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♿ accessibility
♿ accessibility
Improves usability
🗂 astro-template
🗂 astro-template
🐞 bug
🐞 bug
Something isn't working as it should
🗂 circuit-ui
🗂 circuit-ui
🗂 cna-template
🗂 cna-template
⚛️ component
⚛️ component
Changes to a React component
📦 dependencies
📦 dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🎨 design
🎨 design
Requires input from designers
🗂 design-tokens
🗂 design-tokens
⛔ do not merge
⛔ do not merge
There is a blocker
📋 documentation
📋 documentation
Adds or improves documentation
🗂 eslint-plugin-circuit-ui
🗂 eslint-plugin-circuit-ui
A new feature or enhancement
good first issue
good first issue
A beginner-friendly task
help wanted
help wanted
Looking for contributions
🗂 icons
🗂 icons
⏳ needs more info
⏳ needs more info
Requested further details from the issue reporter
❓ question
❓ question
Something isn't clear
🚢 ready to merge
🚢 ready to merge
Automatically merge the PR once all requirements are met
🗂 remix-template
🗂 remix-template
Request for comment
🗂 stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui
🗂 stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui
🛠️ tech
🛠️ tech
Changes to the tech stack or infrastructure
This issue won't be addressed