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Implement CustomRegex detector (#950)
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* Remove verifying successRanges because it is unused in webhook

* Move custom_detectors validation code into its own file

* Initial implementation of custom regex detector

Secret verification is done via webhook.

* Add CustomRegex detector type

* Add upper bound to permutation

* Return early if the context is canceled

* Add headers from configuration

* Add detector name as a key in the JSON body

* Implement faster algorithm for productIndices
  • Loading branch information
mcastorina committed Dec 14, 2022
1 parent 36ca260 commit 861ad05
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Showing 6 changed files with 565 additions and 299 deletions.
281 changes: 178 additions & 103 deletions pkg/custom_detectors/custom_detectors.go
@@ -1,151 +1,226 @@
package custom_detectors

import (


// customRegex is a CustomRegex that is guaranteed to be valid.
type customRegex *custom_detectorspb.CustomRegex
// The maximum number of matches from one chunk. This const is used when
// permutating each regex match to protect the scanner from doing too much work
// for poorly defined regexps.
const maxTotalMatches = 100

func ValidateKeywords(keywords []string) error {
if len(keywords) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no keywords")

for _, keyword := range keywords {
if len(keyword) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("empty keyword")
return nil
// customRegexWebhook is a CustomRegex with webhook validation that is
// guaranteed to be valid (assuming the data is not changed after
// initialization).
type customRegexWebhook struct {

func ValidateRegex(regex map[string]string) error {
if len(regex) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no regex")

for _, r := range regex {
if _, err := regexp.Compile(r); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid regex %q", r)

return nil
// Ensure the Scanner satisfies the interface at compile time.
var _ detectors.Detector = (*customRegexWebhook)(nil)

func ValidateVerifyEndpoint(endpoint string, unsafe bool) error {
if len(endpoint) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no endpoint")
// NewWebhookCustomRegex initializes and validates a customRegexWebhook. An
// unexported type is intentionally returned here to ensure the values have
// been validated.
func NewWebhookCustomRegex(pb *custom_detectorspb.CustomRegex) (*customRegexWebhook, error) {
// TODO: Return all validation errors.
if err := ValidateKeywords(pb.Keywords); err != nil {
return nil, err

if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "http://") && !unsafe {
return fmt.Errorf("http endpoint must have unsafe=true")
if err := ValidateRegex(pb.Regex); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil

func ValidateVerifyHeaders(headers []string) error {
for _, header := range headers {
if !strings.Contains(header, ":") {
return fmt.Errorf("header %q must contain a colon", header)
for _, verify := range pb.Verify {
if err := ValidateVerifyEndpoint(verify.Endpoint, verify.Unsafe); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ValidateVerifyHeaders(verify.Headers); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil

func ValidateVerifyRanges(ranges []string) error {
const httpLowerBound = 100
const httpUpperBound = 599
// TODO: Copy only necessary data out of pb.
return &customRegexWebhook{pb}, nil

for _, successRange := range ranges {
if !strings.Contains(successRange, "-") {
httpCode, err := strconv.Atoi(successRange)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert http code to int %q", successRange)
var httpClient = common.SaneHttpClient()

if httpCode < httpLowerBound || httpCode > httpUpperBound {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid http status code %q", successRange)
func (c *customRegexWebhook) FromData(ctx context.Context, verify bool, data []byte) (results []detectors.Result, err error) {
dataStr := string(data)
regexMatches := make(map[string][][]string, len(c.GetRegex()))

// Find all submatches for each regex.
for name, regex := range c.GetRegex() {
regex, err := regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Log error.
// This should never happen due to validation.
regexMatches[name] = regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(dataStr, -1)

httpRange := strings.Split(successRange, "-")
if len(httpRange) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid range format %q", successRange)
// Permutate each individual match.
// {
// "foo": [["match1"]]
// "bar": [["match2"], ["match3"]]
// }
// becomes
// [
// {"foo": ["match1"], "bar": ["match2"]},
// {"foo": ["match1"], "bar": ["match3"]},
// ]
matches := permutateMatches(regexMatches)

// Create result object and test for verification.
for _, match := range matches {
if common.IsDone(ctx) {
// TODO: Log we're possibly leaving out results.
return results, nil

lowerBound, err := strconv.Atoi(httpRange[0])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert lower bound to int %q", successRange)
var raw string
for _, values := range match {
// values[0] contains the entire regex match.
raw += values[0]

upperBound, err := strconv.Atoi(httpRange[1])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to convert upper bound to int %q", successRange)
result := detectors.Result{
DetectorType: detectorspb.DetectorType_CustomRegex,
Raw: []byte(raw),

if lowerBound > upperBound {
return fmt.Errorf("lower bound greater than upper bound on range %q", successRange)
if isKnownFalsePositive(match) {

if lowerBound < httpLowerBound || upperBound > httpUpperBound {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid http status code range %q", successRange)
if !verify {
results = append(results, result)
return nil

func ValidateRegexVars(regex map[string]string, body ...string) error {
for _, b := range body {
matches := NewRegexVarString(b).variables

for match := range matches {
if _, ok := regex[match]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("body %q contains an unknown variable", b)
// Verify via webhook.
jsonBody, err := json.Marshal(map[string]map[string][]string{
c.GetName(): match,
if err != nil {
// Try each config until we successfully verify.
for _, verifyConfig := range c.GetVerify() {
if common.IsDone(ctx) {
// TODO: Log we're possibly leaving out results.
return results, nil
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "POST", verifyConfig.GetEndpoint(), bytes.NewReader(jsonBody))
if err != nil {
for _, header := range verifyConfig.GetHeaders() {
key, value, found := strings.Cut(header, ":")
if !found {
// Should be unreachable due to validation.
req.Header.Add(key, strings.TrimLeft(value, "\t\n\v\f\r "))
res, err := httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Read response body.
if res.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
result.Verified = true
results = append(results, result)

return nil
return results, nil

func NewCustomRegex(pb *custom_detectorspb.CustomRegex) (customRegex, error) {
// TODO: Return all validation errors.
if err := ValidateKeywords(pb.Keywords); err != nil {
return nil, err
func (c *customRegexWebhook) Keywords() []string {
return c.GetKeywords()

if err := ValidateRegex(pb.Regex); err != nil {
return nil, err
// productIndices produces a permutation of indices for each length. Example:
// productIndices(3, 2) -> [[0 0] [1 0] [2 0] [0 1] [1 1] [2 1]]. It returns
// a slice of length no larger than maxTotalMatches.
func productIndices(lengths [][]int {
count := 1
for _, l := range lengths {
count *= l
if count == 0 {
return nil
if count > maxTotalMatches {
count = maxTotalMatches

for _, verify := range pb.Verify {

if err := ValidateVerifyEndpoint(verify.Endpoint, verify.Unsafe); err != nil {
return nil, err
results := make([][]int, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
j := 1
result := make([]int, 0, len(lengths))
for _, l := range lengths {
result = append(result, (i/j)%l)
j *= l
results[i] = result
return results

if err := ValidateVerifyHeaders(verify.Headers); err != nil {
return nil, err
// permutateMatches converts the list of all regex matches into all possible
// permutations selecting one from each named entry in the map. For example:
// {"foo": [matchA, matchB], "bar": [matchC]} becomes
// [{"foo": matchA, "bar": matchC}, {"foo": matchB, "bar": matchC}]
func permutateMatches(regexMatches map[string][][]string) []map[string][]string {
// Get a consistent order for names and their matching lengths.
// The lengths are used in calculating the permutation so order matters.
names := make([]string, 0, len(regexMatches))
lengths := make([]int, 0, len(regexMatches))
for key, value := range regexMatches {
names = append(names, key)
lengths = append(lengths, len(value))

if err := ValidateVerifyRanges(verify.SuccessRanges); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Permutate all the indices for each match. For example, if "foo" has
// [matchA, matchB] and "bar" has [matchC], we will get indices [0 0] [1 0].
permutationIndices := productIndices(lengths...)

// Build {"foo": matchA, "bar": matchC} and {"foo": matchB, "bar": matchC}
// from the indices.
var matches []map[string][]string
for _, permutation := range permutationIndices {
candidate := make(map[string][]string, len(permutationIndices))
for i, name := range names {
candidate[name] = regexMatches[name][permutation[i]]
matches = append(matches, candidate)

if err := ValidateRegexVars(pb.Regex, append(verify.Headers, verify.Endpoint)...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return matches

// This function will check false positives for common test words, but also it
// will make sure the key appears 'random' enough to be a real key.
func isKnownFalsePositive(match map[string][]string) bool {
for _, values := range match {
for _, value := range values {
if detectors.IsKnownFalsePositive(value, detectors.DefaultFalsePositives, true) {
return true

return pb, nil
return false

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