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Wagtail Starter Kit - Django Project Template

This Django project template is designed for creating Wagtail builds quickly, intended for developers to bootstrap their Wagtail site development using wagtail start --template=. The template comes with pre-defined pages, blocks, functionalities, and fixtures to streamline the initial setup process.


  • Update fixtures and images to be more generic
  • Add some form of linting
  • Load in fonts locally
  • Add CI tasks
  • Finish or alter the footer's signup feature to link to a form page
  • Add support for wagtail search promotions
  • Style the related pages slideshow component
  • Accessibility,
    • Resolve contrast issues with button component
    • Windows High-Contrast mode support
  • Style other block types
  • Style other field types for form page

Getting Started

  1. Create a Virtual Environment: Set up a virtual environment to isolate your project dependencies.

    pyenv virtualenv 3.8 myproject
    pyenv activate myproject
  2. Install Wagtail: Install the Wagtail CMS package using pip.

    pip install wagtail
  3. Initialize Project: Use the Django startproject command to create a new project based on the Wagtail Starter Kit template.

    wagtail start myproject --template=<<path or git url>>
  4. Navigate to Project Directory: Move into the newly created project directory.

    cd myproject
  5. Load Dummy Data: Optionally load in some dummy data, to populate the site with some content.

    make load-data
  6. Start the Server: Start the Django development server.

    make start
  7. Access the Site and Admin: Once the server is running, you can view the site at localhost:8000 and access the Wagtail admin interface at localhost:8000/admin. Log in with the default credentials provided by :

    • Username: admin
    • Password: password


To customize this template for your specific project needs, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new project using the provided instructions in the Getting Started section.
  2. Make changes and customizations within the new project.
  3. Once you've completed your modifications, backport them to the original template. You can do this manually or by replacing occurrences of myproject with {{ project_name }} including the name for the app folder with project_name (without double curly brackets). before transferring the updated code to the root repository.
  4. Template files (.html), have to be modified using templatetag openblock. It may be easier to alter the root directory directly instead, however a general rule is to replace opening template tags with templatetag openblock and closing tags with templatetag closeblock, similary double curly braces will need to be replaced with templatetag openvariable.
  5. Copy any static assets accross using npm run build:prod and ./ collectstatic.
  6. Update fixtures using make dump-data

Happy coding with Wagtail! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to contribute or open an issue.