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Isolated Callback Build Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Tiny but still powerful tool to fork it all.

Isolated callback allows to execute any callable statement in a fork and avoid memory leaks.


Installation is damn easy, thanks to Composer:

composer require vatson/isolated-callback

or add the requirements to your composer.json file

    "require": {
        "vatson/isolated-callback": "*"

and run update

composer update vatson/isolated-callback


Quick and easy. Let's create some anonymous function that generates a lot of data, but the result is a small

include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Vatson\Callback\IsolatedCallback;

$cb = function() {
    return array_slice(range(1, 100000), rand(1,100), rand(1,10));

$icb = new IsolatedCallback($cb);
$random_slice = $icb();

That's it. Your callback will be run in separate fork and the result will be sent to the main process.

Callback arguments

Note, you can call it with args and bind some local vars with your lambda functions.

include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Vatson\Callback\IsolatedCallback;

$slice_length = rand(1,5);
$cb = function($max_range) use($slice_length) {
    return array_slice(range(1, $max_range), rand(1,$max_range), $slice_length);

$icb = new IsolatedCallback($cb);
$random_slice = $icb(1000);

Objects as a result

Also you can send not only scalars, but simple objects (POPO). And rember, objects based on or which contain Resources can't be serialized as a result.


use Vatson\Callback\IsolatedCallback;

$cb = function() {
    $popo_object = new \stdClass();
    $popo_object->property = 'value';
    return $popo_object;

$icb = new IsolatedCallback($cb);
$property = $icb()->property;


Beware, the current implementation uses System V IPC to share a result between processes. Amount of transferred data depends on your system configuration. The best practice is to send short but succinct results.


  • PHP >= 5.3.2

  • Process Control (PCNTL) - allows to make a fork

  • System V IPC (semaphore) - adds an ability to share the results between distributed processes

  • [Optional] Fumocker - mocks the php's built-in functions

  • [Optional] PHPUnit 3.5+ to execute the test suite



Isolated Callback is distributed under the terms of the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details