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Reactive Hybrid Architecture

Reactive Architecture with NO REACTIVE FRAMEWORK

RHA = (Clean Code Philosophy + MVVM) - 3rd Party Reactive Frameworks


Reactive Hybrid Architecture is a term that I have coined after playing with different architectural patterns and philosophies. This architecture is inspired by Robert Cecil Martin (lovingly known as Uncle Bob), Raymond Law and Eric Cerney. I have always considered breaking the complex into its simpler form until its easily understandable by me and thats just what I did in this case to explain you about my architecture. I won't be comparing other architectures like MVC, MVP etc. here rather I will try and explain the Reactive Hybrid architecture and the improvements that I am working on.

Why Clean code and MVVM?

Learning about Clean code and MVVM helped me chalk down the following improvements that I can make to the code.

  • Software can be divided into 3 parts:

    • UI
    • Business Logic
    • Data Business Logic are the business rules that are less likely to change with the changing external factors such as Frameworks, Transition rules, Security implementations, etc.

    UI and Data modules must be like Plugins to Business Logic, were UI and Data both knows about the Business Logic but Business Logic will have no idea about the UI and the Data.

    UI ----> Business Logic <---- Data

  • Separating out the Testable UI code from the Non-Testable one

  • Testable Business Logic code without any dependency on UI, DataBase, Servers

  • The most important aspect of this architecture won't surface until you receive the bugs and change list. It is then you realize how efficiently and with ease one can pinpoint the location that needs to be looked in.

  • Another important aspect of this architecture is, that it's is not dependent on any framework for its Reactiveness, so we can implement the same philosophy in any language or platform we want. In my workplace the above architecture has been implemented in iOS using Swift and Android using Kotlin for production level code.

TODO list

  1. Taking the routing out of ViewControllers into a separate file
  2. Formatting the ModelView further.

Lead by example:

Without wasting much time, lets get our hands dirty with Reactive Hybrid Architecture.

What does this app do?

I have here written a small swift project to make you understand the underlying concept of this architecture. This project does the job of displyaing the Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence.

Components of the app:

I will only be taking in consideration all the important files that we will need to lay down this architecture. Other all files are supportive files that are created here to support better programming.


  1. ProsViewController
  2. ConsViewController

View Model

  1. ProsViewModel
  2. ConsViewModel


  1. AI


  1. ProsWorkerProtocol
  2. ProsWorker
  3. ConsWorkerProtocol
  4. ConsWorker


  1. ProsApi
  2. ConsApi


  1. Box
  2. Content


  1. ProsViewController
  2. ConsViewController

Controllers should never directly handle anything that deals with data and presentation, those are the jobs for Model and Views respectively.

I will only try and explain the piece of code that shows the working of our Reactive Hybrid Architecture.

1. ProsViewController

 class ProsViewController: UIViewController
   lazy fileprivate var pros: ProsViewModel.Response = ProsViewModel.Response()
   fileprivate var prosViewModel = ProsViewModel(nil)

    override func viewDidLoad()

    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning()

    override func viewDidLoad()

    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
  • lazy fileprivate var pros: ProsViewModel.Response = ProsViewModel.Response() pros is of type ProsViewModel.Response, which is a structure in ProsViewModel class Its responsible for providing the list of Pros to be displayed in table view.

  • fileprivate var prosViewModel = ProsViewModel(nil) prosViewModel is of type ProsViewModel, which is important here to bind the listener.

  • setListener() will be used to bind the listener to the Box type, its further explained in the Box type explanation section.

extension ProsViewController
    internal func setListener()
        {[unowned self] in
                if $0.status == false
                    self.utility.raiseAlert(alertTitle: Constant.ALERT, alertMessage: $0.message ?? "", viewController: self)
  • This is the action which is binded to the listener, its further explained in the Box type explanation section.
extension ProsViewController
    fileprivate func shootRequestFetch(isBackground: Bool)
        self.prosViewModel.fetchPros { (response) in
            if let list_of_pro = response?._pros
                self.pros._pros = list_of_pro
  • fetchPros is a method in ProsViewModel class that is responsible for fetching the data to be displayed in the list.

2. ConsViewController

class ConsViewController: UIViewController
   lazy fileprivate var cons: ConsViewModel.Response = ConsViewModel.Response()
   fileprivate var consViewModel = ConsViewModel(nil)

   override func viewDidLoad()

   override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
  • lazy fileprivate var cons: ConsViewModel.Response = ConsViewModel.Response() cons is of type ConsViewModel.Response, which is a structure in ConsViewModel class Its responsible for providing the list of Cons to be displayed in table view.

  • fileprivate var consViewModel = ConsViewModel(nil) consViewModel is of type ConsViewModel, which is important here to bind the listener.

  • setListener() will be used to bind the listener to the Box type, its further explained in the Box type explanation section.

extension ConsViewController
  internal func setListener()
          {[unowned self] in
              if $0.status == false
                  self.utility.raiseAlert(alertTitle: Constant.ALERT, alertMessage: $0.message ?? "", viewController: self)
  • This is the action which is binded to the listener, its further explained in the Box type explanation section.
 extension ConsViewController
     fileprivate func shootRequestFetch(isBackground: Bool)

         self.consViewModel.fetchCons { (response) in
             if let list_of_con = response?._cons
                 self.cons._cons = list_of_con
  • fetchCons is a method in ConsViewModel class that is responsible for fetching the data to be displayed in the list.

View Model

  1. ProsViewModel
  2. ConsViewModel

ViewModel is the intermediate layer between View/ViewController and the Model. ViewModel takeout what its not meant for ViewController, like data and presentation out of it. View/ViewController can access View Model but not other way around and similarly View Model can access Model but not other way around.

1. ProsViewModel

class ProsViewModel
    // Model instance
    var ai: AI?

    // Reactive properties
    var isErrorFree: Box<Content> = Box(Content())

    // Worker
    var worker: ProsWorker?

    init(_ ai: AI?)
    { = ai

    struct Response
        var _pros = [String]()

    internal func fetchPros(completionHandler: @escaping (ProsViewModel.Response?)-> Void)
            worker = ProsWorker(prosWorkerProtocol: ProsApi())
            worker?.prosWorkerProtocol?.getPros(completionHandler: { (result) in
                case .success(let ai):
                    let response = Response(_pros: ai.advantages ?? [])

                case .failure(let error):
                        case .failed(let msg):
                            self.isErrorFree.value.message = msg

  • var isErrorFree: Box = Box(Content()) isErrorFree which is of type Box which can hold Object of type Content
  struct Response
      var _pros = [String]()

  - This struct Response in ProsViewModel will only contain specific amount of data from the AI object, that it needs to display in
  internal func fetchPros(completionHandler: @escaping (ProsViewModel.Response?)-> Void)
          worker = ProsWorker(prosWorkerProtocol: ProsApi())
          worker?.prosWorkerProtocol?.getPros(completionHandler: { (result) in
              case .success(let ai):
                  let response = Response(_pros: ai.advantages ?? [])

              case .failure(let error):
                      case .failed(let msg):
                          self.isErrorFree.value.message = msg

  • worker = ProsWorker(prosWorkerProtocol: ProsApi()) worker is of type ProsWorker with a constructor(ie. init) that can take a type that implements ProsWorkerProtocol This is very important here, as this accepts worker of any type that conforms to ProsWorkerProtocol, making the code more de-coupled.

  • getPros is a method of the ProsApi struct that has implemented ProsWorkerProtocol, this will fetch the Pros of AI.

2. ConsViewModel

class ConsViewModel
    // Model instance
    var ai: AI?

    // Reactive properties
    var isErrorFree: Box<Content> = Box(Content())

    // Worker
    var worker: ConsWorker?

    init(_ ai: AI?)
    { = ai

    struct Response
        var _cons = [String]()

    internal func fetchCons(completionHandler: @escaping (ConsViewModel.Response?)-> Void)
            worker = ConsWorker(consWorkerProtocol: ConsApi())
            worker?.consWorkerProtocol?.getCons(completionHandler: { (result) in
                case .success(let ai):
                    let response = Response(_cons: ai.disadvantages ?? [])

                case .failure(let error):
                        case .failed(let msg):
                            self.isErrorFree.value.message = msg

  • var isErrorFree: Box = Box(Content()) isErrorFree which is of type Box which can hold Object of type Content
  struct Response
      var _cons = [String]()
  • This struct Response in ConsViewModel will only contain specific amount of data from the AI object, that it needs to display in ConsViewController.
  internal func fetchCons(completionHandler: @escaping (ConsViewModel.Response?)-> Void)
          worker = ConsWorker(consWorkerProtocol: ConsApi())
          worker?.consWorkerProtocol?.getCons(completionHandler: { (result) in
              case .success(let ai):
                  let response = Response(_cons: ai.disadvantages ?? [])

              case .failure(let error):
                      case .failed(let msg):
                          self.isErrorFree.value.message = msg

  • worker = ConsWorker(consWorkerProtocol: ConsApi()) worker is of type ConsWorker with a constructor(ie. init) that can take a type that implements ConsWorkerProtocol This is very important here, as this accepts worker of any type that conforms to ConsWorkerProtocol, making the code more de-coupled.

  • getCons is a method of the ConsApi struct that has implemented ConsWorkerProtocol, this will fetch the Cons of AI.


  1. AI

This is the Model which will be used by View Model, which then extract only the specific information that it needs to send to the View/ViewController.

1. AI

class AI
    var advantages: [String]?
    var disadvantages: [String]?

    init(advantages: [String]?, disadvantages: [String]?)
        self.advantages = advantages
        self.disadvantages = disadvantages


  1. ProsWorkerProtocol
  2. ProsWorker
  3. ConsWorkerProtocol
  4. ConsWorker

Workers are necessary pieces of puzzle that helps us build reusable components with workers and service objects.

1. ProsWorkerProtocol

protocol ProsWorkerProtocol
    func getPros(completionHandler: @escaping ProsWorkerHandler)

typealias ProsWorkerHandler = (ProsWorkerResult<AI>)-> Void

enum ProsWorkerResult<U>
    case success(U)
    case failure(ProsWorkerFailure)

enum ProsWorkerFailure
    case failed(String)

To explain ProsWorkerProtocol, we are creating a bottom up approach.

 enum ProsWorkerFailure
     case failed(String)
  • enum ProsWorkerFailure will deliver the failure message returned from Service
 enum ProsWorkerResult<U>
    case success(U)
    case failure(ProsWorkerFailure)
  • enum ProsWorkerResult will deliver the success and failure (failure is further encapsulate in ProsWorkerFailure enum) message returned from Service.
  • "U" is the Generic cast for the type that is to be returned from Service.
typealias ProsWorkerHandler = (ProsWorkerResult<AI>)-> Void
  • We are creating a closure with parameter of type ProsWorkerResult, which we gonna return from Service class.

2. ProsWorker

class ProsWorker
    var prosWorkerProtocol: ProsWorkerProtocol?

    init(prosWorkerProtocol: ProsWorkerProtocol?)
        self.prosWorkerProtocol = prosWorkerProtocol
  • ProsWorker will be initiated by taking in any type that implements ProsWorkerProtocol.

3. ConsWorkerProtocol

protocol ConsWorkerProtocol
    func getCons(completionHandler: @escaping ConsWorkerHandler)

typealias ConsWorkerHandler = (ConsWorkerResult<AI>)-> Void

enum ConsWorkerResult<U>
    case success(U)
    case failure(ConsWorkerFailure)

enum ConsWorkerFailure
    case failed(String)

To explain ConsWorkerProtocol, we are creating a bottom up approach.

enum ConsWorkerFailure
    case failed(String)
  • enum ConsWorkerFailure will deliver the failure message returned from Service
enum ConsWorkerResult<U>
    case success(U)
    case failure(ConsWorkerFailure)
  • enum ConsWorkerResult will deliver the success and failure (failure is further encapsulate in ConsWorkerFailure enum) message returned from Service.
  • "U" is the Generic cast for the type that is to be returned from Service.
typealias ConsWorkerHandler = (ConsWorkerResult<AI>)-> Void
  • We are creating a closure with parameter of type ConsWorkerResult, which we gonna return from Service class.

4. ConsWorker

class ConsWorker
    var consWorkerProtocol: ConsWorkerProtocol?

    init(consWorkerProtocol: ConsWorkerProtocol?)
        self.consWorkerProtocol = consWorkerProtocol
  • ConsWorker will be initiated by taking in any type that implements ConsWorkerProtocol.


  1. ProsApi
  2. ConsApi

Services are those types that implements WorkerProtocols, Services are used to fetch results which can be from Apis, DataBase , certain calculative processes, etc.

Here just for demonstration purpose I have used the naming convention as ProsApi and ConsApi, even though I am returning data directly instead of calling Apis.

1. ProsApi

struct ProsApi : ProsWorkerProtocol
    func getPros(completionHandler: @escaping ProsWorkerHandler)
        let ai: AI? = AI(advantages: ["Error reduction", "Increase work efficiency", "Reduced cost of training", "No breaks"], disadvantages: nil)

        if let _ai = ai

  • As we can see that the return type of getPros method is ProsWorkerHandler, we are returning ProsWorkerResult.success(_ai), now hows that being done....

    In the below mentioned code, we can see that we have defined a closure which takes ProsWorkerResult enum of AI type. This type AI becomes the type of the data which we will pass in success from Service.

  typealias ProsWorkerHandler = (ProsWorkerResult<AI>)-> Void

  enum ProsWorkerResult<U>
      case success(U)
      case failure(ProsWorkerFailure)

  • The above line of code is quite easy to understand, we are passing the error message to failure case which in turn is of type ProsWorkerFailure
  enum ProsWorkerFailure
      case failed(String)

2. ConsApi

struct ConsApi : ConsWorkerProtocol
    func getCons(completionHandler: @escaping ConsWorkerHandler)
        let ai: AI? = AI(advantages: nil, disadvantages: ["High cost", "Lesser jobs", "Fear of malicious implementation"])

        if let _ai = ai

  • As we can see that the return type of getCons method is ConsWorkerHandler, we are returning ConsWorkerResult.success(_ai), now hows that being done....

    In the below mentioned code, we can see that we have defined a closure which takes ConsWorkerResult enum of AI type. This type AI becomes the type of the data which we will pass in success from Service.

  typealias ConsWorkerHandler = (ConsWorkerResult<AI>)-> Void

  enum ConsWorkerResult<U>
      case success(U)
      case failure(ConsWorkerFailure)

  • The above line of code is quite easy to understand, we are passing the error message to failure case which in turn is of type ConsWorkerFailure
  enum ConsWorkerFailure
      case failed(String)


  1. Box
  2. Content

This is the magic black box, that helps in making this architecture reactive without using any 3rd party framework. I feel its the architecture that should adopt to the code not the other way around. So saying that lets dig in.

1. Box

class Box<T>
    typealias Listener = (T)-> Void
    var listener: Listener?

    var value: T

    init(_ value: T)
        self.value = value

    func bind(listener: Listener?)
        self.listener = listener

Breaking it up

 typealias Listener = (T)-> Void
  • Listener is a closure which takes a parameter of type T. (ie. T is the place-holder for a type that we define while initialising Box instance)
 func bind(listener: Listener?)
     self.listener = listener
  • bind is used for binding the listener to the variable of type Box in the ViewModel from its respective ViewController.


 class ProsViewModel
     // Reactive properties
     var isErrorFree: Box<Content> = Box(Content())    // initialising the Box instance
 extension ProsViewController
    internal func setListener()
        self.prosViewModel.isErrorFree.bind           // binding the variable isErrorFree from ProsViewModel
        {[unowned self] in
                if $0.status == false                 // action to be taken when value is assigned to that variable isErrorFree
                                                      // Here we are raising an alert for no pros in the list.

                    self.utility.raiseAlert(alertTitle: Constant.ALERT, alertMessage: $0.message ?? "", viewController: self)

Reaction Point

var value: T
  • This is responsible for making the listener react whenever a value is assigned to the variable of type Box.


  self.isErrorFree.value.message = msg
  self.isErrorFree.value.status = false

2. Content

 struct Content
   var status: Bool = true
   var message: String? = nil
  • The main reason of creating this Content struct is to make Box take different types instead of just one.


Instead of

var isErrorFree: Box<Bool> = Box(false)


var isErrorFree: Box<String> = Box("")

We can use Content type to define all the types that Box can hold

var isErrorFree: Box<Content> = Box(Content())

That's all as of now, I wish you all the luck implementing the above architectural philosophy. This would look hetic and lots of work but trust me during the bug hunting, changes and feature addition this will be a blessing.


A reactive architecture with NO REACTIVE FRAMEWORK







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