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Telos App (app-telos-net)

Main Net Netlify Status

Test Net Netlify Status

Staging Netlify Status


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Note regarding Node version

It is recommended to use Node version 16.10.0

Using nvm: nvm use 16.10.0

Do not use uneven versions of Node i.e. 13, 15, etc. These versions are not tested with Quasar and often cause issues due to their experimental nature. We highly recommend always using the LTS version of Node.

Set up Environment variables

network environment variables (testnet or mainnet) are set by a single variable in .env and loaded into quasar.conf.js from env.js.

cp .env.example .env

Install the dependencies

Note: requires Node version >=16.0.0


Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

yarn dev

Lint the files

yarn lint

yarn lint:fix

Build the app for production

yarn build

Environment variables

Mainnet or testnet settings are toggled via the MAINNET var in .env which loads the tesnet or mainnet variables set in env.js into quasar.config.js

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.config.js.