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Add ArrayVec::resize and friends
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Fixes bluss#72.
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tbu- committed Nov 1, 2017
1 parent 8a25e7f commit d584e1f
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Expand Up @@ -597,6 +597,190 @@ impl<A: Array> ArrayVec<A> {

impl<A: Array> ArrayVec<A>
where A::Item: Clone,
/// Resizes the `ArrayVec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`.
/// Does the same thing as `try_resize`, but panics on error instead of
/// returning it as a `Result`.
pub fn resize(&mut self, new_len: usize, value: A::Item) {
self.try_resize(new_len, value).unwrap()

/// Resizes the `ArrayVec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`.
/// If `new_len` is greater than `len`, the `ArrayVec` is extended by the
/// difference, with each additional slot filled with `value`. If `new_len`
/// is less than `len`, the `ArrayVec` is simply truncated.
/// This method requires `Clone` to clone the passed value. If you'd rather
/// create a value with `Default` instead, see `try_resize_default`.
/// If the capacity of the `ArrayVec` is smaller than the passed `new_len`,
/// an error is returned, and no changes to the `ArrayVec` is made.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
/// let mut vec: ArrayVec<[_; 4]> = ArrayVec::new();
/// vec.push("hello");
/// assert!(vec.try_resize(3, "world").is_ok());
/// assert_eq!(&vec[..], &["hello", "world", "world"]);
/// let mut vec: ArrayVec<[_; 4]> = (1..5).collect();
/// assert!(vec.try_resize(2, 0).is_ok());
/// assert_eq!(&vec[..], &[1, 2]);
/// ```
pub fn try_resize(&mut self, new_len: usize, value: A::Item)
-> Result<(), CapacityError>
let len = self.len();
if new_len > len {
self.extend_with(new_len - len, ExtendElement(value))
} else {

impl<A: Array> ArrayVec<A>
where A::Item: Default,
/// Resizes the `ArrayVec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`.
/// Does the same thing as `try_resize_default`, but panics on error
/// instead of returning it as a `Result`.
pub fn resize_default(&mut self, new_len: usize) {

/// Resizes the `ArrayVec` in-place so that `len` is equal to `new_len`.
/// If `new_len` is greater than `len`, the `ArrayVec` is extended by the
/// difference, with each additional slot filled with `Default::default()`.
/// If `new_len` is less than `len`, the `ArrayVec` is simply truncated.
/// This method uses `Default` to create new values on every push. If you'd
/// rather `Clone` a given value, use `try_resize`.
/// If the capacity of the `ArrayVec` is smaller than the passed `new_len`,
/// an error is returned, and no changes to the `ArrayVec` is made.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
/// let mut vec: ArrayVec<[_; 8]> = (1..4).collect();
/// assert!(vec.try_resize_default(5).is_ok());
/// assert_eq!(&vec[..], &[1, 2, 3, 0, 0]);
/// let mut vec: ArrayVec<[_; 4]> = (1..5).collect();
/// assert!(vec.try_resize_default(2).is_ok());
/// assert_eq!(&vec[..], &[1, 2]);
/// ```
pub fn try_resize_default(&mut self, new_len: usize)
-> Result<(), CapacityError>
let len = self.len();
if new_len > len {
self.extend_with(new_len - len, ExtendDefault)
} else {

trait ExtendWith<T> {
fn next(&self) -> T;
fn last(self) -> T;

struct ExtendElement<T>(T);
impl<T: Clone> ExtendWith<T> for ExtendElement<T> {
fn next(&self) -> T { self.0.clone() }
fn last(self) -> T { self.0 }

struct ExtendDefault;
impl<T: Default> ExtendWith<T> for ExtendDefault {
fn next(&self) -> T { Default::default() }
fn last(self) -> T { Default::default() }

impl<A: Array> ArrayVec<A> {
/// Extend the vector by `n` values, using the given generator.
/// Doesn't extend the vector and returns an error if the number of added
/// elements exceed the capacity of the underlying array.
fn extend_with<E: ExtendWith<A::Item>>(&mut self, n: usize, value: E)
-> Result<(), CapacityError>
if self.len() + n > self.capacity() {
return Err(CapacityError::new(()));
unsafe {
let mut ptr = self.as_mut_ptr().offset(self.len() as isize);
// Use `SetLenOnDrop` to work around bug where the compiler may not
// realize the store through `ptr` and `self.set_len()` don't
// alias.
let mut local_len = SetLenOnDrop::new(&mut self.len);

// Write all elements except the last one
for _ in 1..n {
ptr = ptr.offset(1);
// Increment the length in every step in case `next()` panics.

if n > 0 {
// We can write the last element directly without cloning
// needlessly.
ptr::write(ptr, value.last());

// `len` set by scope guard

/// Set the length of the vec when the `SetLenOnDrop` value goes out of scope.
/// The idea is: The length field in `SetLenOnDrop` is a local variable that
/// the optimizer will see does not alias with any stores through `ArrayVec`'s
/// data pointer. This is a workaround for alias analysis issue #32155.
struct SetLenOnDrop<'a, I: Index+'a> {
len: &'a mut I,
local_len: I,

impl<'a, I: Index> SetLenOnDrop<'a, I> {
fn new(len: &'a mut I) -> Self {
SetLenOnDrop { local_len: *len, len: len }

fn increment_len(&mut self, increment: usize) {
self.local_len = Index::from(self.local_len.to_usize() + increment);

impl<'a, I: Index> Drop for SetLenOnDrop<'a, I> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
*self.len = self.local_len;

impl<A: Array> Deref for ArrayVec<A> {
type Target = [A::Item];
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