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Provides editors and tools for working with Microsoft Train Simulator 1 files and routes, starting with a "Simis Editor" for reading many of the files used. More tools and editors will be developed over time.



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JGR MSTS Editors & Tools

License: New BSD License (BSD).

Getting Started

1. Make sure you have the Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 Framework installed.
    * Download from
    * Included with Windows 7 and later.
2. Extract all files to an empty location of your choice.
3. Run the tools.
    * Simis Editor v0.5
    * Simis File v0.5

Tools - Simis Editor v0.5

Graphical editor for individual Simis files.

* What Works:
  * File > Open... - opening supported file types (see below).
  * File > Save, File > Save As... - saving files in Unicode text, binary or compressed binary.
  * Edit > Undo, Edit > Redo, Edit > Cut, Edit > Copy, Edit > Paste, Edit > Delete, Edit > Select All - standard editing functions.
  * Help > Reload Simis Resources - reloads all files from the "Resources" subdirectory (useful for testing).
  * All blocks and values in a file can be seen in the main tree view. 
  * Values can be edited by selecting the block or value in the tree and using the Property Grid on the right.
  * Allowed blocks can be added to the tree by right-clicking and using the context-menu.
  * Indirect file opening - dropping a supported file on "SimisEditor.exe" or the application window will open it.
* What Doesn't Work (Yet):
  * Creating new files.
  * Opening other similar game files. More will be supported in future releases.
  * Removing or replacing blocks in the tree structure of files.

Tools - Simis File v0.5

Performs operations on individual or collections of Simis files.


  SIMISFILE /D[UMP] [/V[ERBOSE]] [file ...]


  SIMISFILE /T[EST] [/V[ERBOSE]] [/J[threads]] [file ...] [dir ...]

  /FORMATS  Displays a list of the supported Simis file formats.
  /DUMP     Reads all files and displays the resulting Simis tree for each.
            Normalizes the specified files for comparisons. For binary files,
            this uncompresses the contents only. For text files, whitespace,
            quoted strings and numbers are all sanitized. The normalized file
            is written to the current directory, with the '.normalized'
            extension added if the source file is also in the current
            directory. This will overwrite files in the current directory only.
  /TEST     Tests all the files specified and found in the directories
            specified against the reading and writing code. No files are
            changed. A report of read/write success by file type is produced.
  /VERBOSE  Produces more output. For /DUMP and /TEST, displays the individual
            failures encountered while reading or writing files.
  /J        Uses multiple threads for running the operation. By default, the
            number of threads equals the number of logical processors.
  threads   Explicitly specifies the number of threads to use.
  file      One or more Simis files to process.
  dir       One or more directories containing Simis files. These will be
            scanned recursively.

Support File Types

* Activity (.act)                        [Updated]
* Activity Save (.asv)                   [Uses :buffer type]
* Cameras (camcfg.dat)                   [New]
* Environment (.env)                     
* Global Track Sections (tsection.dat)   
* GUI (.dat)                             [New]
* GUI Bitmaps (bitmaps.dat)              [New]
* GUI Screens (screens.dat)              [New]
* IOM (.iom)                             
* Material Palette (.pal)                
* Route (.trk)                           
* Route Car Spawn (carspawn.dat)         
* Route Forests (forests.dat)            [New]
* Route Gantry Sets (gantry.dat)         [New]
* Route Hazard (.haz)                    
* Route Markers (.mkr)                   
* Route Reference (.ref)                 [Updated]
* Route Road Database (.rdb)             
* Route Road Items (.rit)                
* Route Speed Post Sets (speedpost.dat)  [New]
* Route Telegraph Poles (telepole.dat)   
* Route Tile Definition (.td)            [New]
* Route Tile Definition Low (.tdl)       [New]
* Route Track Database (.tdb)            
* Route Track Items (.tit)               
* Route Track Sections (tsection.dat)    
* Route Track Types (ttype.dat)          [New]
* Route Traffic Pattern (.trf)           
* Route Train Path (.pat)                [Updated]
* Route Train Service (.srv)             
* Shape (.s)                             
* Shape Detail (.sd)                     
* Signals (sigcfg.dat)                   [New]
* Sound Management (.sms)                
* Sound Sources (ssource.dat)            
* Terrain (.t)                           [Uses :buffer type]
* Train Cab View (.cvf)                  
* Train Consist (.con)                   [Updated]
* Train Engine (.eng)                    [Updated]
* Train Wagon (.wag)                     [Updated]
* World (.w)                             [Updated]
* World Sound (.ws)                      

Note: Formats which use the :buffer type can be loaded but are not completely parsed and can not be saved correctly.

Version History

--- 19th September 2010 ---
* Simis Editor v0.5
* Simis File v0.5
  * Added {{/J[threads]}} option to run {{/TEST}} with multiple threads.
* Libraries
  * BNFs added from Jeff:
    * Cameras (camcfg.dat).
    * GUI (.dat).
    * GUI Bitmaps (bitmaps.dat).
    * GUI Screens (screens.dat).
    * Route Forests (forest.dat).
    * Route Gantry Sets (gantry.dat).
    * Route Speed Post Sets (speedpost.dat).
    * Route Tile Definition (.td)
    * Route Tile Definition Low (.tdl)
    * Route Track Types (ttype.dat).
    * Signals (sigcfg.dat).
  * BNFs: Activity updated with new labels from Jeff.
  * BNFs: Route Reference updated with feedback from Jeff.
  * BNFs: Route Train Path updated with new labels from Jeff.
  * BNFs: Shape updates to allow slerp_rot animation rotations in addition to tcp_rot.
  * BNFs: Train Consist updated with new labels from Jeff.
  * BNFs: Train Engine updated with feedback from Jeff.
  * BNFs: Train Wagon updated with feedback from Jeff.
  * BNFs: World updated to use better data types.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: BNFFile now throws FileException on duplicate definitions/productions.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisFile bug fix for when a file contains skipped content outside any blocks.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisReader accepts //-style single-line comments in text files.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisReader skips all blocks with types starting with an underscore iff the next token is "(".
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisTestableStream correctly normalizes hex numbers to 8 digits instead of 16.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisTestableStream no longer parses numbers inside unquoted tokens.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisWriter now correctly handles skipped input.

--- 6th June 2010 ---
* All code relicensed from Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) to New BSD License (BSD).
* Simis Editor v0.4
  * Open and Save dialogs support full filename filters from BNFs (e.g. "tsection.dat").
  * Added statusbar and menu help text.
  * Added context menu tree editing with 4 groups of options populated from BNFs:
    * Insert previous siblings.
    * Insert next siblings.
    * Insert before children.
    * Insert after children.
  * Problems loading *.bnf files and loading or saving Simis files are all offered for reporting online.
* Simis File
* Libraries
  * BNFs: many renamed to better match what the store.
  * BNFs: all labels updated from TileY to TileZ to match MSTS's coordinate system.
  * BNFs: Global Track Sections updated.
  * BNFs: Route updated to label some values.
  * BNFs: Route Road Database updated to label some values.
  * BNFs: Route Road Items updated to label some values.
  * BNFs: Route Track Database updated to label some values and support :CrossoverItem.
  * BNFs: World updated to label some values and work with more files.
  * Jgr.Grammar: BNF and FSM now enforce the structure of the FILE definition in *.bnf files.
  * Jgr.Gui: Feedback class added for collecting data, prompting user via FeedbackPrompt and reporting problems online.
  * Jgr.Gui: FeedbackPrompt class added for prompting user about submission of comments/exceptions.
  * Jgr.Gui: TaskDialog class added for Vista+ task dialogs, with fallback to normal message boxes on XP.
  * Jgr.IO: FileFinder class added to scan a list of directories and return the first containing a given file.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: DataTree class added to provide common functions for editing immutable trees.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisFile is now immutable and loads all data during construction.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: MutableSimisFile class added to store modifiable Simis file data.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: UndoRedoSimisFile class added to handle undo/redo operations on MutableSimisFile.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisProvider is now immutable and does all its work during construction instead of forcing threading on the caller.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisReader now parses text files case-insensitively.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisReader treats -1 read as an unsigned int as if it was signed (thus giving -1).
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: bool SimisTreeNode.Contains(string) added for easier checking of existence of children.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisTreeNode[string] now finds children case-insensitively.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisTreeNode SimisTreeNode.GetNextSibling(SimisTreeNode) added to find next siblings; likewise previous siblings.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisTreeNode SimisTreeNode.GetFirstChild() added to get first children; likewise last children.
  * Jgr.IO.Parser: SimisTreeNode.InsertChild() can now be called with 'before' of null, which acts like AppendChild().
  * Jgr.Msts: RouteService, RouteTrack and TrackService classes added, providing some wrapped data about routes.
  * Jgr.Msts: Tile class added; can load data and render 2D images of object locations within it and the track.
  * Jgr.Msts: Coordinate transformations improved to match MSTS better.
  * FxCop warning fixes.
  * Unit test fixes.
  * More unit tests.

--- 21st February 2010 ---
* Simis Editor v0.3
  * Enabled Edit>Undo and Edit>Redo.
  * Undoing/redoing back to last saved state is identified as saved (no prompt on exit, etc.).
  * Added save prompt when closing window.
  * Added and enabled Edit>Select All.
  * Enabled Edit>Cut, Edit>Copy, Edit>Paste, Edit>Delete.
* Simis File
  * Added /DUMP option which prints out the node tree.
  * /NORMALIZE can normalize ACE files.
* Libraries
  * BNFs for Route (.trk), Route Database (.rdb), Route Items (.rit), Route Markers (.mkr), Route REF (.ref), Sound Sources (ssource.dat), Telegraph Poles (telepole.dat), Track Database (.tdb), Track Items (.tit), Track Sections (Global) (tsection.dat), Track Sections (Route) (tsection.dat), Train (Consist) (.con), Train (Consist) Cab View (.cvf), Train (Consist) Engine (.eng), Train (Consist) Wagon (.wag) added.
  * Added new BNF types :word and :byte for exploratory work.
  * comment() and skip() blocks now count parentheses.
  * "-" and "/" no longer quoted in written files.
  * Added _skip() and _info() block skipping.
  * Many performance improvements to reading and writing files.
  * Added a string indexer for SimisTreeNodes to find first child of given type.
  * Added ToValue<T>() to SimisTreeNodes for reading values from nodes.
  * Added tracing for BNF and FSM code.
  * SimisFormat selection based on filename and header.
  * SimisTestableStream can normalize ACE files.
  * SimisTestableStream will better normalize numeric values in text files.
  * New library, Jgr.Msts, containing MSTS-specific classes utilising the other libraries and some coordinate system transformations.
  * More unit tests.

--- 8th November 2009 ---
* Simis Editor v0.2
  * Enabled File>Save and File>Save As.
  * Help>Test Simis Files replaced with "SimisFile.exe".
  * Updated to get native theming on Windows Vista and 7.
  * Update checking now only checks once per day.
  * Drag-drop a file onto the editor now opens the file.
* Simis File
   * Testing for reading and writing files.
   * Normalization of files.
* Libraries
  * Writing support for all three formats (Unicode text, binary, and compressed binary).
  * BNFs for Activity Save (.asv), Environment (.env), Hazard (.haz), IOM (.iom), Material Palette (.pal) and Shape Detail (.sd) added.
  * BNF for Terrain (.t) updated to use less of :buffer type.
  * BNF for World (.w) updated to not use :buffer type.
  * Reader now supports Unicode text files containing "hh:mm:ss" (parsed as 3 :uint values).

--- 15th June 2009 ---
* Simis Editor v0.1
* Libraries
  * Reading support for Activity (.act), Path (.pat), Service (.srv), Shape (.s), Sound Management (.sms), Terrain (.t), Traffic Pattern (.trf), World (.w), World Sound (.ws) files.
  * Terrain (.t) and World (.w) use :buffer type.


Provides editors and tools for working with Microsoft Train Simulator 1 files and routes, starting with a "Simis Editor" for reading many of the files used. More tools and editors will be developed over time.







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