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Local LLM Modular Resource

local-llm is a modular resource that provides local LLM inference capabilities for machines running on the Viam platform.

The default model at this time is TinyLlama 1.1B. Other models can be used, as long as they are compatible with llama.cpp (see Config options llm_repo and llm_file). Also please keep in mind that some models will not run well on specific hardware.


The machine using this module must have Python 3.8+ and pip installed on the system. python venv must also be installed:

apt install python3.11-venv

Where the python version may need to be modified based on the python version on your machine.


llm_repo (Optional): The HuggingFace repo id used to download the model. Defaults to "second-state/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0-GGUF"

llm_file (Optional): The HuggingFace file used to download the model. Must be specified if llm_repo is specified. Defaults to "tinyllama-1.1b-chat-v1.0.Q5_K_M.gguf"

system_message (Optional): The context for the chat system to use when interpreting input from the user. Defaults to "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant must start by introducing themselves as 'The Great Provider'. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions."

n_gpu_layers (Optional): Number of layers to offload to GPU (-ngl). If -1, all layers are offloaded. Defaults to 0.

temperature (Optional): Float value to determine the randomness of the responses from the model. A high temperature, i.e. 5, would result in very different values while running the same prompt repeatedly. A value that's too low, i.e. 0.2, would result in more "robotic" responses. Default value is 0.75.

The following is an example configuration for this resource's attributes based on the default values:

    "system_message": "A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant must start by introducing themselves as 'The Great Provider'. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions.",
    "n_gpu_layers": 0,
    "temperature": 0.75

This is an example of using default settings with a different model:

    "llm_repo": "Qwen/Qwen1.5-0.5B-Chat-GGUF",
    "llm_file": "qwen1_5-0_5b-chat-q5_k_m.gguf"


This module is built as a Chat service that has a single method called "chat".

from chat_service_api import Chat

// machine connection logic above

llm = Chat.from_robot(robot, name="llm")
response = await"What is the meaning of life?")
import chat ""

llm, err := chat.FromRobot(robot, "llm")
resp, err := llm.Chat(ctx, "What is the meaning of life?")

See the examples/ for a complete demo program.


This project is bootstrapped and managed with Rye for modern Python development. The various commands for managing the project are collected under the Makefile.

Setup development environment

Install rye, which will automatically use the .python-version config in this project.

Then run:

make install

Build the project

make build

Publish module to Viam

Bump the package version:

rye version <version number>

Build and publish new version:

version=$(rye version) make publish