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Run npm run start and visit localhost:8000 in a browser.

The environment variables VIAM_LOCATION, VIAM_API_KEY_ID, and VIAM_API_KEY must be set in a .env file within the root project directory, you can make a copy of the .env.example file to get started.

The .env.example also includes variables to configure the names of the board, arm, motion, and (optional) gripper component/service names based on the machine configuration with the default values:


If you want to enable error monitoring in the application, the Sentry DSN as SENTRY_DSN in the .env file.

Simple interface: run npm run start-simple (environment variables must be set as per above).

Edit src/main.ts to change the robot logic being run. Edit static/index.html to change the layout of the app.


This file is the single point of truth for the configuration of the claw-game's environment. Obstacles specified through this file will comprise the WorldState and be respected for all motions that the arm takes


A minimal visualization of the robot and the enclosure it is configured with. Leverages Viam's unofficial visualization package

go run visualize.go -location=VIAM_LOCATION -apikeyid=VIAM_API_KEY_ID -apikey=VIAM_API_KEY

Basic CLI script for testing the claw game. You can run individual commands, for example:

python3 --location VIAM_LOCATION --apikeyid VIAM_API_KEY_ID --apikey VIAM_API_KEY --command grab

Or, you can run sequences of commands like:

python3 --location mylocation --apikeyid VIAM_API_KEY_ID --apikey VIAM_API_KEY --command sequence --sequence grab,sleep,release,sleep,grab,sleep,release