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Vishmi Money edited this page May 9, 2014 · 34 revisions

WSO2 Governance Registry - Exemption to Life-cycle Policies for a particular period (RM Feature- #477)

This feature is developed to enable the exemption of users, from requiring certain privileges to perform certain life-cycle operations during a given period, based on some exemption policy.

Design and Implementation:

G-reg contains artifacts which can be resources or collections, for which we can assign a specified life-cycle. Life-cycle configuration is a xml file called configuration.xml and we can define the lifecycle elements and attributes there.

Exemption Policy is achieved by introducing new element timeValidation to lifecycle configuration, and a child element timeValidity and the attributes of it. They are startDate and endDate. You can check it in the configurations.xml file which has uploded here.

Then the functionality is achieved from 3 java classes and a jsp file. - - -

lifecycles_ajaxprocessor.jsp - org.wso2.carbon.governance.custom.lifecycles.checklist.ui.lifecycles_ajaxprocessor.jsp


  • xml data is taken from getTimeData method implemented in
  • that data is put in to a Hash map timeValidation which consists of a state and it's time attributes.
  • That Hash map is sent to a method called checkTimeValidity in which the logic is developed according to the time-policy. By comparing currentTime along with the policy, a notification is sent to the user and a boolean value timeValidity is generated.
  • TimeWindowBean is the bean which holds the isTimeValid attribute which is again a boolean value.
  • Generated boolean value from checkTimeValidity is set for isTimeValid attribute in TimeWindowBean.
  • getTimeValidity mehtod in and the TimeWIndowBean is sent to that.There the boolean value isTimeValid is maintained and it is sent to lifecycles_ajaxprocessor.jsp.
  • According to the boolean value the UI elements will be enabled and disabled from the jsp.

Setting up:

  • Download org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions and org.wso2.carbon.governance.custom.lifecycles.checklist.ui packages from the uploaded list.
  • each of those have a jar file inside its /target/ location.
  • Replace the jars inside <GREG_HOME>/repository/components/plugins/ from those.

NOTE: you have to rename the newly copied one using a underscore for the hyphen it has.


  • You can find these two jar files inside the folder jar_files that I have uploaded.

  • You can simply copy replace the existing ones in <GREG_HOME>/repository/components/plugins/ with these two jars.

  • I have uploaded a folder called other_resources and you can find the relavent configuration.xml file and scxml.xsd file there.

  • Replace <GREG_HOME>/repository/resources/scxml.xsd with the given file.

    NOTE: If not xml validation will be failed when you edit the lifecycle configuration.


  • Run the server.
  • Go to Extensions --> Configure --> Lifecycles --> Add New Lifecycle. configuration
  • Replace the text from the content of given Configurations.xml and click Save.
  • Note the TimeValidation, TimeValidity elements and startDate, endDate attributes. You can change them to desired values adhering to the format given.


  • You can simply create a Resource or for an existing resource, set this lifecycle configuration as the Life-cycle for it.
  • Change the time attributes as desired and check for the scenarios below.


Scenario 1: If you enter a date which is far ahead of current date, all things will act in normal way.UI element functionality are there. scenario1

Scenario 2: If you enter a day which is within the notofying period defined it will send a notification to the user. UI element functionality are there. scenario2

Scenario 3: If you enter a day which is passed it will not only send a notification but also disable the UI elements so that you cannot take an action. You are exempted. scenario3