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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 10, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Note This application was retired on 10/05/2023.

Courses API

This is the University of York Courses API. Consumers can search for and retrieve a list of courses that are published on the University of York website, with results ordered by relevance.

The data is sourced from the University's instance of Funnelback, a search provider which handles the indexing of the course web pages into a data collection and the subsequent querying of this collection. See the related repo for more information.

Course Search

The API has been primarily written as a data source for the Course Search application. For more context on this system, you can view the system architecture and architecture decision log.

Related Repos

  • Course Search - the user-facing Course Search application on the University of York website.
  • Funnelback Courses API - the underlying Funnelback search provider configuration that powers searches.

Consuming the API

The Courses API is available at

You can view the API specification for a description of endpoints and parameters.

The latest version of the Courses API specification is published and kept up-to-date automatically. It is defined using the OpenAPI specification and is served as a static site using a distribution of Swagger-UI.

Error handling and logs

Exceptions caught in the application are logged. These can be found in CloudWatch. As an ESG AWS user for the relevant environment, or as your own user id if the application is running in your AWS sandbox, open CloudWatch from the AWS Management console and click on Log groups. The group name is /aws/lambda/uoy-courses-api-v1-courses.

Something similar to the following will be returned via the API

 "timestamp": "2020-10-19T09:59:36.872Z",
 "status": 500,
 "error": "Internal Server Error",
 "message": "An error has occurred..",
 "path": "/courses"


The API is hosted in AWS API Gateway, and deployed using the Serverless framework.


You will need:

  • Node.js (LTS version) installed on your machine
  • An AWS account (we recommend using saml2aws to authenticate locally, check our wiki page for more details)

You will also need to add an AWS_ACCOUNT_ID environment variable with the value set as the ID of your AWS account.

Local Development

To set up the project for local development, at the root directory run:

npm install

To deploy the application to your account, login to AWS (e.g. saml2aws login) then run:

npm run deploy

Then find the API's URL in AWS API Gateway under the appropriate Stage to try it out.

To undeploy the application from your account, run:

npm run undeploy


To run the tests locally run:

npm test

Tests are run automatically upon creation of a pull request, configured in .github/workflows/checks.yml, and upon a merge into dev or main branches on Github as part of .github/workflows/deploy.yml


Deployment to the development and production environments happen through GitHub actions that trigger automatically when new code is merged into the dev and main branches.

The development version of the Courses API is available at

Tagging of AWS resources

Most AWS resources created by this application are tagged according to the stackTags setting in serverless.yml (which works by applying tags to the CloudFormation stack generated by Serverless) during deployment. However, due to a suspected bug in CloudFormation, tags are not automatically applied to the API and API stage resources, upon creation, because an OpenAPI specification is being used to generate the API. As a workaround, we set tags on the API and stage using a bash script (scripts/addAwsTagsToApi) that runs AWS CLI tagging commands. This script is executed in the CI/CD pipeline after deployment of the app so that the production API resources are always tagged correctly.

Code style

The project defines rules for code formatting and style. Code is checked against these rules upon creation of a pull request, configured in .github/workflows/checks.yml, and upon a merge into dev or main branches on Github as part of .github/workflows/deploy.yml


This project uses prettier to format code and to check that code is correctly formatted. Overrides to its default formatting rules are agreed by the team and configured in .prettierrc.json in the root folder. You can use npm run format to format all code in the project.


You can configure Intellij to format code, using prettier, when you save a file and when you run Intellij's formatting command (Ctrl-Alt-L). To do this:

  • install the prettier plugin (under File > Settings > Plugins)
  • go to File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Javascript > Prettier and check the options on save and on code reformat

To make Intellij use the prettier formatting rules while you edit code, open package.json and above the code window it will prompt you to Use code style based on prettier for this project? which you can accept.


This project uses XO to check code style. XO is based on ESLint. Overrides to default linting rules are agreed by the team and configured in .xo-config.json in the root folder. You can use npm run lint to check whether the code conforms to the linting rules.

Useful commands

npm run test

Run the application's tests.

npm run deploy

Deploy the application to AWS. To deploy to your AWS sandbox, you will need to

  • be logged in to AWS using saml2aws
  • have defined an environment variable called AWS_ACCOUNT_ID with the account id of your sandbox:
set AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=012345678

You can find your sandbox AWS account id by logging in to AWS either via the web console or via saml2aws - it is displayed when you select which account you want to use.

npm run undeploy

Remove the application from AWS.

npm run format

Format all code using the team's agreed formatting rules. This uses prettier.

npm run checkformat

Check all code is correctly formatted according to agreed rules. Uses prettier.

npm run lint

Check to see if code meets the team's agreed coding standards. This uses XO (which in turn uses eslint).

npm run check

Checks code formatting (prettier), checks coding standards (XO), then runs tests.

npm run formatandcheck

Fixes code formatting (prettier), checks coding standards (XO), then runs tests.


The customised Swagger-UI has been set up by following these instructions.

