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Merge branch 'upstream/main' into number-support-single-type
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* upstream/main: (265 commits)
  Disable openid connect tests due to missing fixture (elastic#89478)
  Add periodic job for single processor node testing
  Updates to changelog processing after docs redesign (elastic#89463)
  Better support for multi cluster for run task (elastic#89442)
  Mute failing tests (elastic#89465)
  [ML] Performance improvements related to ECS Grok pattern usage (elastic#89424)
  Add source fallback support for date and date_nanos mapped types (elastic#89440)
  Reuse Info in lifecycle step (elastic#89419)
  feature: support metrics for multi value fields (elastic#88818)
  Upgrade OpenTelemetry API and remove workaround (elastic#89438)
  Remove LegacyClusterTaskResultActionListener (elastic#89459)
  Add YAML spec docs about matching errors (elastic#89370)
  Remove redundant cluster upgrade tests for auth tokens (elastic#89417)
  Return 400 error for GetUserPrivileges call with API keys (elastic#89333)
  User Profile - Detailed errors in hasPrivileges response (elastic#89224)
  Rollover min_* conditions docs and highlight (elastic#89434)
  REST tests for percentiles_bucket agg (elastic#88029)
  REST tests for cumulative pipeline aggs (elastic#88966)
  Clean-up file watcher keys. (elastic#89429)
  fix a typo in (elastic#89248)

# Conflicts:
#	server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/index/mapper/
  • Loading branch information
weizijun committed Aug 19, 2022
2 parents dddd3e1 + e949dff commit 63acdb6
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Showing 1,354 changed files with 43,280 additions and 11,289 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
name: os
- "centos-7&&immutable"
- "amazon&&immutable"
- "amazon-2&&immutable"
- "amazon-2022&&immutable"
- "debian-10&&immutable"
- "debian-11&&immutable"
- "opensuse-15-1&&immutable"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .ci/jobs.t/elastic+elasticsearch+periodic+release-tests.yml
Expand Up @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
export BEATS_DIR=$(pwd)/distribution/docker/build/artifacts/beats
mkdir -p ${BEATS_DIR}
curl -o "${BEATS_DIR}/metricbeat-${ES_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"${ES_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
curl -o "${BEATS_DIR}/filebeat-${ES_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"${ES_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
curl --fail -o "${BEATS_DIR}/metricbeat-${ES_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"${ES_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
curl --fail -o "${BEATS_DIR}/filebeat-${ES_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"${ES_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$WORKSPACE/.ci/scripts/ -Dbwc.checkout.align=true -Dbuild.snapshot=false \
-Dtests.jvm.argline=-Dbuild.snapshot=false -Dlicense.key=${WORKSPACE}/x-pack/license-tools/src/test/resources/public.key build
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
- job:
name: elastic+elasticsearch+%BRANCH%+periodic+single-processor-node-tests
display-name: "elastic / elasticsearch # %BRANCH% - single processor node tests"
description: "Testing with node.processors set to '1' for the Elasticsearch %BRANCH% branch.\n"
node: "general-purpose && docker"
- inject:
properties-file: '.ci/'
properties-content: |
- shell: |
#!/usr/local/bin/runbld --redirect-stderr
$WORKSPACE/.ci/scripts/ -Dbwc.checkout.align=true -Dtests.configure_test_clusters_with_one_processor=true check
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
jjbb-template: periodic-trigger-lgc.yml
- periodic-job: elastic+elasticsearch+%BRANCH%+periodic+single-processor-node-tests
- lgc-job: elastic+elasticsearch+%BRANCH%+intake
- cron: "H H/12 * * *"
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
type: label-expression
name: os
- rocky-linux-8-packaging
- rhel-8-packaging
- ubuntu-20.04-packaging
- axis:
type: user-defined
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .ci/scripts/
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ if [ -f "/etc/os-release" ] ; then
sudo apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades lintian=2.15.0
if [[ "$ID" == "rhel" ]] ; then
# Downgrade containerd if necessary to work around runc bug
# See:
if containerd -version | grep -sF 1.6.7; then
sudo yum downgrade -y
cat /etc/issue || true
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .github/CODEOWNERS
Validating CODEOWNERS rules …
Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,7 @@ x-pack/plugin/core/src/main/resources/monitoring-logstash-mb.json @elastic/infra
x-pack/plugin/core/src/main/resources/monitoring-logstash.json @elastic/infra-monitoring-ui
x-pack/plugin/core/src/main/resources/monitoring-mb-ilm-policy.json @elastic/infra-monitoring-ui
x-pack/plugin/monitoring/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/monitoring/ @elastic/infra-monitoring-ui

# Elastic Agent
x-pack/plugin/fleet/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/fleet @elastic/elastic-agent-control-plane
x-pack/plugin/core/src/main/resources/fleet-* @elastic/elastic-agent-control-plane
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .github/
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ attention.

- Have you signed the [contributor license agreement](
- Have you followed the [contributor guidelines](
- Have you followed the [contributor guidelines](
- If submitting code, have you built your formula locally prior to submission with `gradle check`?
- If submitting code, is your pull request against master? Unless there is a good reason otherwise, we prefer pull requests against master and will backport as needed.
- If submitting code, is your pull request against main? Unless there is a good reason otherwise, we prefer pull requests against main and will backport as needed.
- If submitting code, have you checked that your submission is for an [OS and architecture that we support](
- If you are submitting this code for a class then read our [policy]( for that.
- If you are submitting this code for a class then read our [policy]( for that.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,38 @@ E.g. [configuration-cache support](
There are a few guidelines to follow that should make your life easier to make changes to the elasticsearch build.
Please add a member of the `es-delivery` team as a reviewer if you're making non-trivial changes to the build.

#### Adding or updating a dependency

We rely on [Gradle dependency verification]( to mitigate the security risks and avoid integrating compromised dependencies.

This requires to have third party dependencies and their checksums listed in `gradle/verification-metadata.xml`.

For updated or newly added dependencies you need to add an entry to this verification file or update the existing one:
<component group="asm" name="asm" version="3.1">
<artifact name="asm-3.1.jar">
<sha256 value="333ff5369043975b7e031b8b27206937441854738e038c1f47f98d072a20437a" origin="official site"/>

You can also automate the generation of this entry by running your build using the `--write-verification-metadata` commandline option:
>./gradlew --write-verification-metadata sha256 precommit

The `--write-verification-metadata` Gradle option is generally able to resolve reachable configurations,
but we use detached configurations for a certain set of plugins and tasks. Therefore, please ensure you run this option with a task that
uses the changed dependencies. In most cases, `precommit` or `check` are good candidates.

We prefer sha256 checksums as md5 and sha1 are not considered safe anymore these days. The generated entry
will have the `origin` attribute been set to `Generated by Gradle`.

>A manual confirmation of the Gradle generated checksums is currently not mandatory.
>If you want to add a level of verification you can manually confirm the checksum (e.g by looking it up on the website of the library)
>Please replace the content of the `origin` attribute by `official site` in that case.
#### Custom Plugin and Task implementations

Build logic that is used across multiple subprojects should considered to be moved into a Gradle plugin with according Gradle task implmentation.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Elasticsearch Changlog
# Elasticsearch Changelog

Please see the [release notes]( in the reference manual.
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
# Tracing in Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is instrumented using the [OpenTelemetry][otel] API, which allows
us to gather traces and analyze what Elasticsearch is doing.

## How is tracing implemented?

The Elasticsearch server code contains a [`tracing`][tracing] package, which is
an abstraction over the OpenTelemetry API. All locations in the code that
perform instrumentation and tracing must use these abstractions.

Separately, there is the [`apm`](./modules/apm/) module, which works with the
OpenTelemetry API directly to record trace data. Underneath the OTel API, we
use Elastic's [APM agent for Java][agent], which attaches at runtime to the
Elasticsearch JVM and removes the need for Elasticsearch to hard-code the use of
an OTel implementation. Note that while it is possible to programmatically start
the APM agent, the Security Manager permissions required make this essentially

## How is tracing configured?

You must supply configuration and credentials for the APM server (see below).
You must also set `tracing.apm.enabled` to `true`, but this can be toggled at

All APM settings live under `tracing.apm`. All settings related to the Java agent
go under `tracing.apm.agent`. Anything you set under there will be propagated to
the agent.

For agent settings that can be changed dynamically, you can use the cluster
settings REST API. For example, to change the sampling rate:

curl -XPUT \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{ "persistent": { "tracing.apm.agent.transaction_sample_rate": "0.75" } }' \

### More details about configuration

For context, the APM agent pulls configuration from [multiple
sources][agent-config], with a hierarchy that means, for example, that options
set in the config file cannot be overridden via system properties.

Now, in order to send tracing data to the APM server, ES needs to be configured with
either a `secret_key` or an `api_key`. We could configure these in the agent via
system properties, but then their values would be available to any Java code in
Elasticsearch that can read system properties.

Instead, when Elasticsearch bootstraps itself, it compiles all APM settings
together, including any `secret_key` or `api_key` values from the ES keystore,
and writes out a temporary APM config file containing all static configuration
(i.e. values that cannot change after the agent starts). This file is deleted
as soon as possible after ES starts up. Settings that are not sensitive and can
be changed dynamically are configured via system properties. Calls to the ES
settings REST API are translated into system property writes, which the agent
later picks up and applies.

## Where is tracing data sent?

You need to have an APM server running somewhere. For example, you can create a
deployment in [Elastic Cloud]( with Elastic's APM

## What do we trace?

We primarily trace "tasks". The tasks framework in Elasticsearch allows work to
be scheduled for execution, cancelled, executed in a different thread pool, and
so on. Tracing a task results in a "span", which represents the execution of the
task in the tracing system. We also instrument REST requests, which are not (at
present) modelled by tasks.

A span can be associated with a parent span, which allows all spans in, for
example, a REST request to be grouped together. Spans can track work across
different Elasticsearch nodes.

Elasticsearch also supports distributed tracing via [W3c Trace Context][w3c]
headers. If clients of Elasticsearch send these headers with their requests,
then that data will be forwarded to the APM server in order to yield a trace
across systems.

In rare circumstances, it is possible to avoid tracing a task using
`TaskManager#register(String,String,TaskAwareRequest,boolean)`. For example,
Machine Learning uses tasks to record which models are loaded on each node. Such
tasks are long-lived and are not suitable candidates for APM tracing.

## Thread contexts and nested spans

When a span is started, Elasticsearch tracks information about that span in the
current [thread context][thread-context]. If a new thread context is created,
then the current span information must not propagated but instead renamed, so
that (1) it doesn't interfere when new trace information is set in the context,
and (2) the previous trace information is available to establish a parent /
child span relationship. This is done with `ThreadContext#newTraceContext()`.

Sometimes we need to detach new spans from their parent. For example, creating
an index starts some related background tasks, but these shouldn't be associated
with the REST request, otherwise all the background task spans will be
associated with the REST request for as long as Elasticsearch is running.
`ThreadContext` provides the `clearTraceContext`() method for this purpose.

## How to I trace something that isn't a task?

First work out if you can turn it into a task. No, really.

If you can't do that, you'll need to ensure that your class can get access to a
`Tracer` instance (this is available to inject, or you'll need to pass it when
your class is created). Then you need to call the appropriate methods on the
tracer when a span should start and end. You'll also need to manage the creation
of new trace contexts when child spans need to be created.

## What additional attributes should I set?

That's up to you. Be careful not to capture anything that could leak sensitive
or personal information.

## What is "scope" and when should I used it?

Usually you won't need to.

That said, sometimes you may want more details to be captured about a particular
section of code. You can think of "scope" as representing the currently active
tracing context. Using scope allows the APM agent to do the following:

* Enables automatic correlation between the "active span" and logging, where
logs have also been captured.
* Enables capturing any exceptions thrown when the span is active, and linking
those exceptions to the span
* Allows the sampling profiler to be used as it allows samples to be linked to
the active span (if any), so the agent can automatically get extra spans
without manual instrumentation.

However, a scope must be closed in the same thread in which it was opened, which
cannot be guaranteed when using tasks, making scope largely useless to

In the OpenTelemetry documentation, spans, scope and context are fairly
straightforward to use, since `Scope` is an `AutoCloseable` and so can be
easily created and cleaned up use try-with-resources blocks. Unfortunately,
Elasticsearch is a complex piece of software, and also extremely asynchronous,
so the typical OpenTelemetry examples do not work.

Nonetheless, it is possible to manually use scope where we need more detail by
explicitly opening a scope via the `Tracer`.

[thread-context]: ./server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/util/concurrent/
[tracing]: ./server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/tracing/
[config]: ./modules/apm/src/main/config/
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.DeprecationHandler;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.NamedXContentRegistry;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentParser;
import org.elasticsearch.xcontent.XContentParserConfiguration;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,8 +106,7 @@ public BytesReference filterXContentOnBuilder() throws IOException {
try (
XContentParser parser = XContentType.JSON.xContent()
.createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY, DeprecationHandler.THROW_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, sourceBytes.streamInput())
XContentParser parser = XContentType.JSON.xContent().createParser(XContentParserConfiguration.EMPTY, sourceBytes.streamInput())
) {
return BytesReference.bytes(builder);
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions build-tools-internal/gradle/wrapper/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class InternalDistributionDownloadPluginFuncTest extends AbstractGradleFuncTest

def result = gradleRunner("setupDistro", '-g', testProjectDir.newFolder('GUH').path).build()
def result = gradleRunner("setupDistro", '-g', gradleUserHome).build()

result.task(":distribution:archives:${testArchiveProjectName}:buildExpanded").outcome == TaskOutcome.SUCCESS
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@

package org.elasticsearch.gradle.internal

import spock.lang.TempDir
import spock.lang.Unroll
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.WireMockServer

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ class JdkDownloadPluginFuncTest extends AbstractGradleFuncTest {
def result = WiremockFixture.withWireMock(mockRepoUrl, mockedContent) { server ->
buildFile << repositoryMockSetup(server, jdkVendor, jdkVersion)
gradleRunner('getJdk', '-i', '-g', testProjectDir.newFolder().toString()).build()
gradleRunner('getJdk', '-i', '-g', gradleUserHome).build()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,13 +180,12 @@ class JdkDownloadPluginFuncTest extends AbstractGradleFuncTest {
def result = WiremockFixture.withWireMock(mockRepoUrl, mockedContent) { server ->
buildFile << repositoryMockSetup(server, VENDOR_ADOPTIUM, ADOPT_JDK_VERSION)

def commonGradleUserHome = testProjectDir.newFolder().toString()
// initial run
def firstResult = gradleRunner('clean', 'getJdk', '-i', '--warning-mode', 'all', '-g', commonGradleUserHome).build()
def firstResult = gradleRunner('clean', 'getJdk', '-i', '--warning-mode', 'all', '-g', gradleUserHome).build()
// assert the output of an executed transform is shown
assertOutputContains(firstResult.output, "Unpacking $expectedArchiveName using $transformType")
// run against up-to-date transformations
gradleRunner('clean', 'getJdk', '-i', '--warning-mode', 'all', '-g', commonGradleUserHome).build()
gradleRunner('clean', 'getJdk', '-i', '--warning-mode', 'all', '-g', gradleUserHome).build()

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ if (buildNumber && performanceTest == null) {
fileset(dir: projectDir) {
Set<File> fileSet = fileTree(projectDir) {
Expand All @@ -49,6 +48,8 @@ if (buildNumber && performanceTest == null) {

fileset(dir: "${gradle.gradleUserHomeDir}/workers", followsymlinks: false)

fileset(dir: "${project.projectDir}/.gradle/reaper", followsymlinks: false)
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.lifecycle("Failed to archive additional logs", e)
Expand Down

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