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trpc-cmdline is the command line tool for trpc-cpp and trpc-go.

It supports the latest three major releases of Go.


Install trpc-cmdline

Install using go command

First, add the following into your ~/.gitconfig:

[url "ssh://"]
    insteadOf =

Then run the following to install trpc-cmdline:

go install


Use one of the following methods to download:

Using trpc setup

After installation of trpc-cmdline, simply running trpc setup will automatically install all the dependencies.

Install separately

Install protoc
$ # Reference:
$ PB_REL=""
$ curl -LO $PB_REL/download/v3.15.8/
$ unzip -o -d $HOME/.local
$ export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH # Add this to your `~/.bashrc`.
$ protoc --version
libprotoc 3.15.8
Install flatc
$ # Reference:
$ wget
$ unzip -o -d $HOME/.bin
$ export PATH=~/.bin:$PATH # Add this to your `~/.bashrc`.
$ flatc --version
flatc version 23.5.26
Install protoc-gen-go
$ # Reference:
$ go install
Install goimports
$ go install
Install mockgen
$ # Reference:
$ go install
Install protoc-gen-validate and protoc-gen-validate-go
$ # Please download the binaries in
$ # Or:
$ go install
$ go install

Quick Start

Generation of Full Project

syntax = "proto3";
package helloworld;

option go_package = "";

// HelloRequest is hello request.
message HelloRequest {
  string msg = 1;

// HelloResponse is hello response.
message HelloResponse {
  string msg = 1;

// HelloWorldService handles hello request and echo message.
service HelloWorldService {
  // Hello says hello.
  rpc Hello(HelloRequest) returns(HelloResponse);
  • Using trpc-cmdline to generate a full project:
$ trpc create -p helloworld.proto -o out

Note: -p specifies proto file, -o specifies the output directory, for more information please run trpc -h and trpc create -h

  • Enter the output directory and start the server:
$ cd out
$ go run .
... trpc service:helloworld.HelloWorldService launch success, tcp:, serving ...
  • Open the output directory in another terminal and start the client:
$ go run cmd/client/main.go 
... simple  rpc   receive: 

Note: Since the implementation of server service is an empty operation and the client sends empty data, therefore the log shows that the simple rpc receives an empty string.

$ tree
|-- cmd
|   `-- client
|       `-- main.go  # Generated client code.
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
|-- hello_world_service.go  # Generated server service implementation.
|-- hello_world_service_test.go
|-- main.go  # Server entrypoint.
|-- stub  # Stub code.
|   `--
|       `-- some-repo
|           `-- examples
|               `-- helloworld
|                   |-- go.mod
|                   |-- helloworld.pb.go
|                   |-- helloworld.proto
|                   |-- helloworld.trpc.go
|                   `-- helloworld_mock.go
`-- trpc_go.yaml  # Configuration file for trpc-go.

Generation of RPC Stub

  • Simply add --rpconly flag to generate rpc stub instead of a full project:
$ trpc create -p helloworld.proto -o out --rpconly
$ tree out
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
|-- helloworld.pb.go
|-- helloworld.trpc.go
`-- helloworld_mock.go

Frequently Used Flags

The following lists some frequently used flags.

  • -f: Force overwrite the existing code.
  • -d some-dir: Search paths for pb files (including dependent pb files), can be specified multiple times.
  • --mock=false: Disable generation of mock stub code.
  • --nogomod=true: Do not generate go.mod file in the stub code, only effective when --rpconly=true, defaults to false.
  • -l cpp:Generate stub code for cpp.
  • --validate=true: Enables data validation. For detailed usage, see /docs/examples/example-2/

Note: The proto import paths for options like alias/gotag/validate/swagger usually vary:

  • trpc.alias: import "trpc/proto/trpc_options.proto";
  • trpc.go_tag: import "trpc/proto/trpc_options.proto";
  • validate.rules: import "validate/validate.proto";
  • trpc.swagger: import "trpc/swagger/swagger.proto";

For detailed usage, please refer to /docs/examples/example-2/

For additional flags please run trpc -h and trpc [subcmd] -h.


Please check Documentation


This project is open-source and accepts contributions. See the contribution guide for more information.