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Releases: threeplanetssoftware/apple_cloud_notes_parser

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.16.2

18 Mar 10:12
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Fixed these bugs

  • Updated how thumbnails are used to generate links for HTML. This should result in a lot less "Image missing" errors, especially on Mac backups.

Full Changelog: v0.16.1...v0.16.2

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.16.2-beta

16 Mar 17:13
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Ensuring new release flow works correctly.

Full Changelog: v0.16.1...v0.16.2-beta

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.16.1

16 Mar 16:22
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Fixed these bugs:

  • Mac Backups were looking for a file which is not apparently universally available.

Full Changelog: v0.16...v0.16.1

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.16

15 Mar 02:42
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Added explicit support for the following Uniform Type Identifiers:

  • com.netscape.javascript-source

Added the following features:

  • Now pulling AppleFolder parent information from ZSERVERRECORDDDATA
  • Miscellaneous refactoring of classes to decouple them better
  • AppleDecrypter now returns the number of passwords it added from a specific file
  • Improved Folder output such that --individual-file users can navigate the whole project
  • Null bytes in Note text will now appear as the Unicode Null Byte character (U+2400)

Fixed the following bugs:

  • Applying the wrong file extension to iOS17 thumbnails
  • Overwriting the plaintext AppleNotesEmbeddedTable table with the HTML version every time
  • Stopped adding empty tags when a part of an AttributeRun was empty

Full Changelog: v0.15.3...v0.16

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.15.3

12 Jan 11:28
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Added cosign --yes option.

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.15

12 Jan 10:29
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Added explicit support for the following Uniform Type Identifier:

  • org.xiph.ogg-audio
  • public.heic

Added the following features:

  • Added a data-apple-notes-zidentifier element to links in HTML that point to embedded objects, providing the embedded object's original ZIDENTIFIER.
  • Added links to HTML output when ``--individual-files` is specified to enable browsing through the whole corpus without having to open new tabs.

Fixed the following bugs:

  • Bumped minimum version of 'cgi' gem to 0.3.3
  • Fixed how blockquotes are handled (thanks @GUI )

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.14.1-beta

03 Oct 01:51
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Added check to ensure zgeneration exists.

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.14.0-beta

29 Sep 11:58
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Initial beta release supporting changes to iOS 17. Given the scope of changes, bugs are expected, please file a bug report if you find one!

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.13.0

05 Jul 02:20
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Major Additions (courtesy of @ggilder):

  • Added --individual-files switch to produce individual HTML files instead of one monster file.
  • Added --uuid switch to refer to AppleNotes and AppleNotesFolders by their UUIDs and not primary keys.

Apple Cloud Notes Parser v0.12.3

06 May 00:07
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Adding arm64 support for Docker.