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task: various small improvements to LocalKey #4795

merged 8 commits into from Jun 30, 2022
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295 changes: 211 additions & 84 deletions tokio/src/task/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::error::Error;
use std::future::Future;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ macro_rules! __task_local_inner {

/// A key for task-local data.
/// This type is generated by the `task_local!` macro.
/// This type is generated by the [`task_local!`] macro.
/// Unlike [`std::thread::LocalKey`], `tokio::task::LocalKey` will
/// _not_ lazily initialize the value on first access. Instead, the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,7 +106,9 @@ macro_rules! __task_local_inner {
/// }).await;
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`std::thread::LocalKey`]: struct@std::thread::LocalKey
/// [`task_local!`]: ../macro.task_local.html
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "rt")))]
pub struct LocalKey<T: 'static> {
Expand All @@ -119,6 +120,11 @@ impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<T> {
/// On completion of `scope`, the task-local will be dropped.
/// ### Panics
/// If you poll the returned future inside a call to [`with`] or
/// [`try_with`] on the same `LocalKey`, then the call to `poll` will panic.
/// ### Examples
/// ```
Expand All @@ -132,14 +138,17 @@ impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<T> {
/// }).await;
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`with`]: fn@Self::with
/// [`try_with`]: fn@Self::try_with
pub fn scope<F>(&'static self, value: T, f: F) -> TaskLocalFuture<T, F>
F: Future,
TaskLocalFuture {
local: self,
slot: Some(value),
future: f,
future: Some(f),
_pinned: PhantomPinned,
Expand All @@ -148,6 +157,11 @@ impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<T> {
/// On completion of `scope`, the task-local will be dropped.
/// ### Panics
/// This method panics if called inside a call to [`with`] or [`try_with`]
/// on the same `LocalKey`.
/// ### Examples
/// ```
Expand All @@ -161,34 +175,85 @@ impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<T> {
/// });
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`with`]: fn@Self::with
/// [`try_with`]: fn@Self::try_with
pub fn sync_scope<F, R>(&'static self, value: T, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce() -> R,
let scope = TaskLocalFuture {
local: self,
slot: Some(value),
future: (),
_pinned: PhantomPinned,
scope.with_task(|_| f())
let mut value = Some(value);
match self.scope_inner(&mut value, f) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(ScopeInnerErr::BorrowError) => {
panic!("sync_scope called while Task Local Storage is borrowed")
Darksonn marked this conversation as resolved.
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Err(ScopeInnerErr::AccessError) => {
panic!("cannot access a Task Local Storage value during or after destruction")
Darksonn marked this conversation as resolved.
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fn scope_inner<F, R>(&'static self, slot: &mut Option<T>, f: F) -> Result<R, ScopeInnerErr>
F: FnOnce() -> R,
struct Guard<'a, T: 'static> {
local: &'static LocalKey<T>,
slot: &'a mut Option<T>,

impl<'a, T: 'static> Drop for Guard<'a, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// This should not panic.
// We know that the RefCell was not borrowed before the call to
// `scope_inner`, so the only way for this to panic is if the
// closure has created but not destroyed a RefCell guard.
Darksonn marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
// However, we never give user-code access to the guards, so
// there's no way for user-code to forget to destroy a guard.
// The call to `with` also should not panic, since the
// thread-local wasn't destroyed when we first called
// `scope_inner`, and it shouldn't have gotten destroyed since
// then.
self.local.inner.with(|inner| {
let mut ref_mut = inner.borrow_mut();
std::mem::swap(self.slot, &mut *ref_mut);
Darksonn marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

self.inner.try_with(|inner| {
.map(|mut ref_mut| std::mem::swap(slot, &mut *ref_mut))

let guard = Guard { local: self, slot };

let res = f();



/// Accesses the current task-local and runs the provided closure.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if not called within the context
/// of a future containing a task-local with the corresponding key.
/// This function will panic if the task local doesn't have a value set.
pub fn with<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,
"cannot access a Task Local Storage value \
without setting it via `LocalKey::set`",
match self.try_with(f) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(_) => panic!("cannot access a Task Local Storage value without setting it first"),
Darksonn marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

/// Accesses the current task-local and runs the provided closure.
Expand All @@ -200,19 +265,31 @@ impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<T> {
F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,
self.inner.with(|v| {
if let Some(val) = v.borrow().as_ref() {
} else {
Err(AccessError { _private: () })
// If called after the thread-local storing the task-local is destroyed,
// then we are outside of a closure where the task-local is set.
// Therefore, it is correct to return an AccessError if `try_with`
// returns an error.
let try_with_res = self.inner.try_with(|v| {
// This call to `borrow` cannot panic because no user-defined code
// runs while a `borrow_mut` call is active.

match try_with_res {
Ok(Some(res)) => Ok(res),
Ok(None) | Err(_) => Err(AccessError { _private: () }),

impl<T: Copy + 'static> LocalKey<T> {
/// Returns a copy of the task-local value
/// if the task-local value implements `Copy`.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if the task local doesn't have a value set.
pub fn get(&'static self) -> T {
self.with(|v| *v)
Expand All @@ -224,76 +301,109 @@ impl<T: 'static> fmt::Debug for LocalKey<T> {

pin_project! {
/// A future that sets a value `T` of a task local for the future `F` during
/// its execution.
/// The value of the task-local must be `'static` and will be dropped on the
/// completion of the future.
/// Created by the function [`LocalKey::scope`](self::LocalKey::scope).
/// ### Examples
/// ```
/// # async fn dox() {
/// tokio::task_local! {
/// static NUMBER: u32;
/// }
/// NUMBER.scope(1, async move {
/// println!("task local value: {}", NUMBER.get());
/// }).await;
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct TaskLocalFuture<T, F>
T: 'static
local: &'static LocalKey<T>,
slot: Option<T>,
future: F,
_pinned: PhantomPinned,
/// A future that sets a value `T` of a task local for the future `F` during
/// its execution.
/// The value of the task-local must be `'static` and will be dropped on the
/// completion of the future.
/// Created by the function [`LocalKey::scope`](self::LocalKey::scope).
/// ### Examples
/// ```
/// # async fn dox() {
/// tokio::task_local! {
/// static NUMBER: u32;
/// }
/// NUMBER.scope(1, async move {
/// println!("task local value: {}", NUMBER.get());
/// }).await;
/// # }
/// ```
// Doesn't use pin_project due to custom Drop.
pub struct TaskLocalFuture<T, F>
T: 'static,
local: &'static LocalKey<T>,
slot: Option<T>,
future: Option<F>,
_pinned: PhantomPinned,

impl<T: 'static, F> TaskLocalFuture<T, F> {
fn with_task<F2: FnOnce(Pin<&mut F>) -> R, R>(self: Pin<&mut Self>, f: F2) -> R {
struct Guard<'a, T: 'static> {
local: &'static LocalKey<T>,
slot: &'a mut Option<T>,
prev: Option<T>,

impl<T> Drop for Guard<'_, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let value = self.local.inner.with(|c| c.replace(self.prev.take()));
*self.slot = value;
impl<T: 'static, F: Future> Future for TaskLocalFuture<T, F> {
type Output = F::Output;

let project = self.project();
let val = project.slot.take();
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// safety: The TaskLocalFuture struct is `!Unpin` so there is no way to
// move `self.future` from now on.
let this = unsafe { Pin::into_inner_unchecked(self) };
let mut future_opt = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut this.future) };

let prev = project.local.inner.with(|c| c.replace(val));
let res =
.scope_inner(&mut this.slot, || match future_opt.as_mut().as_pin_mut() {
Some(fut) => {
let res = fut.poll(cx);
if res.is_ready() {
None => None,

let _guard = Guard {
slot: project.slot,
local: *project.local,
match res {
Ok(Some(res)) => res,
Ok(None) => panic!("TaskLocalFuture polled after completion"),
Err(ScopeInnerErr::BorrowError) => {
panic!("TaskLocalFuture::poll called while task local is borrowed")
Err(ScopeInnerErr::AccessError) => {
panic!("cannot access a Task Local Storage value during or after destruction")
Darksonn marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
Darksonn marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

impl<T: 'static, F> Drop for TaskLocalFuture<T, F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if std::mem::needs_drop::<F>() && self.future.is_some() {
// Drop the future while the task-local is set, if possible. Otherwise
// the future is dropped normally when the `Option<F>` field drops.
let future = &mut self.future;
let _ = self.local.scope_inner(&mut self.slot, || {
*future = None;

impl<T: 'static, F: Future> Future for TaskLocalFuture<T, F> {
type Output = F::Output;
impl<T: 'static, F> fmt::Debug for TaskLocalFuture<T, F>
T: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// Format the Option without Some.
struct TransparentOption<'a, T> {
value: &'a Option<T>,
impl<'a, T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for TransparentOption<'a, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self.value.as_ref() {
Some(value) => value.fmt(f),
// Hitting the None branch should not be possible.
None => f.pad("<missing>"),

fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
self.with_task(|f| f.poll(cx))
.field("value", &TransparentOption { value: &self.slot })

Expand All @@ -316,3 +426,20 @@ impl fmt::Display for AccessError {

impl Error for AccessError {}

enum ScopeInnerErr {

impl From<std::cell::BorrowMutError> for ScopeInnerErr {
fn from(_: std::cell::BorrowMutError) -> Self {

impl From<std::thread::AccessError> for ScopeInnerErr {
fn from(_: std::thread::AccessError) -> Self {