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Peter Lorenz edited this page Dec 18, 2016 · 14 revisions

Welcome to TUG Latex Templates!

You are on the main wiki page, where you can find links to all templates.

There are several repositories, which contain templates for:

  1. Master Thesis
  2. Bachelor Thesis
  3. Protocols (Electrical Engineering, Chemestry, ...)
  4. Presentation Slides
  5. Curriculum Vitae

Follow this link to see the repositories.

What is in the repository?

  1. You will find an example.pdf (Pdf name could vary.) in every repository to have a preview of the template.
  2. Tex or Lyx file.
  3. Images and logos, which are shown in the example.pdf are in the repository.

The Idea behind!

There is no common place of where you can download templates. Institutes povide sometimes one, but in most cases those are neglected and does neither fulfill the Graz University corporate design nor those are free of warnings or even errors.

Students, who have to write their master thesis, struggles with setting up a latex template on the first days to fulfill the guidelines of the university. Unfortunately, those guidelines are changing over the years and must be updated and easily accessible to everybody.

We are continously looking for new latex/lyx templates. Check out this link.

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