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Developing TextMate Grammar

Pine edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 2 revisions


Vetur defines two TextMate grammars:

  • vue-html: for Vue templates, modified from HTML grammar.
  • vue: for Vue Single File Components

The vue grammar embeds vue-html and other languages, such as css/js.

TextMate grammar is notoriously hard to write and maintain. Here are some helpful articles:


  • Open the yaml files in /syntax
  • After editing use either yarn build:grammar or npm run build:grammar to build the json files
  • If you changed the vue.yaml file, be sure to run the vetur.generateGrammar command from the vscode command palette

Tip: In VS Code, use F1 -> Inspect TM Scopes to view language scopes to debug the grammar:


After you are done, verify the grammar integration test passes by running yarn test:grammar.

If a file test/grammar/results/<FILE>_vue.json exists, the testing script will compare the actual tokenization result of tokenizing test/grammar/fixture/<FILE>.vue against the JSON.

If test/grammar/fixture/<FILE>.vue exists but no corresponding JSON file exists, the script will generate a new JSON file. So:

  • If you are adding a new test, add a file test/grammar/fixture/<FILE>.vue and run the test script to generate a corresponding JSON file. Commit both.
  • If you see a test failure but you verify the color looks correct when running the client debug target, delete the JSON file and run the test script to generate a new one. Compare the diff and commit the changes.