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A simple webhook receiver.


Execute webhookee and it will simply run until you terminate it. By default, webhookee will output its logs to standard output - this can be changed by specifying the --log-file <file> option.


The configuration is read from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/webhookee/config.json if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, otherwise defaulting to ~/.config/webhookee/config.json. (The configuration file location can be overridden by the --config option.) The config.json file looks like this:

    "port": 8000,
    "catchers": [{
        "methods": ["GET"],
        "path": "/deploy/myProject",
        "run": "~/.config/webhookee/ --webhook",
        "validate": ["github", "$MYPROJECT_WEBHOOK_SECRET"]
    }, {
        "methods": ["GET", "POST"],
        "path": "/notify-on-webhook",
        "run": "notify-send \"$(cat /dev/stdin)\"",
        "validate": false
    }, {
        "methods": ["POST"],
        "path": "/deploy/mySecondProject",
        "run": "/usr/bin/mySecondProject --deploy-from-webhook",
        "validate": "/usr/bin/mySecondProject --validate-from-webhook"

Detailed options

Property Description Examples
.port The port number, between 0 and 65535. 8080
.catchers[i].path The URI path to trigger the webhook on. /any/path-like/t_h_i_s
.catchers[i].methods A list of HTTP methods to trigger this webhook on. ["GET", "POST"]
.catchers[i].validate How webhookee should validate that this webhook is coming from a trusted source (so that nobody can just arbitrarily trigger your webhooks.) It will only run .catchers[i].run if the request is validated. It can be any of the following:
  • The value false, which will result in no validation (not recommended).
  • The value ["github", KEY], which will result in validating via a GitHub signature (used for webhooks on GitHub repositories). KEY can either be the secret key itself (not recommended) or (if it starts with $) an environment variable that resolves to the secret key.
  • Any string, in which case it will execute /bin/sh -c string, pass the request payload to standard input, and if the exit code of the script is 0 the request will be validated.
In order:
  • false
  • ["github", "$WEBHOOK_SECRET"]
  • gpg --verify ~/my.sig -
.catchers[i].run The script that will be run to handle the request (executed by /bin/sh -c run). The request payload will be passed to standard input, and the response body will be the standard output of the process. cd ~/project; docker-compose restart

Request payload

The following payload format will be used to describe the request:

    "method": "POST",
    "path": "/apath",
    "headers": {
        "host": "",
        "user-agent": "curl/7.77.0",
        "accept": "*/*"
    "body": "Anything could be here."

Detailed options

Property Description Examples
.method The HTTP method. "PATCH"
.path The HTTP path that the request accessed. /webhook/trigger-this
.headers A key-value object of all the HTTP headers of the request. The header names will always be lowercased. The header value will be a string if it is valid UTF-8, otherwise it will be a byte array. { "accept": "application/json", "x-proj-data": [108, 111, 108] }
.body The body of the request, empty if no body was present. It will be a string if the body is valid UTF-8, else it will be a byte array. "trigger your webhook"


A simple webhook receiver








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