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Optimize docker container usage #1232

Optimize docker container usage

Optimize docker container usage #1232

Re-run triggered November 16, 2023 07:21
Status Success
Total duration 2m 35s


on: pull_request
Matrix: test
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20 errors
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, ubuntu-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected ';', found '['
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected '}', found 'type'
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
illegal character U+007E '~'
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected ']', found any
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected ']', found query
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected ']', found ','
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected ';', found '['
test (1.17.x, macos-latest)
expected '}', found 'type'