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traits.js website

Sources for the traits.js website.

Running locally

To run locally: jekyll serve

To update the traits.js repo:

  1. After git clone/git pull, do git submodule init and git submodule update
  2. Then cd traits.js
  3. and git checkout master.
  4. Now you can do git pull.
  5. To save your update, do cd .. and git commit traits.js -m "updated traits.js"

If you do work in the traits.js submodule:


  1. Make sure you have at least git 2.7 - see ---recurse-submodules
  2. Setup your config to push work in traits.js submodule: git config push.recurseSubmodules traits.js

From here on after 3. cd traits.js and do some work. 4. git commit -am "[your message]" 5. git push from traits.js-website/

If you do work in the traits.js submodule and you can't use git 2.7 then you have to do all of this every time:

  1. cd traits.js
  2. Do work in traits.js/
  3. git commit -am "[your message]" && git push
  4. cd ..
  5. git commit traits.js -m "updated traits.js"
  6. git push


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