
            AES_PASSPHRASE: my_passphrase

Then you can run a manual backup like this:

docker compose run --rm backup backup

Or decrypting an archive:

docker compose run --rm backup decrypt main-backup.day3-Wednesday.tgz.aes

Available tags

Use a numbered tag if you want to avoid BC breaks.

  • 1.1.0, 1.1, 1, latest