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Ultimate Notion is the ultimate Python client for Notion ๐Ÿš€ It allows you to access and modify your Notion databases and pages in the most convenient and pythonic way.

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Package PyPI - Version PyPI - Downloads PyPI - Python Version GitHub Sponsors
Details Hatch project Linting - Ruff Pre-Commit test - pytest Types - Mypy License - MIT Docs - mkdocs


Install the most recent release using PyPI with:

pip install ultimate-notion

or to install all additional dependencies, use:

pip install 'ultimate-notion[all]'


Make sure you have set the environment variable NOTION_TOKEN to your Notion integration token. Then it's as simple as:

import ultimate_notion as uno

PAGE_TITLE = "Getting Started"

with uno.Session() as notion:
    page = notion.search_page(PAGE_TITLE).item()

# Alternatively, without a context manager:
notion = uno.Session()
page = notion.search_page(PAGE_TITLE).item()

Check out the official Ultimate Notion documentation for more details. Especially the page about creating a Notion integration to get the token. The documentation is made with Material for MkDocs and is hosted on GitHub Pages.


After having cloned this repository:

  1. make sure hatch is installed globally, e.g. pipx install hatch,
  2. make sure pre-commit is installed globally, e.g. with pipx install pre-commit,

and then you are already set up to start hacking. Use hatch run test to run the unit tests or hatch run vcr-only to run the offline unit tests using Regenerate the cassettes with hatch run vcr-rewrite. Check out the environment setup of hatch in pyproject.toml for many more commands.

If you are using VS Code, it's quite convenient to create a file .vscode/.env with


Check out this page about contributing for more details.

License & Credits

Ultimate Notion is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. To start this project off a lot of inspiration and code was taken from hatch and notional. Ultimate Notion highly depends on notion-sdk-py.