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Releases: valora-inc/wallet

Valora 1.85.0

22 May 02:53
Choose a tag to compare
Valora 1.85.0 Pre-release


We've updated Valora to fix bugs, enhance our features, and improve overall performance.


a76f334 feat: Change button color to black (#5401)
d7d9ae8 feat(earn): add function for fetching aave rewards (#5422)
db2a063 feat(earn): fetch rewards on collect screen (#5424)
99d3822 feat(earn): add function for preparing withdraw transactions (#5426)
64fd9eb feat: earn transaction feed items (#5414)
ede24ec feat(earn): prepare transactions on the collect screen and display gas (#5428)
e8472fd feat(earn): redux setup for withdraw (#5429)
da2b95c feat(earn): dispatch withdraw start on pressing collect (#5430)
c55cd0a feat(earn): earn transaction details content (#5425)
6c3366d feat(buttons): Change onboarding buttons to new design (#5423)
a7efc6d feat(earn): implement withdraw saga (#5433)
85a9d0c feat(earn): add pending transaction types (#5434)
6380cc8 feat(earn): not enough gas error for collect screen (#5436)
7421745 feat(earn): Add enter amount screen (#5399)
d03677c feat(earn): Add feature gate for covering gas fees (#5437)
8dd5080 feat(jumpstart): add specific error messaging when link is already claimed (#5427)
5946f19 fix(earn): navigation to enter amount on deposit more tap (#5439)
ea65cbc feat(swap): Initial Swap screen redesign (#5409)
e5f3242 fix(earn): android header back button (#5446)
a36105f feat(earn): add gas related analytics properties (#5447)
211c71d feat(earn): fetch token balances after a tx is submitted (#5448)
8b27b0a refactor(earn): consolidate analytics events (#5450)


db7459a chore: bump app version to 1.85.0 (#5421)
2666d6c chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5420)
f7fc23a chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5431)
6cc676a chore: Supercharge sunsetting copy (#5438)
86c921d chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5435)
3a4fd74 chore: update bug report issue template (#5443)
3ab8550 chore(swap): update app fee bottom sheet copy (#5444)

Valora 1.84.0

16 May 14:41
Choose a tag to compare


We've updated Valora to fix bugs, enhance our features, and improve overall performance.


fbf9d4a feat(earn): add cta to discover tab (#5381)
0d3ce46 feat(earn): update cta description (#5394)
4379675 feat(earn): fetch apy from contract (#5389)
a200108 feat(points): fetch points balance (#5391)
7d421cf feat(earn): Add Crypto bottom sheet (#5376)
043c129 feat(earn): add deposit bottom sheet (#5402)
93f2ab1 feat: add earn active pool component (#5400)
d6f9a38 feat: earn asset details for aaveUSDC (#5403)
258f77a feat(earn): add function for preparing supply transaction (#5405)
69e1e64 feat(earn): Add exchanges to Add Crypto bottom sheet (#5413)
af4fd52 feat(earn): Add UI skeleton of earn collect (#5411)
609da83 feat(earn): redux setup for submitting deposit transaction (#5412)
14a2d7e feat(earn): add loading state for deposit when tx is submitted (#5415)
7fde064 feat(earn): implement deposit submit saga (#5417)
71554e2 feat(earn): get gas padding from dynamic config (#5418)
848148e feat(swap): show app fee details inline (#5419)
7eeac17 feat(points): points entry point and intro screen (#5406)

Bugs Fixes

7eb6fd7 fix(points): prevent sagas spawning if points are disabled (#5385)
6df3859 fix(cico): fix crash on bottom sheet when token list is empty (#5390)
6d6f863 fix(earn): ripple on android exceeds border (#5395)
112a397 fix: lower case token address for sepolia aave arb usdc in token id (#5410)
8f8fea5 fix(points): enable some activities to only be tracked once (#5416)
c49d3f5 fix(points): add required request headers for trackPointsEvent call (#5378)


0852de1 chore: bump app version to 1.84.0 (#5379)
1d404c5 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5383)
6ff8d63 chore(viem): use TransactionRequestCIP64 type (#5386)
6ce52a6 chore: simplify the NumberTicker interface (#5369)
9aae469 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5384)
4b73685 test(e2e): enable more tests on android with getAttribute changes (#5387)
1bee9f2 refactor(enter-amount): refactor EnterAmount to prepare for it to be used with earn (#5398)
9039092 chore: add aaveArbUsdcTokenId to network config (#5397)
d5e7740 chore(points): add error handling for points balance fetch (#5392)
eeb272d chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5396)
b58d219 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5404)
a64002c chore: RRV11 copy updates (#5408)
e286cef chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5407)

Valora 1.83.1

03 May 08:48
Choose a tag to compare


This release is a patch on top of v1.83.0, with additional commits. See release branch:

Commits included

1bcfda6 fix(discover): fix a crash when dapp list is empty (#5382)
e5cdd08 build(deps): downgrade lottie until breaking changes are resolved (#5380)
30ea25a chore: bump app version to 1.83.1

Valora 1.83.0

02 May 13:02
Choose a tag to compare
Valora 1.83.0 Pre-release


We've updated Valora to fix bugs, enhance our features, and improve overall performance.


b8c82ca feat(points): add valora heart imagery to points screen (#5267)
81d0924 feat(onboarding): add terms and conditions colloquial variant (#5293)
d5999ab feat(points): Add points history bottom sheet (#5254)
9132662 feat(onboarding): add terms and conditions checkbox variant (#5298)
e3d7fad feat(wallet-tab): include error message when token fetching fails (#5308)
041b1c7 feat(points): sending points events (#5294)
dd299c6 feat(points): Implement Points Activity bottom sheet cards (#5259)
3846796 feat(points): add number ticker for balance (#5345)
15e0dbf feat(points): Implement empty state for points history bottom sheet (#5361)
d2230ca feat(points): Add error banner on failure fetching subsequent points history pages (#5362)
d5ef268 feat: add stablecoin earn feature gate (#5373)
a4ca31c feat(swap): enable app fee via remote config (#5359)
5f6afd1 feat(swap): track valora fee (#5368)

Bugs Fixes

72857a1 fix(deps): update dependency date-fns to v3 (#5250)
eb8c395 fix(qr-scanner): Allow data with network prefixes (#5262)
4709a0b fix(deps): update dependency jwt-decode to v4 (#5264)
a9c2a5e fix(deps): update dependency react-redux to ^9.1.1 (#5271)
1c45f69 fix(deps): update dependency i18next to v23 (#5251)
e9ee848 fix(deps): update dependency react-i18next to v14 (#5273)
1047ae4 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-webview to ^13.8.5 (#5285)
15d653d fix(deps): update dependency @fiatconnect/fiatconnect-sdk to ^0.5.33 (#5284)
ae4b829 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.20 (#5288)
d18db96 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-webview to ^13.8.6 (#5287)
8d17b7a fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.23 (#5289)
6dfef29 fix(deps): update dependency lottie-react-native to v6 (#5272)
c46604b fix(deps): update fiatconnect packages (#5301)
363556a fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.111.0 (#5302)
1f0da53 fix(deps): update dependency @toruslabs/fetch-node-details to ^13.3.0 (#5305)
4a8d5c1 fix(deps): update dependency @toruslabs/constants to ^13.3.0 (#5303)
24e46cd fix(deps): update dependency react-native-screens to ^3.31.1 (#5309)
f7d23f1 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-permissions to v4 (#5311)
b0e6e12 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-exit-app to v2 (#5291)
f8cbb08 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-picker-select to v9 (#5314)
38c8d1b fix(deps): update dependency react-native-share to v10 (#5317)
b5bdbf1 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-share to ^10.2.0 (#5328)
acfddf4 fix(deps): update fiatconnect packages (#5329)
ff0864e fix(deps): update dependency @fiatconnect/fiatconnect-sdk to ^0.5.38 (#5331)
c2ffb18 fix(feed): use tx status from the blockchain-api (#5323)
9436275 fix(deps): update fiatconnect packages (#5337)
31acd51 fix(deps): update dependency @fiatconnect/fiatconnect-sdk to ^0.5.40 (#5340)
05b9ef2 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.25 (#5344)
de6abe4 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-video to ^6.0.0-rc.0 (#5338)
dfda184 fix(deps): update dependency react-i18next to ^14.1.1 (#5347)
10e2a23 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.28 (#5348)
dcd5dfd fix(deps): update fiatconnect packages (#5349)
78b3c6e fix(deps): update dependency react-native-safe-area-context to ^4.10.1 (#5352)
1070ddb fix(deps): update dependency react-native-haptic-feedback to v2 (#5292)
48b1ac1 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-simple-toast to v3 (#5353)
e87b6d7 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-url-polyfill to v2 (#5356)
c598cf0 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-localize to v3 (#5310)
ba386e4 fix(deps): update dependency react to v18.3.1 (#5363)
9197dcc fix(deps): update dependency to v5.2.2 (#5366)
df34e35 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-svg to v15 (#5370)
e72fc01 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-clipboard/clipboard to ^1.14.1 (#5371)


de9f5b2 test(e2e): ensure new instance whenever launch args are set (#5270)
a8d9c26 chore: bump app version to 1.83.0 (#5269)
6175669 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5268)
530a554 ci: cancel outdated merge queue requests, run test always on main (#5275)
11b6229 refactor(welcome): remove background, update font (#5281)
3cdf4b3 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5280)
cdbf332 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5282)
7fe7042 chore(points): add UI for no supported activities (#5279)
3e729ce chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5286)
d3e2655 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5290)
474cd91 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5283)
9f0c6a3 revert(iOS): revert unnecessary privacy manifest (#5266) (#5296)
87b9892 chore(deps): update react-native-device-info (#5295)
95ad45d chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5299)
ef833ff chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5304)
d9a2686 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5300)
4b38660 refactor(fiat-exchange): remove unused component (#5313)
0f9f9f7 chore(deps): upgrade firebase dependencies to v19.1.0 (#5297)
7d95f94 chore(deps): upgrade Sentry to v5 (#5319)
d99aa51 chore(deps): remove react-native-fs custom fork resolution (#5320)
ac6b717 chore(points): Use activityId and pointsAmount throughout (#5255)
8192fe0 test(e2e): run all tests against tab navigator (#5325)
c606a83 refactor(header): Update TopBarIconButtonV2 and refactor headers components (#5276)
15d61ff chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5324)
48ee202 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5316)
c59949a chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5330)
a1e2edc chore(deps): patch react-native-fs with privacy manifest (#5322)
ceba569 chore(deps): patch react-native-cookies with privacy policy (#5332)
8b8316d chore(iOS): declare privacy manifest (#5334)
ab86920 chore(dep): disable automatic updates to firebase dependencies (#5335)
0249fe1 refactor: remove drawer navigation (#5318)
52fb14d refactor(education): remove unnecessary prop and enum (#5341)
0db5dd2 test(e2e): remove use_tab_navigator override (#5327)
ba19b9d refactor(tabs): rename tab screen components (#5342)
c3ee267 refactor(backup): replace settings screen param with boolean (#5336)
3e99327 chore: remove unused logo and updating branding sha (#5346)
18e9321 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5339)
896df3c chore: add statsig stable id to debug screen (#5343)
2bbc26b chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5355)
90233b9 chore: Remove old CeloGoldHistoryChart (#5307)
950fa63 chore: Switch polygon testnet from mumbai to amoy (#5326)
13f5278 chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v7.6.4 (#5365)
a27f375 chore(deps): update dependency cocoapods to '>= 1.15.2', '< 1.16' (#5367)
c023ff6 ci: upload detox build to emerge on merge queue runs (#5360)
13d98f8 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5374)
97f022e test(e2e): update detox to 20.18.5 (#5375)
0776d57 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5377)

Valora 1.82.1

19 Apr 17:58
Choose a tag to compare


This release is a patch on top of v1.82.0, with additional commits. See release branch:

Commits included

2a316f1 fix(keychain): fix private key missing error (#5277)
af9444c fix(points): only fetch config if points are enabled (#5278)
05dcc8a chore: bump app version to 1.82.1

Valora 1.82.0

17 Apr 22:12
Choose a tag to compare
Valora 1.82.0 Pre-release


We've updated Valora to fix bugs, enhance our features, and improve overall performance.


7e7c5f3 feat(send): allow entering amount in fiat (#5213)
5db01ce feat(send): disable fiat input if token price is unavailable (#5219)
7f4b5cf feat(positions): multichain positions (#5093)
d27051e feat: support deep link swap pairs and to tokenId (#5216)
334ef2e feat(send): better regex handling of amount inputs (#5223)
e0119a7 feat(points): Add initial points activity feed saga (#5206)
7611678 feat: setup skip phone verification experiment (#5256)
f696056 feat(points): fetch points config from getPointsConfig function (#5231)
824972a feat(points): add loading and error states for loading config (#5253)

Bugs Fixes

4dbd46d fix: explorer links in NftsInfoCarousel.tsx (#5207)
edfb2e6 fix(jumpstart): ensure send status error is not persisted across transactions (#5208)
b1b4e4e fix(cya): ensure profile and celo options navigate correctly (#5230)
7a43746 fix(qr): land on send screen when scanning with 0 balance (#5265)


4870ea4 chore: bump app version to 1.82.0 (#5203)
2183b49 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5202)
2d89e86 fix test
0d0d67f Revert "fix test"
2d1668d fix: xcode 15.3 build issues by upgrading Flipper version (#5204)
5c8491c chore(jumpstart): update copy (#5209)
19426d1 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5210)
c9d0496 chore: copy updates (#5212)
97b9c3a chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5211)
af80717 chore: remove trailing slash from base urls (#5214)
4311924 build(deps): upgrade react native to 0.71.17 (#5205)
c3d6657 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-adjust to ^4.38.0 (#5198)
6d7fc5e fix(deps): update dependency @reduxjs/toolkit to ^2.2.3 (#5217)
71dd860 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5215)
802f016 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-video to ^6.0.0-beta.8 (#5220)
08e7d62 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5222)
30d4720 fix(deps): update dependency clevertap-react-native to ^2.2.0 (#5218)
632196d fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.13 (#5225)
a362600 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.15 (#5227)
74cb366 fix(deps): update dependency @walletconnect/react-native-compat to ^2.12.1 (#5228)
45d35d6 refactor(statsig): disable uninitialized logs on e2e tests (#5233)
18acda6 fix(deps): update dependency @walletconnect/utils to ^2.12.1 (#5229)
f2ad7ce chore(renovate): increase concurrent PR limit (#5234)
534c018 fix(deps): update dependency @walletconnect/web3wallet to ^1.11.1 (#5236)
984f5d5 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-screens to ^3.30.1 (#5239)
7ec6e83 chore(deps): update dependency @types/prettier to v3 (#5241)
7d2e51a chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5242)
4247787 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-gesture-handler to ^2.16.0 (#5237)
5b330a7 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-picker/picker to ^2.7.5 (#5243)
24d3a92 fix(deps): update dependency @fiatconnect/fiatconnect-sdk to ^0.5.31 (#5244)
6c53ec5 fix(deps): update dependency @walletconnect/react-native-compat to ^2.12.2 (#5245)
acf06ef fix(deps): update dependency @walletconnect/utils to ^2.12.2 (#5246)
9e802e0 fix(deps): update dependency @walletconnect/web3wallet to ^1.11.2 (#5247)
7d1754e fix(deps): update dependency @coinbase/cbpay-js to v2 (#5249)
100de08 chore: remove name and picture and choose your adventure experiment (#5224)
5a4381c fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.110.0 (#5252)
4bbcedf fix(deps): update dependency clevertap-react-native to ^2.2.1 (#5235)
5cc61fd fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.110.1 (#5257)
75ff5c6 chore(deps): update dependency qs to ^6.12.1 (#5258)
67e2f6c chore(points): use points config from redux rather than Statsig (#5232)
e07c16b chore(iOS): update privacy policy (#5266)

Valora 1.81.0

04 Apr 05:38
Choose a tag to compare


We've updated Valora to fix bugs, enhance our features, and improve overall performance.


bf0b169 feat(jumpstart): Adding jumpstart transaction detection (#5120)
73f10d5 feat: add new close button (#5141)
ea2e5fc feat(feed): include network icon in tx feed items (#5148)
451e866 feat(points): Implement Points Home screen (#5128)
0049174 feat(multi-select): New UI component for selecting multiple networks (#5143)
94ea0c4 feat(jumpstart): Reclaim bottom sheet (#5125)
8678ced feat(jumpstart): execute reclaim transaction (#5126)
69c85cc feat(jumpstart): add analytics to the reclaim flow (#5163)
69ce7a2 feat(swaps): add dropdown network filter (#5174)
9f68dea feat: Add icon overlay with one Eth asset on Arbitrum or Optimism (#5175)
a503851 feat(multichain): Add Polygon and Base (#5165)
31d134d feat(segment): add destination filters (#5197)

Bugs Fixes

192d702 fix(jumpstart): prevent possibility of sending multiple transactions (#5133)
98637c3 fix(tab nav): fix navigating back from language selection (#5146)
56df240 fix(jumpstart): generate link outside of firebase sdk (#5149)
3b780b2 fix: last item obscured when limited positions or tokens (#5166)
fc3f2f2 fix: handle large fonts with twelve word seed phrases (#5187)


2289b2d chore: bump app version to 1.81.0 (#5137)
c194b5f chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5132)
6118c1e chore(jumpstart): add networkId to claim request (#5138)
14c7ffe test(e2e): update tests to run against tab navigator (#5140)
c718c7f chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5139)
2b93dde test(e2e): add new account creation test for new tab and cloud backup (#5142)
8de58fa refactor(tokens): update networksIconSelector to return all icons (#5147)
3338ec9 chore: change product name for sign in prompt (#5144)
dec8f95 chore(vulnerability): update vulnerabilities list for the new web3 issue (#5150)
bc9afe0 build(deps): upgrade wallet connect dependencies (#5129)
e74bb2b fix(deps): update dependency clevertap-react-native to v2 (#5100)
c696aa6 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5152)
274d6ff chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5154)
e92ff4a chore(deps): update dependency follow-redirects to ^1.15.6 (#5156)
7eca572 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5158)
9a16795 fix(deps): update dependency @reduxjs/toolkit to ^2.2.2 (#5157)
3a9ffe9 fix(deps): update dependency fp-ts to v2.16.4 (#5159)
fce5aba fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-async-storage/async-storage to ^1.23.1 (#5153)
0e26a30 fix(deps): update dependency fp-ts to v2.16.5 (#5160)
0781f6f fix(deps): update dependency react-native-video to ^6.0.0-beta.6 (#5162)
f24894b fix(deps): update dependency react-native-adjust to ^4.37.2 (#5161)
eda9e1d fix(deps): update dependency ibantools to ^4.5.1 (#5167)
843bf72 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5164)
e2ec993 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-webview to ^13.8.2 (#5168)
83cba56 fix(deps): update dependency victory-native to ^36.9.2 (#5170)
dfaa048 fix(deps): update react-navigation monorepo (#5172)
7a0ca69 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-picker/picker to ^2.7.0 (#5173)
b6c340b fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.8.18 (#5171)
d4ba6c6 chore: remove known issue that is no longer reported (#5178)
8f08231 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-picker/picker to ^2.7.2 (#5176)
360f63b fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.0 (#5179)
2049fed chore: add fees to send confirmation (#5169)
edf6e74 build(deps): bump express from 4.18.2 to 4.19.2 (#5151)
836ba87 chore(jumpstart): update jumpstart recipient button UI (#5181)
e39d53b fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.1 (#5182)
16981a9 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5180)
6c06643 chore: update bottom sheet copy (#5184)
5914690 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.2 (#5183)
03d2f21 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5185)
229d723 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.3 (#5188)
040fbee fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.9.5 (#5189)
1afa97a fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.108.0 (#5190)
8761d0b fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.109.0 (#5191)
7e1f704 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5186)
5873787 fix(deps): update dependency @toruslabs/torus.js to ^12.2.0 (#5193)
f18ef88 chore(deps): update dependency typescript to ^5.4.3 (#5195)
33eba2e chore(deps): update dependency @testing-library/react-native to ^12.4.5 (#5196)
6d625fa chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5201)
3315e1e chore(vscode): update VS Code settings (#5199)
6cb5702 chore(jumpstart): support for reclaim from retired jumpstart contracts (#5200)

Valora 1.80.0

21 Mar 02:41
Choose a tag to compare


We've updated Valora to fix bugs, enhance our features, and improve overall performance.


d2ae03d feat: add tab navigator (#5027)
75215d9 feat(bottom-tabs): extend assets screen to support wallet tab (#5061)
848bd5c feat(bottom-tabs): extend wallet home to support home tab (#5069)
755eb68 feat(navigation): Add Profile / Menu Screen (#5028)
61de081 feat(home): remove cash in bottom sheet (#5071)
ac3cf12 feat: discover tab screen (#5078)
c469329 feat(jumpstart): send jumpstart transactions (#5091)
229892a feat(jumpstart): add error state on failed transaction (#5103)
364d77b feat(asset-details): Add Celo news feed to Celo token details page (#5107)
52b1bbb feat(bottom-tabs): navigate to correct screens based on feature gate (#5101)
e05faa1 feat(bottom-tabs): navigate gold education completion to home (#5114)
2221e03 feat(jumpstart): jumpstart claim status (#5111)
e0f688d feat(jumpstart): add share link screen (#5110)
b2b5fbb feat(wallet-tab): Add Hide Balance ability to wallet tab (#5074)
f529920 feat: add tab bar header navigation (#5082)

Bugs Fixes

c0e2b65 fix: new wallets only created with english mnemonics (#5064)
2af14ff feat(txs): Show Approval TXs only on supported chains (#5068)
4d484cf fix: the NFT reward bottom sheet unexpectedly reappears after CTA button is pressed (#5076)
f01e7f6 fix(home): consistent padding for all home elements (#5077)


2838d37 chore: bump app version to 1.80.0 (#5063)
df00a4d refactor(tokens): break out AssetTabBar and AssetList into its own components (#5056)
87d3485 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5051)
ad55e54 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5065)
f0add82 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5066)
b022b8f test(e2e): increase funded amount for FC tests (#5070)
9d9293c chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5075)
a658959 refactor: shared transactions sending saga for swap and send (#5067)
5d574f4 chore(deps): update dependency bl to ^6.0.12 (#5079)
04ccfe7 chore(deps): update dependency browserify-sign to ^4.2.3 (#5080)
f5ffd2e chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5081)
29eb87e chore(deps): update dependency elliptic to ^6.5.5 (#5083)
3633f1f fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.7.22 (#5084)
97a8663 fix(deps): update react-navigation monorepo (#5085)
4359237 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.8.5 (#5086)
131b7ac fix(deps): update react-navigation monorepo (#5087)
8d4fc0f chore(deps): update dependency qs to ^6.12.0 (#5088)
2a861db chore: inline notification visual tweaks (#5089)
3ccab2b fix(cab): import wallet back fix (#5092)
03e4d75 fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.106.0 (#5094)
d4bfaf2 fix(deps): update dependency @toruslabs/constants to ^13.2.0 (#5095)
2fb0ca7 fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.106.1 (#5096)
9dc1950 fix(deps): update dependency @toruslabs/fetch-node-details to ^13.2.0 (#5097)
5da4931 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-get-random-values to ^1.11.0 (#5098)
deb7bd3 fix(jumpstart): ensure that jumpstart transactions are prepared correctly (#5090)
57ba1b4 fix(jumpstart): use long dynamic link (#5105)
cab2fed chore: update Toast component to match recent designs (#5106)
ff33c38 chore(jumpstart): add analytics for send saga (#5102)
467db2b chore(jumpstart): update copy and design tweaks (#5104)
eb588aa chore(jumpstart): add claim to the names of claim-related actions and selectors (#5112)
2aa8b6c chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5109)
da6d8cd chore(toast): update toast UI to use border instead of shadow (#5113)
7f84b0f chore: BottomSheetInLineNotification -> Toast (#5117)
08b5527 test(e2e): run assets tests against tab navigator (#5115)
9e024d5 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5119)
de79d89 chore: update NFT celebration copy (#5122)
409ace7 feat(jumpstart): add share with QR code (#5118)
4d3ee15 fix: prevent phone input number from being hidden behind keyboard (#5124)
e646261 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5127)
b3b051b test(e2e): update tests to run against tab navigator (#5123)
f214aa9 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5131)
2f60f03 refactor: use branding icons for home tab, rewards pill (#5130)
3381a71 fix: ensure send flow does not crash when user has no balance (#5134)
3bc5f91 fix(profile-menu): use 16 for horizontal margin (#5135)
0695fa9 fix(jumpstart): fix jumpstart claim (#5136)
dde91eb fix(profile): register new screens for settings, help, invite (#5121)

Valora 1.79.0

08 Mar 17:32
Choose a tag to compare


We've updated Valora to fix bugs, enhance our features, and improve overall performance.


eeb813c feat: add jumpstart button to select recipients screen (#4965)
e916b99 feat(cab): Use new verifiers with custom domains, update torus libs (#4942)
bada160 feat: add jumpstart send amount screen (#4978)
deca7b0 feat(CAB): Log hashed keyshares (#4960)
7c749f7 feat(keylessBackup): add delete happy path (#4969)
b2b7890 feat(cab): Add error banner for CAB delete failure (#5000)
7672934 feat(jumpstart): handle jumpstart state (#4963)
51e1c43 feat: add blocking max amount warning for jumpstart send flow (#5009)
04841d4 feat: support fee currency adapters (#5010)
09e6ff9 feat: reward bottom sheet (#5024)
99f92a2 feat: add jumpstart confirmation screen (#5050)
56084d3 feat: nft reward feature gate (#5059)

Bug Fixes

88b7ba9 fix(imported-tokens): Improving the swap experience for imported tokens (#4950)
71a780b fix(build): trailing comma preventing parsing with jq (#4973)
d753613 fix(token-details): Updating logic to show "Swap" for zero balance tokens and imported tokens (#4930)
eec7658 fix(send): show correct address in confirmation screen (#5019)
e8b7017 fix(keylessBackup): add homecard for keyless backup (#5041)
cbdb4aa fix(keylessBackup): color/typography/copy nits (#5043)
1850e60 fix(keylessBackup): update icon for homecard and primer screen (#5052)
36a4715 fix: ensure screens that are bottom sheets scroll correctly (#5062)
3697443 fix(keylessBackup): small copy changes (#5026)


57edabe chore: bump app version to 1.79.0 (#4959)
a850eb4 ci(e2e): test changes for xcode 15 support (#4955)
d4d5819 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-adjust to ^4.37.1 (#4920)
632b208 chore: update wallet jumpstart abi format (#4966)
592830c chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4968)
d62d676 fix(deps): update dependency victory-native to ^36.9.1 (#4961)
6fbe62d chore(networkConfig): remove 1 place where manual testing and code searching would be needed to add chains (#4857)
b8156cc docs: recommend xcode 15.2 install (#4970)
477518e chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#4971)
21bd1e2 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-async-storage/async-storage to ^1.22.1 (#4972)
2baeb83 chore(deps): update dependency prettier-plugin-java to ^2.6.0 (#4974)
435cb8a fix(deps): update dependency @fiatconnect/fiatconnect-sdk to ^0.5.29 (#4981)
0163c0a fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-async-storage/async-storage to ^1.22.2 (#4983)
8349d98 ci: use runner arch in cache key to avoid issues (#4985)
57b99d4 chore(logs): Removing noisy error log from transaction watcher (#4984)
cef1972 refactor: abstract UI parts of the send amount screen (#4977)
5ad6f4c chore: tweak copy for swap disclaimer (#4987)
ec843fa chore: update pending requests firebase node read only (#4986)
38c1321 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4988)
ccb141c fix(deps): update dependency @fiatconnect/fiatconnect-sdk to ^0.5.30 (#4990)
f3b4024 fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.102.1 (#4991)
c72d5b2 fix(deps): update react-navigation monorepo (#4992)
d4f920f ci: switch to namespace runners for Android e2e tests (#4895)
5ae3569 build(deps): bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.63 (#4982)
3184462 ci(e2e): run tests on iOS 17.2 or merges to main (#4989)
9205eaf chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#4996)
991c74a chore(deps): bump ip from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 (#4945)
48c9909 ci(merge-queue): add required trigger for github actions (#4998)
3c97845 ci: edit merge group from semantic pr check (#4999)
f9363d2 ci: add merge group to check translation files (#5002)
d4c06ad refactor(send): prepare a transaction in send confirmation screen (#4980)
97abe99 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-device-info to ^10.13.0 (#4993)
b84aa11 fix(deps): update segment (#5005)
8a69f98 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-community/netinfo to v11 (#5007)
fe71199 chore: backfill on SendEnterAmount test (#4994)
6a3b4f4 refactor: make dynamic links methods more reusable, for jumpstart (#4995)
252a03c ci: disable Android e2e test for API level 24 on main (#5011)
6bd29b5 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4997)
7a6f1c5 fix(keylessBackup): fix small copy & button (#5012)
69c1bef ci: adjust concurrency checks to support a merge queue (#5015)
3acbf82 refactor(send): cleanup confirmation screen (#5013)
6865c2b ci: prevent merge queue jobs from being cancelled from concurrency (#5017)
09d7bd9 chore(patches): use the correct version (#5021)
88321e0 ci(check-translation-files): don't run on merge group events (#5020)
54999ef chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5014)
a78b23a refactor(contacts): Use react-native-permissions for contacts (#4979)
d9f005e chore: remove twelveWordMnemonicEnabled remote config (#5018)
78719f2 fix(deps): update dependency @reduxjs/toolkit to v2 (#5008)
722017d chore(deps): upgrade viem to ^2.7.16 (#5022)
5b3b1ea refactor(send): execute prepared transaction in saga (#5001)
1a1a0a4 ci: don't run jobs on main that already run on the merge queue (#5029)
14e6d29 chore(deps): update dependency redux to ^5.0.1 (#5030)
a0aa426 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-async-storage/async-storage to ^1.22.3 (#5031)
684a6a4 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5023)
2ee6a36 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-community/netinfo to ^11.3.1 (#5032)
a87f971 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-device-info to ^10.13.1 (#5033)
f0c74d5 fix(deps): update react-navigation monorepo (#5034)
086298d fix(deps): update segment (#5035)
adaae3d fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.104.0 (#5036)
a19f1b3 fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.105.0 (#5037)
363f7f6 fix(deps): update dependency react-redux to v9 (#5025)
93bac93 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5039)
3962849 chore(deps): update dependency node to v20.11.1 (#5040)
86fe66d chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#5042)
2b9777f fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.7.18 (#5049)
5c9777e fix(keylessBackup): fix hasSeenVerification for linkPhone number and when homecard is shown (#5044)
f85552b fix(keylessBackup): Use existing component for keyless backup delete error (#5045)
4df1078 chore: remove nft gallery and old token details (#5016)
5a01533 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.7.19 (#5053)
13aa615 fix(deps): update dependency viem to ^2.7.20 (#5054)
bd3bdf5 fix(deps): update dependency statsig-react-native to ^4.15.0 (#5055)
5bab44d chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#5057)

Valora 1.78.0

22 Feb 10:18
Choose a tag to compare
Valora 1.78.0 Pre-release


We've updated Valora to fix bugs, enhance our features, and improve overall performance.


442e5f2 feat(swap): add popular tokens to bottom sheet (#4865)
59c9804 feat(CAB): Add help bottom sheet for CAB phone verification screen (#4868)
e3a2149 feat(swap): implement token sorting holdout group (#4896)
07f935b feat(keylessBackup): restore not found screen (#4891)
ee6e8fc feat: NFT celebration (#4886)
6080dc2 feat: add use of one time jwt to cloud account storage (#4904)

Bug Fixes

da98833 fix: import select layout on large fonts and move files (#4879)
f5fa9e0 fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.100.0 (#4892)
31bfb98 fix(dapps): ensure dapps list language is correct (#4875)
db659be fix(dapps): add key property to network chips (#4903)
9fad9ee fix(deps): update dependency @fiatconnect/fiatconnect-sdk to ^0.5.27 (#4912)
4ee2b43 fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.100.1 (#4914)
fb2ade1 fix: incorrect currency codes (#4916)
aefe794 fix: token bottom sheet interactions with filters (#4900)
107a092 fix(deps): update react-navigation monorepo (#4915)
81e998c fix(nfts): NFT celebration dynamic config defaultValues (#4922)
5d70e8e fix(jumpstart): correct jumpstart contracts defaultValue (#4923)
d922067 fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.101.0 (#4931)
6aa79fd fix(deps): update dependency react-native-image-crop-picker to ^0.40.3 (#4932)
72ea984 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-gesture-handler to ^2.15.0 (#4933)
207b85a fix: ensure token bottom sheet sticky header takes full width (#4935)
b170cbe fix(send): Handling prepare transaction errors in send flow (#4902)
1915956 fix: prevent redundant fetching fiat currency conversion (#4940)
02971a4 fix(deps): update dependency @fiatconnect/fiatconnect-sdk to ^0.5.28 (#4944)
8ab5e35 fix(deps): update dependency @sentry/types to ^7.101.1 (#4946)
2cec8d9 fix(deps): update dependency react-native-keychain to ^8.1.3 (#4947)
5c99402 fix(deps): update dependency @react-native-async-storage/async-storage to ^1.22.0 (#4948)
e5a7fd8 fix(wc): allow personal_sign for unsupported networks (#4936)
0182bd7 fix(deps): update dependency ibantools to ^4.5.0 (#4949)
abc3fe9 fix: nav help icon (#4952)
a897f43 fix(deps): update dependency @gorhom/bottom-sheet to ^4.6.1 (#4954)
b5ff89f fix(deps): update dependency react-native-qrcode-svg to ^6.3.0 (#4956)
243380c fix(deps): update dependency react-native-safe-area-context to ^4.9.0 (#4957)
021032f fix(deps): update dependency react-native-webview to ^13.8.1 (#4958)


291cc72 chore(deps): update dependency web3 to v1.10.4 (#4880)
e435ff6 chore(swap): use NETWORK_NAMES for network filters (#4881)
0e0d6bc refactor(i18n): use static translation keys (#4887)
1efcb14 chore(vulnerability): Ignore dependency vulnerability GHSA-78xj-cgh5-2h22 (#4888)
a547627 refactor(send): remove old send flow (#4863)
fe63cf5 ci: fix e2e funding script (#4877)
2293ba0 chore: bump app version to 1.78.0 (#4882)
a39962d chore: remove unused dapps remote configs (#4884)
dcb1657 chore: update known vulnerabilities (#4899)
4898ad9 chore(imported-tokens): Refactoring network icon logic to be in the saga instead of the selector (#4878)
95154ab chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4905)
b817096 chore: remove unused app remote configs (#4885)
28149e3 chore(deps): update dependency bl to ^6.0.11 (#4906)
31b6061 chore(token-import): Adding analytics for the send flow (#4901)
14dfc51 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#4907)
69af536 chore: remove show receive amount in select provider feature gate (#4859)
1df5d04 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4909)
c20d7a0 docs(pr-template): add 'network scalability' section to PR template (#4889)
9d12ad2 chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.2.5 (#4870)
e3e7e97 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#4913)
cf8a65e chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4918)
a0b4675 chore: add extra logging for currency conversion, remove logging for rewards senders (#4917)
236d15b chore: remove unused walletConnectV1Enabled remote config (#4924)
50c4ab5 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4925)
5ba9d2c chore: remove SHOW_NOTIFICATION_CENTER feature flag (#4929)
72669c2 chore: add analytics for token selection position in list (#4921)
d53b643 chore(wc): remove use_viem_for_walletconnect_transactions feature flag (#4926)
3a4f782 chore: update description for account_funded and account_liquidated (#4928)
fdc38ab chore: add profile pic disclaimer (#4937)
3b0ee22 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4938)
af16ab8 chore(security): remove resolved issue (#4943)
cdb3ba2 chore(l10n): update translations from Crowdin (#4941)
344b710 chore(clean-ff): Remove showPriceChangeIndicatorInBalances and visualizeNFTsEnabledInHomeAssetsPage (#4927)
13449b7 chore: add ESLint plugin to VS Code recommendations list (#4939)
53eff07 chore: update licenses and disclaimer (#4951)
a018439 build(ios): set os minimum deployment to 15.0 (#4910)
e02dc5f refactor(helper-function): simplify getNetworkFromNetworkId (#4890)