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(fix) store rework (#1531)
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Reworks $store handling in the code base. Previously, svelte2tsx would transform $store access to something like (__get(store), $store). This is now no longer the case. This means we need to add some extra code to some of the intellisense features:

- if someone renames a $store, store also needs to be renamed and vice versa
- if someone wants to find references of a $store, we also need to find store references and vice versa
- if someone wants to go to the definition of a $store, we need to reroute that to store
- if someone wants to go to the implementation of a $store, we need to reroute that to store
diagnostics of wrong $store usages need to be handled

This means some more code overall, but I feel it's the better choice since we had so many edge cases with our transformation other time, and #1475 being an upstream bug we cannot solve ourselves but need to solve for the new transformation.
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dummdidumm committed Jun 21, 2022
1 parent c44706a commit e91eeba
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Showing 99 changed files with 1,053 additions and 807 deletions.
45 changes: 33 additions & 12 deletions packages/language-server/src/plugins/typescript/TypeScriptPlugin.ts
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,11 @@ import { SemanticTokensProviderImpl } from './features/SemanticTokensProvider';
import { SignatureHelpProviderImpl } from './features/SignatureHelpProvider';
import { TypeDefinitionProviderImpl } from './features/TypeDefinitionProvider';
import { UpdateImportsProviderImpl } from './features/UpdateImportsProvider';
import { isNoTextSpanInGeneratedCode, SnapshotMap } from './features/utils';
import {
} from './features/utils';
import { LSAndTSDocResolver } from './LSAndTSDocResolver';
import { ignoredBuildDirectories } from './SnapshotManager';
import { isAttributeName, isAttributeShorthand, isEventHandler } from './svelte-ast-utils';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,19 +348,36 @@ export class TypeScriptPlugin

const result = await Promise.all( (def) => {
const snapshot = await snapshots.retrieve(def.fileName);
if (def.fileName.endsWith('svelte-shims.d.ts')) {

if (
!def.fileName.endsWith('svelte-shims.d.ts') &&
isNoTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), def.textSpan)
) {
return LocationLink.create(
convertToLocationRange(snapshot, def.textSpan),
convertToLocationRange(snapshot, def.textSpan),
convertToLocationRange(tsDoc, defs.textSpan)
let snapshot = await snapshots.retrieve(def.fileName);

// Go from generated $store to store if user wants to find definition for $store
if (isTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), def.textSpan)) {
if (
) {
// there will be exactly one definition, the store
def = lang.getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(
tsDoc.getFullText().indexOf(');', def.textSpan.start) - 1
snapshot = await snapshots.retrieve(def.fileName);

return LocationLink.create(
convertToLocationRange(snapshot, def.textSpan),
convertToLocationRange(snapshot, def.textSpan),
convertToLocationRange(tsDoc, defs.textSpan)
return result.filter(isNotNullOrUndefined);
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import { DocumentSnapshot, SvelteDocumentSnapshot } from '../DocumentSnapshot';
import { LSAndTSDocResolver } from '../LSAndTSDocResolver';
import { changeSvelteComponentName, convertRange } from '../utils';
import { CompletionsProviderImpl } from './CompletionProvider';
import { findContainingNode, isNoTextSpanInGeneratedCode, SnapshotMap } from './utils';
import { findContainingNode, isTextSpanInGeneratedCode, SnapshotMap } from './utils';

* TODO change this to protocol constant if it's part of the protocol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ export class CodeActionsProviderImpl implements CodeActionsProvider {

if (!isNoTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), edit.span)) {
if (isTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), edit.span)) {
return undefined;

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ import {
} from './utils';
import { not, flatten, passMap, regexIndexOf, swapRangeStartEndIfNecessary } from '../../../utils';
import { LSConfigManager } from '../../../ls-config';
Expand All @@ -37,7 +39,8 @@ enum DiagnosticCode {
MULTIPLE_PROPS_SAME_NAME = 1117, // "An object literal cannot have multiple properties with the same name in strict mode."
TYPE_X_NOT_ASSIGNABLE_TO_TYPE_Y = 2345, // "Argument of type '..' is not assignable to parameter of type '..'."
MISSING_PROPS = 2739, // "Type '...' is missing the following properties from type '..': ..."
MISSING_PROP = 2741 // "Property '..' is missing in type '..' but required in type '..'."
MISSING_PROP = 2741, // "Property '..' is missing in type '..' but required in type '..'."
NO_OVERLOAD_MATCHES_CALL = 2769 // "No overload matches this call"

export class DiagnosticsProviderImpl implements DiagnosticsProvider {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,9 +83,40 @@ export class DiagnosticsProviderImpl implements DiagnosticsProvider {
diagnostics = diagnostics
.filter(isNotGenerated(tsDoc.getText(0, tsDoc.getLength())))

const additionalStoreDiagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] = [];
const notGenerated = isNotGenerated(tsDoc.getFullText());
for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) {
if (
(diagnostic.code === DiagnosticCode.NO_OVERLOAD_MATCHES_CALL ||
diagnostic.code === DiagnosticCode.TYPE_X_NOT_ASSIGNABLE_TO_TYPE_Y) &&
) {
if (isStoreVariableIn$storeDeclaration(tsDoc.getFullText(), diagnostic.start!)) {
const storeName = tsDoc
.substring(diagnostic.start!, diagnostic.start! + diagnostic.length!);
const storeUsages = lang.findReferences(
get$storeOffsetOf$storeDeclaration(tsDoc.getFullText(), diagnostic.start!)
for (const storeUsage of storeUsages) {
messageText: `Cannot use '${storeName}' as a store. '${storeName}' needs to be an object with a subscribe method on it.\n\n${ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(
start: storeUsage.textSpan.start,
length: storeUsage.textSpan.length

diagnostics = diagnostics.filter(notGenerated).filter(not(isUnusedReactiveStatementLabel));
diagnostics = resolveNoopsInReactiveStatements(lang, diagnostics);

return diagnostics
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { FindComponentReferencesProvider } from '../../interfaces';
import { DocumentSnapshot, SvelteDocumentSnapshot } from '../DocumentSnapshot';
import { LSAndTSDocResolver } from '../LSAndTSDocResolver';
import { convertToLocationRange, hasNonZeroRange } from '../utils';
import { isNoTextSpanInGeneratedCode, SnapshotMap } from './utils';
import { isTextSpanInGeneratedCode, SnapshotMap } from './utils';

const COMPONENT_SUFFIX = '__SvelteComponent_';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export class FindComponentReferencesProviderImpl implements FindComponentReferen

const snapshot = await snapshots.retrieve(ref.fileName);

if (!isNoTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), ref.textSpan)) {
if (isTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), ref.textSpan)) {
return null;

Expand Down
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
import type ts from 'typescript';
import { Location, Position, ReferenceContext } from 'vscode-languageserver';
import { Document } from '../../../lib/documents';
import { flatten, isNotNullOrUndefined, pathToUrl } from '../../../utils';
import { FindReferencesProvider } from '../../interfaces';
import { SvelteDocumentSnapshot } from '../DocumentSnapshot';
import { LSAndTSDocResolver } from '../LSAndTSDocResolver';
import { convertToLocationRange, hasNonZeroRange } from '../utils';
import { isNoTextSpanInGeneratedCode, SnapshotMap } from './utils';
import {
} from './utils';

export class FindReferencesProviderImpl implements FindReferencesProvider {
constructor(private readonly lsAndTsDocResolver: LSAndTSDocResolver) {}
Expand All @@ -16,48 +25,129 @@ export class FindReferencesProviderImpl implements FindReferencesProvider {
): Promise<Location[] | null> {
const { lang, tsDoc } = await this.getLSAndTSDoc(document);

const references = lang.findReferences(
const rawReferences = lang.findReferences(
if (!references) {
if (!rawReferences) {
return null;

const snapshots = new SnapshotMap(this.lsAndTsDocResolver);
snapshots.set(tsDoc.filePath, tsDoc);

const references = flatten( => ref.references));
references.push(...(await this.getStoreReferences(references, tsDoc, snapshots, lang)));

const locations = await Promise.all(
flatten( => ref.references)).map(async (ref) => {
if (!context.includeDeclaration && ref.isDefinition) {
return null;

const snapshot = await snapshots.retrieve(ref.fileName);

if (!isNoTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), ref.textSpan)) {
return null;

const location = Location.create(
convertToLocationRange(snapshot, ref.textSpan)

// Some references are in generated code but not wrapped with explicit ignore comments.
// These show up as zero-length ranges, so filter them out.
if (!hasNonZeroRange(location)) {
return null;

return location;
}) (ref) => this.mapReference(ref, context, snapshots))

return (
// Possible $store references are added afterwards, sort for correct order

* If references of a $store are searched, also find references for the corresponding store
* and vice versa.
private async getStoreReferences(
references: ts.ReferencedSymbolEntry[],
tsDoc: SvelteDocumentSnapshot,
snapshots: SnapshotMap,
lang: ts.LanguageService
): Promise<ts.ReferencedSymbolEntry[]> {
// If user started finding references at $store, find references for store, too
let storeReferences: ts.ReferencedSymbolEntry[] = [];
const storeReference = references.find(
(ref) =>
ref.fileName === tsDoc.filePath &&
isTextSpanInGeneratedCode(tsDoc.getFullText(), ref.textSpan) &&
is$storeVariableIn$storeDeclaration(tsDoc.getFullText(), ref.textSpan.start)
if (storeReference) {
const additionalReferences =
) || [];
storeReferences = flatten( => ref.references));

// If user started finding references at store, find references for $store, too
// If user started finding references at $store, find references for $store in other files
const $storeReferences: ts.ReferencedSymbolEntry[] = [];
for (const ref of [...references, ...storeReferences]) {
const snapshot = await snapshots.retrieve(ref.fileName);
if (
isTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), ref.textSpan) &&
isStoreVariableIn$storeDeclaration(snapshot.getFullText(), ref.textSpan.start)
) {
if (storeReference?.fileName === ref.fileName) {
// $store in X -> usages of store -> store in X -> we would add duplicate $store references

const additionalReferences =
get$storeOffsetOf$storeDeclaration(snapshot.getFullText(), ref.textSpan.start)
) || [];
$storeReferences.push(...flatten( => ref.references)));

return [...storeReferences, ...$storeReferences];

private async mapReference(
ref: ts.ReferencedSymbolEntry,
context: ReferenceContext,
snapshots: SnapshotMap
) {
if (!context.includeDeclaration && ref.isDefinition) {
return null;

const snapshot = await snapshots.retrieve(ref.fileName);

if (isTextSpanInGeneratedCode(snapshot.getFullText(), ref.textSpan)) {
return null;

const location = Location.create(
convertToLocationRange(snapshot, ref.textSpan)

return locations.filter(isNotNullOrUndefined);
// Some references are in generated code but not wrapped with explicit ignore comments.
// These show up as zero-length ranges, so filter them out.
if (!hasNonZeroRange(location)) {
return null;

return location;

private async getLSAndTSDoc(document: Document) {
return this.lsAndTsDocResolver.getLSAndTSDoc(document);

function sortLocationByFileAndRange(l1: Location, l2: Location): number {
const localeCompare = l1.uri.localeCompare(l2.uri);
return localeCompare === 0
? (l1.range.start.line - l2.range.start.line) * 10000 +
(l1.range.start.character - l2.range.start.character)
: localeCompare;
Expand Up @@ -20,28 +20,11 @@ export class HoverProviderImpl implements HoverProvider {

const offset = tsDoc.offsetAt(tsDoc.getGeneratedPosition(position));
let info = lang.getQuickInfoAtPosition(tsDoc.filePath, offset);
const info = lang.getQuickInfoAtPosition(tsDoc.filePath, offset);
if (!info) {
return null;

const textSpan = info.textSpan;

// show docs of $store instead of store if necessary
const is$store = tsDoc
.substring(0, info.textSpan.start)
if (is$store) {
const infoFor$store = lang.getQuickInfoAtPosition(
textSpan.start + textSpan.length + 3
if (infoFor$store) {
info = infoFor$store;

const declaration = ts.displayPartsToString(info.displayParts);
const documentation = getMarkdownDocumentation(info.documentation, info.tags);

Expand All @@ -51,7 +34,7 @@ export class HoverProviderImpl implements HoverProvider {

return mapObjWithRangeToOriginal(tsDoc, {
range: convertRange(tsDoc, textSpan),
range: convertRange(tsDoc, info.textSpan),
Expand Down

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