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⚾ Inside Baseball

Modding tools for Backyard Baseball 2001.

If you don't want to download anything, you can always browse the scripts online.

A Quick Tour

Let's extract the game scripts, modify one of them, and rebuild the game.

Before you start of course, download the latest release. Open a terminal and run inside-baseball --help to make sure it works.

  1. Locate baseball 2001.he0 from your copy of the game. Make sure the disk files (baseball 2001.(a), etc) are in the same directory.

    Extract the assets to a new project directory (this demo uses ~/Documents/bb2001):

    inside-baseball project extract '/path/to/baseball 2001.he0' -o ~/Documents/bb2001

    This will write project.txt to the output directory, as well as one directory per room.

  2. Modify a script. The file baseball/RMDA/LSC2/2060.bin contains the hover text for the main lobby. Open it in a hex editor and change "Meet the players" to "Meet the Fockers".

  3. Rebuild the assets. This will overwrite baseball 2001.he0 and other files in the same directory!

    You need to pass -d with a disk number. Remember in the previous step, we modified the room "baseball". Open project.txt from step 1. Next to "baseball" you'll see disk=2, so the disk number is 2.

    inside-baseball project update ~/Documents/bb2001 -o '/path/to/baseball 2001.he0' -d 2

Now when you run the game, it will use your changed text!

Screenshot of game after rebuilding


Install prerequisites

Install the pre-commit hook

pre-commit install

This installs a Git hook that runs a quick sanity check before every commit.

Run the app

cargo run

Run the tests

cargo test