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File metadata and controls

148 lines (98 loc) · 4.27 KB


Exporting for Android:

  • configure to build with gradle, and install the build template: Project > Install android build template. It will generate a root android folder.


To use HTTP calls to your backend you need to add the following permissions to your android template in export_presets.cfg:


Otherwise, network communication of any kind will be blocked by the Android OS. (from this warning in the docs)

debug key

generate debug key for godot:

> keytool -keyalg RSA -genkeypair -v -alias YOUR_ALIAS -keystore android.debug.keystore -validity 9999 -deststoretype pkcs12 -keypass YOUR_PASSWORD

replace in the preset options:



In assets/android you'll find the adaptive icons template from

apk for debug

build apk from cli

> /Applications/Apps/ --export-debug "Android Debug" --headless

manifest from apk

> aapt dump badging _build/android/lockeyland.apk
> which aapt
aapt: aliased to ~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/32.0.0/aapt2

aab for releases

build aab from cli

> /Applications/Apps/ --export-debug "Android Release" --headless

manifest from aab

> brew install bundletool
> bundletool dump manifest --bundle _build/android/lockeyland.aab --xpath /manifest/@android:versionName
> bundletool dump manifest --bundle _build/android/lockeyland.aab --xpath /manifest/@android:versionCode

install playstore on emulators

all steps:

1 - download Phonesky.apk 2 - emulator @pixel-api-21 -writable-system 3 - adb remount 4 - adb push ~/path/to/Phonesky.apk /system/priv-app/ 5 - adb shell stop && adb shell start

intall apk on emulator

1 - emulator @pixel-api-21 -no-snapshot -writable-system 2 - fox export an android debug preset 3 - adb uninstall 4 - adb install -r ~/path/to/your.apk 5 - adb logcat -s godot

--> repeat from 2 to 5 on every test


setting up android plugins

  • To keep your plugins whenever you update (and erase the android folder), you can install them next to your game folder, and symlink to the android/plugins folder each time you reinstall the latest android template.

  • install android plugins next to /fox and /yourgame

for example in my case:

└── fox
└── yourgame
  ├── GodotGooglePlayBilling.x.x.x.release.aar
  └── GodotGooglePlayBilling.gdap
> ln -s ~/Projects/uralys/gamedev/ android/plugins

note: currently using godot-lib.4.1.3.stable.template_release.aar and building assembleRelease from Android Studio

testing IAP

to test android IAP:

  • fox export > select an android release preset to generate the .aab
  • create an intern release
  • add a product
  • add a tester and send invite link to internal Play Store
  • connect to PlayStore with this tester account
  • Accept the invitation through the link

then the test account can see the SKU even from debug.apk generated with fox export > android debug preset manually installed with adb.

API reference and examples:


When Fox initializes, it will check if the app useNotifications. If so, it will instantiate a NotificationScheduler singleton and add it to the root node.

To generate an icon, you may use tools like

The generated icons should be placed in the android/build/res/drawable* folders.