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Build a PID Controlled Line Following Robot Using Lego Mindstorms, ev3dev, Pythonista and Python

Background and Project Overview

This year i bought a Lego Mindstorms Lego Mindstorms set for my kids and myself for Christmas. My kids are still mainly focused on "pimping" our robots but I started to wonder if there was an alternative to the provided “Lab View'ish” environment and I found the cool ev3dev project on the web. I decided to try to see if I was able to recreate the PID controlled line follower robot found in the The Art of Lego Mindstorms EV3 Programming book by Terry Griffin. I am obviously no programmer so it was a fun challenge for me and I will try to explain the necessary steps below.

Build the robot

The first thing you need to do is to build a simple robot according to the picture. Exact details are not important as long as you follow these "rules".

  • The robot should have two front wheels, each connected to a large motor.
  • One swivel wheel in the back.
  • Color sensor mounted 5-10cm in front of the robot and 5-10mm above the floor.

Lego Mindstorms Line Follower Model

Install ev3dev on a MicroSD card

You don't need to flash any firmware or so. ev3dev (which is like Debian Linux for EV3) installs on a MicroSD card and when it's inserted in the brick it boots from there instead of from the regular Mindstorms OS. The whole process is documented on the ev3dev homepage. Python 2 and 3 are already installed in the ev3dev environment.

Transfer files to the brick

There are several ways to transfer files to the brick under ev3dev. USB (not tested), Bluetooth and WiFi. Bluetooth support are included in the brick but unfortunately it has no WiFi adapter built in. The support for USB WiFi adapters is also poor by default (I don't know if ev3dev has better support) but I managed to find an Edimax N150 WiFi Nano USB Adapter at Webhallen here in Sweden that seem to work fine in both environments. Both WiFi and Bluetooth requires a little fiddling but most of the info was on the ev3dev homepage or could be figured out anyway. I decided to focus on the WiFi way.

From IOS using Pythonista and StaSh

I love the [Pythonista](Pythonista project and it's dedicated community and decided to start here, if I needed help they would probably provide the quickest and best support. I installed StaSh and with some help from from the community especially from Ywangd and Dgelessus I managed to figure out how to send files from [Pythonista](Pythonista and StaSh using scp. I launched StaSh and cd'ed to my program folder and entered scp -p maker robot@ (ofcourse replace my ip with your ip) after a few seconds the file was transferred. Default user name is robot and password is maker in the ev3dev environment.

From Windows using WinSCP

The interface is self explanatory. WinSCP can also be used to change read/write/execute rights if necessary.

Execute commands

It's possible to execute programs from the brick but if I use ssh I can debug using print statements in the programs and see the result on the ipad/PC screen.

From IOS using Pythonista and StaSh

I was able to execute commands on the brick using StaSh and ssh. The command I used to login to my brick was ssh –password maker robot@ and then python at the prompt to execute the program. Picture.

From Windows using Putty

The interface is self explanatory. Enter IP address and username “robot” and password “maker” when prompted.


Line Follower program

Ok. We now have almost everything we need.

  • We have a robot.
  • We have ev3dev installed on a MicroSD card.
  • The lego brick boots in to the new environment.
  • We are able to transfer files to the brick
  • We are able to execute programs on the brick.

All we need to do now is to write the programs

The first thing we need to do is to detect max and min sensor readings in our environment (a calibration to be able to set our target). Place the robot approximatly 10cm from the line (perpendicular) and run the program. Make sure it passes the line.


Program Description

  • Import modules
from time   import time, sleep
from import *
  • Connect motors to B and C and color sensor to, for example, 1 on the brick. Change color sensor mode.
left_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_B);  assert left_motor.connected
right_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_C); assert right_motor.connected
col= ColorSensor();                 assert col.connected
col.mode = 'COL-REFLECT'
  • Run function. Run both motors at 30% power for 5 seconds and measure color sensor reflective value. Print Max and Min. Use the Max and Min values in the Line follower programs below.
def run():
  max_ref = 0
  min_ref = 100
  end_time = time() + 5
  while time() < end_time:
    read = col.value()
    if max_ref < read:
      max_ref = read
    if min_ref > read:
      min_ref = read
  print 'Max: ' + str(max_ref)
  print 'Min: ' + str(min_ref)

Line follower

I have made two slightly diffrent programs. and use a more aggressive steering algorithm that adjusts the power on each motor from -100% (full reverse) to 100% (full forward) approximatly 100Hz (in theory). use a less aggressive algorithm that adjusts the power on each motor from 0-100% (never reverse). The first program might be tougher on the motors but more exact. The second program is less tough on the motor (I imagine...) and less exact when it comes to "line-details". To make your robot work as good as possible you need to tune the controller ie. set the appropriate gain parameters.

Program Description

The majority of the programs are the same.

  • Import modules.
from time   import time, sleep
from import *
  • Input area.

    • power. Maximum power on any of the motors in percent.
    • minRef. Reflecting light from the darker line (from the program above).
    • maxRef. Reflecting light from the lighter floor (from the program above).
    • target. It's easier to follow the edge between the line and the floor than the line it self. Our goal is therefore be in the area close to a reflecting light reading of ~70. To get an even more robust model it's better to not stay to close to the line and reduce the risk for the robot to cross the line and "wander away". If the robot crosses the line chances are small that it will recover. Target is a normalized value to work with any maxRef or minRef.
    • Finding the appropriate gain parameters can be difficult. You can start with kp=1 and kd=ki=0. Progressively reduce Kp by 0.05 until the robot follows a staight line with no or litte side to side movement. Progressively increase Ki by 0.01 until the robot follows the edge of a straight line with no oscillation. Test with a curved line and increase kd by 1 untill it can follow the entire path. Increase power and test again.
    • kp. Proportional gain.
    • kd. Derivative gain.
    • ki. Integral gain.
    • direction. 1 or -1. Use -1 if you place the robot on the left side of a darker (than floor) line or on the right side of a lighter (than floor) line. Use 1 if you place the robot on the left side of a lighter (than floor) line or on the right side of a darker (than floor) line.
power = 50
minRef = 40
maxRef = 100
target = 55
kp = float(0.65)
kd = 1
ki = float(0.02)
direction = -1
  • Connect hardware. Connect two large motors at output "B" and "C" and TouchSensor and ColorSensor at input "1" and "2" (auto identified) on the brick. Change color sensor mode to measure reflecting light. Add a "button" so we can break the program using one of the buttons on the brick.
left_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_B);  assert left_motor.connected
right_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_C); assert right_motor.connected
ts = TouchSensor();    	assert ts.connected 
col= ColorSensor(); 	assert col.connected
col.mode = 'COL-REFLECT'
btn = Button()
  • Steering module alt. 1: "aggressive". A more aggressive steering algorithm that adjusts the power on each motor from -100% (full reverse) to 100% (full forward) approximatly 100Hz (in theory).
def steering(course, power):
	power_left = power_right = power
	s = (50 - abs(float(course))) / 50
	if course >= 0:
		power_right *= s
		if course > 100:
			power_right = - power
		power_left *= s
		if course < -100:
			power_left = - power
	return (int(power_left), int(power_right))
  • Steering module alt. 2: "less aggressive". A less aggressive algorithm that adjusts the power on each motor from 0-100% (never reverse).
def steering2(course, power):
	if course >= 0:
		if course > 100:
			power_right = 0
			power_left = power
			power_left = power
			power_right = power - ((power * course) / 100)
		if course < -100:
			power_left = 0
			power_right = power
			power_right = power
			power_left = power + ((power * course) / 100)
	return (int(power_left), int(power_right))
  • Run module with the PID algorithm.
def run(power, target, kp, kd, ki, direction, minRef, maxRef):
	lastError = error = integral = 0
	while not btn.any() :
		if ts.value():
			print 'Breaking loop' # User pressed touch sensor
		refRead = col.value()
		error = target - (100 * ( refRead - minRef ) / ( maxRef - minRef ))
		derivative = error - lastError
		lastError = error
		integral = float(0.5) * integral + error
		course = (kp * error + kd * derivative +ki * integral) * direction
		for (motor, pow) in zip((left_motor, right_motor), steering2(course, power)):
			motor.duty_cycle_sp = pow
		sleep(0.01) # Aprox 100Hz
  • Execute program and stop motors before exit.
run(power, target, kp, kd, ki, direction, minRef, maxRef)
print 'Stopping motors'

YouTube videos (no sound)

Less Aggressive Steering
Aggressive Steering


ev3 line follower






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