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Releases: wilddeer/stickyfill

Stickyfill 2.1.0

15 Aug 09:46
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  • You can now use Stickyfill.forceSticky() to force-enable the polyfill in the browsers that support position: sticky natively.
  • From now on, Stickyfill should play nice with server side rendering. Probably. I hope it does!

Thanks to @liuhelen10 for the contribution!

Stickyfill 2.0.3

16 Nov 13:23
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Fixed Chrome scrolling bug.

Stickyfill 2.0.2

05 Oct 22:27
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Turns out expecting to get window form this in any environment wasn’t the best idea. Some bundlers/module fetching tools don’t expect you would do such stupid thing.

Fixed now, thanks to @soluml!

Stickyfill 2.0.1

03 Oct 17:45
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Improved support for stickies with a direct shadowRoot parent 🕶

Stickyfill 2.0 ✨

02 Oct 18:17
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🦄 Completely rewritten 🦄

ES6 source, module definition, all that good stuff.

💩 Completely incompatible with older versions 💩

New API ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

👽 Should I update to this version? 👽

Nope. No reason to update. Keep the old version, it’s fine.

😵 Also now officially on NPM 😵

Took me 3 years. Because reasons.

npm install stickyfilljs --save or yarn add stickyfilljs.

Stickyfill 1.1.3

09 Oct 15:50
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Stickies with display: none are now ignored until the next rebuild (including window resize). This fixes layout problems with sticky elements hidden by media queries in particular (and maybe some other scenarios I didn't think of).

Stickyfill 1.1.1

15 Oct 16:57
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  • fix the issue with fast checks working incorrectly with negative deltas (better handling of layout changes during page loadup, etc.);
  • check if Stickyfill is already applied to the node when adding new sticky;
  • disable fast checks when the page is not visible (saves performance and battery capacity)

Stickyfill 1.1

02 Oct 15:37
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  • Fix viewport width calculation in IE 9 and 10
  • Fix zIndex issues (no forced zIndex anymore, resolves #3 and #6)
  • Disable support for table cell stickies :–(

Spec says table cells are not eligible for position: sticky. Safari supports table cell sticky positioning, but Firefox followed the spec and rolled out the support for sticky positioning recently. We now have a nasty situation where we just can't properly polyfill table cell sticky positioning without sniffing due to difference in realisations.

I decided to remove the support for table cell stickies to make the polyfill more consistent across the board. Sorry, lads, no sticky table headers for you.

Stickyfill 1.0.5

16 Sep 14:36
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Floated stickies are now properly supported (props to @dzucconi)

Stickyfill 1.0

12 Jun 19:45
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  • fix flickering in Chrome
  • change clone logic (clone blocks always visible → no layout reflow)